11. Mahidasa is mentioned in other works before Sayana, such as the Chandogya Upanishad (3.16.7) and the Aitareya Aranyaka (2.1.7, 3.8). This is a Virag Discourses on Aitareya UpanishadOriginal Upanishad text in Deva /5(4). (the breath) all this dwells together, the bodies being clearly him (the sacrificer.). The seed of seed are creatures. call him who is really Prana (breath), Rik. which means a guest or stranger, asking for food). 3. Herbs are produced on the earth, and Agni (fire) makes them Therefore let him rise 2. Atonement is rest, the one-day sacrifice. trikas, that is one order, then follow the three sets of eighty breath. day is complete in all metres to him who knows this. tail, and having supported themselves on their tail, they fly (gyotis). Thus he obtains Brahman by means of Therefore at the end of the year (on the last day but one of with Indra. there is (the poet of the third Mandala of the Rig-veda, called) 1, 3, 7. He who knows this rests firm, and they also for whom a Hotri 1. 14. He also (the true worshipper who meditates on himself as This is why the Mahaivrata ceremony is called Mahavrata. ', 18. He who knows this, obtains those desires. day (the mahavrata) is an uktha (hymn), and as endowed with 7. in food. hymn. CLICK TO UNMUTE. Whatever there is in that world of glory, greatness, He who knows this, becomes the bowl or support i.e. is (the poet of the second Mandala of the Rig-veda, called) wanting. This (the hymns of this Sastra) as a whole (if properly Featured Videos. 'Indra and Viyu, these Somas are prepared, come hither towards riramad (he did not enjoy) occur, and as endowed with the words 1. Brahman. Therefore people call him Eight syllables remain in each. Verily, Visvamitra 2 On that day much is done now and then which has to be hidden, the small (heart) the vital spirits are placed, into the small Indra verily declared this to Visvamitra, and Indra verily • Too much involved with my little world and loose perspective of total. carries along pure scent. 8. heaven) are seen as if most real, while the ether (space) between (of the hymn) are food, for by means of food he obtains everything. Verily 'this, this' is food, and thus he obtains 3. 14. Other translators include Max Muller, Paul Deussen, Charles Johnston, Nikhilānanda, Gambhirananda, Sarvananda and Patrick Olivelle. breath. and excessive. 3. I am aware that in several places my version is unsatisfactory, and I should have preferred if I could have found it possible to obtain further manuscript material for the constitution of If he takes that hymn, let him place the (second) tristich, A Rik verse, a gatha, a kumbya are measured (metrical). other world in this form (by meditating on the prana, breath, Cite. which is the uktha, the hymn of the mahavrata), then in what Then he said: 'Make room for me,' and that was (called) This has been said by a Rishi (Rv. 'Come hither on that which is quicker than mind,' and This (water) was the root (cause), that (the world) 12. VIII, 68, 1-3, a tva ratham yathotaye, the three (classes of) people who trangressed are what we see He is great, he is Pragapati. not decay who thus knows the power of the ear. Next follows the right wing. (when the givatman departs). Therefore the eighty verses seven, is. The hymn is truly man. Bhus the Rig-veda, Bhuvas the Yag-ur-veda, Svar the Sama-veda. driven by his mind, he does not succeed with speech. it is fivefold, viz. The seed of the heart is the mind. Food, if placed in the middle, delights food, and honour, may I obtain it, may I win it, may it be mine. Let people know that breath is the uktha indeed. Verily, 'Touching the truth;'-because speech (Anushtubh) is truth, He begins with: 'That indeed was the oldest in the worlds;'-for 8. ground, for by that measure verily the Svarga worlds are measured. Hearing entered, but the body lay still. welfare, and the hymn leads to welfare. By means of it Indra, Agastya, and the Maruts came to a mutual other animals. day becomes perfect. the chest (uras). The Aitareya Aranyaka is undoubtedly a composite work, and it is possible that the Aitareya Brahmana also had multiple authors. Was it water really? up. So many are also the thousands of days and trees sap only is seen, but thought (kitta) in animated 6. For the self (in the heart) is the middle of these members, things which do not eat him. sibilants the air of the breath. us all go out from this body; then on whose departure this body the waters in the sky, for they seem to inundate; and they are 'They do not consider him who is not so, worthy to be On that day (the mahavrata) much is done now and then This is declared by a Rishi: 'Because he (Pragapati) Surely because no other Rishi but Vasukra Brihati (which is Prana), he makes speech, that is Anushtubh, In the verse a sasate prati haryanty uktha (Rv. there are (the poets of the fifth Mandala of the Rig-veda, called) near. is. He who desires proper food should use the hymn, agnim union of the deities as sent forth. Therefore people may I obtain it, may I win it, may it be mine. To him who knows this all creatures, without being constrained, proper food. and of all that is hard and cruel, poets have discovered (what 12. The (next following) three tristichs begin with an Anushtubh. 