Many regions have soil types which have a heavy silt or clay content which often results in the soil constantly retaining too much water at all times. When you know how much water was applied in 30 minutes and how deeply that volume of water wet the soil, then determine how long you must water to wet the soil to a depth of 6 inches. Saint Augustine grass really does like a good drink of water, and will show signs of stress including seeding and discoloration when the lawn isn't getting enough water for its requirements. ... Place a rain gauge in your yard and use it to help you water enough and not … Weed Management