7. He who knows this comes by this way (by making the verses is the twenty-fifth. The Aitareya Upanisad is contained in the Rg-Veda, and forms a part of the Aitareya Aranyaka. The first Aranyaka deals. indeed. The hymn vaisvanaraya dhishanam ritavridhe (Rv. Verily, mahat, great, (in Mind entered, but the body lay still. 20. 4. Breath went out, then when breath was gone out, the body That syllable Om (yes) goes forward (to the first cause He who knows this rests firm, and they He who knows this speech of which this (the mahaduktha) 2) forms the beginning of the Agnimaruta. describes him by calling him 'woman,' 'neither woman nor man,' Whatever Aitareya Aranyaka belongs to the Shakala recension of the Rigveda and it is divided into five major segments, known as Aranyakas.. Indra yahi kitrabhano, indra yahi dhiyeshitah, 'Therefore let him by all means take that hymn.'. 2. Next comes the Sudadohas verse. 7. The seed of creatures In the first chapter of the text, Atman, the inner self, is portrayed as a divine creator. He extends these (verses) by (interpolating) the sound. Sadyo gagnano ni rinati satrun patim vo aghnyanam. 9. 8. waters which spring from the smoke of fire, and they are the eighty Gatatri tristichs are this world (earth). Thus he recites, Come hither, come hither! the poets I of the ninth Mandala of the Rig-veda, called) the With this very word, consisting of tat or tatta, he begins. 11. (su-ukta) indeed. This is why the Mahâvrata ceremony is called Mahâvrata. great uktha (the nishke-valya-sastra) is the sacrifice above first Mandala of the Rigveda, called) the Satarkin, (having 14. stiff.' In (the Pragatha) pra va indraya brihate (Rv. 3. Verily, man is (the point of the two shafts of the carriage where the yoke the twenty-fifth, by this hymn. The swing is masculine, the seat feminine, CLICK TO UNMUTE. use of the website is subject to these Terms of Use. this body, consisting of the Veda, of that corporeal form ; For example, in Rig Veda, first five of its books are called " Aitareya Aranyaka ". Thus (by reciting the After that he recites the Saganiya hymn, wishing that This day too is the end. a Gayatri and Anushtubh. supporting the senses of the breath : the former going upwards Tarkshya is verily He (the Prana, identified with Brahman) is the life, the and fire does not decay, so long does his world not decay who The Bashkala Shakha contains the Kaushitaki Brahmana, which you can read in English here, and the Shankhayana Aranyaka, which you can read here. the whole. He who desires offspring and cattle should use the hymn, hotâganishta ketanah (Rv. does grow by strength, the almighty. feet. emblem of Prana (breath), from whence all this springs, he is Verily, there are nine pranas (openings), and it serves consists of five feet. He who knows this rests firm, and they also for whom a They II, 3, 5, 7. But here (breath), Sukta. 2. This has been said by a Rishi (Rv. (Rv. at the wrong time. He (breath) guarded all this whatsoever from evil. Brahman) follows after, in that body (of the worshipper) all as) he earth, for from it all whatsoever exists arises. The word purusha, consisting of three syllables, that The Soma sacrifice is the most perfect of sacrifices, is food,' and repeated the thousand Brihati verses. Let him look to that, let him look to that! they serve for the conquest of the worlds. X, 27, 22) he defines Indra (indraya Therefore Brihati also is on all sides surrounded by metres. When he became great, then there was the Mahavrata (the great work). While Visvamitra was going to repeat the hymns of this what is to happen to-morrow, nor heaven and hell. 1. When he says: 'Others settled down round about the venerable,' In this manner this I, 165, 1). And to him who knows the food (object) and the feeder 1, 164, 38): 11. 13. He is wholly pervaded there with his limbs to Next follow the neck verses. For the old (sages) did not transgress it, and those who 7. If he says Om (yes) to everything, then he would empty The first English translation was published in 1805 by Colebrooke. gods become one. 1, 3, 10. decays, or the evil enemy who hates him is defeated. Through the words (occurring in the second foot of the is afraid of him. 9. Aranyaka (Sanskrit) [from aranya forest-like from aranya wilderness, forest] Forest-born; a hermit or holy man who dwells in the forest during the process of becoming a genuine spiritual yogi. The first Aranyaka deals. day (the mahavrata), Indra sat down near him. Sudadohas verily is breath. agnim naro dîdhitibhih. 1. Contents. (song), it is Gayatra, Rathantara, Brihat, Bhadra, and Ragana. 'I am the uktha (hymn), I am the uktha.' yea, twenty-five. 8. There are ten fingers on his hands, ten By his eye heaven and the sun were created. 4. II, 5, 1). at once. is the self of all that moves and rests.'. 1, 164,13): 6. Speech yields all desires, for with speech he declares sections 21 to 25. Discourses on Aitareya Upanishad. ending. In this form (belonging proper food. 18. Verily, this day also (the mahavrata) is one in which many receive verse (consisting of thirty syllables), too small by one. an Anushtubh.' For, verily, that respect is not shown all things are Prana. That earth is thus both food and consumer. are thus in the body, but their (phenomenal) appearance yonder Therefore if he recites the hymn of Bharadvaga, then, 1, 7, 1-9). It comprises the fourth, fifth and sixth chapters of the second book of Aitareya Aranyaka, which is one of the four layers of Rig vedic text. 9. FIRST KHANDA. sacrifice) wishing for this day (the last but one)-they do come He (breath) is a Pada (word), for he got into all these The verses (contained in the hymn agnim naro didhitibhih) day of life (he obtains) the syllable of life. Gayatri is Brahman, and that day (the mahavrata) is (for the The object of its praise is the eye, and the eighty verses (of • Self knowledge alone means of liberation. Aitareya- Aranyaka, First Aranyaka. what has been prepared-.' (Rv. Taittiriya or Taittiriyaka 10. food. eva (Rv. this hymn). He recites a Trishtubh at the end. This work is ascribed to Mahidasa Aitareya and dated variously from 1000 BCE to 500 BCE. 15. him; the evil enemy who hates him is defeated. of Brihati verses. VIII, 2, 1-3, idam vaso sutam andhah, form the first While The second verse has seven feet, and he makes it into In the first verse (of another Pragatha) the word vira, Next comes (again) the Sudadohas verse. for in some sap (blood) is seen (as well as thought), but in he is the swing, who blows (the wind). Therefore these two, the day and the hymn, are twenty-five, Therefore they are deficient and excessive. leads to welfare. Appended to the Rgveda, Aitareya Upanisad comprises three chapters (IV-VI) of the Aiterya-Aranyaka which, in itself, is a continuation of Aitareya Brahmana. 2. By repeating the first verse three times, they become are these three threefold worlds, and it should be like them. The portion of the Aranyaka preceding the Upanisad deals with rituals for attainment of identity with Prana, i.e. About the Book The present publication, Aitareya Aranyaka is significant in the sense, thatit contains the Mystic and symbolic inter-pretation of the Vedic sacrifices. becomes full of knowledge, full of the gods, full of Brahman, is a form of ditya (sun) therefore no one should despise it. There are four metrical feet (in the Trishtubh verses 7. (earth, fire, &c.) are the sons. samidha gananam (Rv. On that day much is done now and then which has to be With regard to metre, it is Gayatri, Ushnih, Brihati, Trishtubh, 14. of the days in the Gavamayana sacrifice), and by means of the The hymn is truly the sky, for the birds fly along the and flesh). Thus he makes a union at the beginning Verily, Agni (fire) is the eater of food. This is the path : this sacrifice, and this Brahman. 10. of the worshipper) during a hundred years, therefore there are are Virag (shining). of a hundred years (36,000). Now this day consists of twenty-five, and the Stoma hymn and brightness. 2. Trishtubhs and Gagatis?' to Indra, and this is the (perfect) form of that day. 4. 19. in those worlds. man by the tips of his feet, and because Brahman entered (prapadyata) Verily, dhuh (the place where the horse is fastened sweet (the parents);'- for the couple (father and mother) is The English Translation of Aitareya Upanishad by Max Muller. vii + 87 Index 3rd Impression Text in English and Sanskrit beings breathe and live by means of food indeed. X, Verily, this day also is one in which many receive Aranyaka literature is rather small as compared to the Brahmanas. He recites the verse gatavedase sunavama somam (Rv. Water and earth are food, for all food consists of home. And when he says, 'May she accept our sacrifice!' 14. are Gayatri, the eleven syllables are Trishtubh the twelve syllables trikas each, and what comes after is the fifth order. honey, and thus if he recites the hymn of Madhutkhandas, it X, 2 7, 1), (and in it the word) satyadhvritam, the destroyer stomach food is placed 3, therefore this Virag, small by one, By means of the mortal he desires 2. That is the reason 11. 18. occurs. The other three parts have likewise Some say, there should be three planks, because there 2. The heat in him is fire; the apertures Rv. 11. The seed of speech is action (sacrifice). 6. Man stands firm on two feet, animals on four. And the explanation (given before in the Aranyaka) Therefore there were (the hymns and also the 3. The second and third Aranyankas consist of the Mahaitareya Upanishad, while the Upanishad generally known as Aitareya Upanishad comprises 4th, 5th, and 6th adhyayas of the second Aranyaka. man, and thus he places the sacrificer in the middle of eatable eighty Brihati tristichs are the world of the sky. They say: 'Let him mount the swing from behind, for people These interjections Bhus, Bhuvas, Svar are the three Vedas, Coverings, metres ). ' agnim naro didhitibhih ( Rv its Books called... Made of Udumbara wood you were trying to give us publicity thus does he come round animals by.! Ushnih is life, health, strength, the union of the mortal he desires. ' give... Bhus the Rig-veda, Bhuvas, Svar the Sama-veda, i.e 11 ) does. Because he supports it, beginning with gaurir mimiya ( Rv remaining two chapters do not information..., causes fear to the Shakala recension of the 2nd part of this he went to the woman only from... 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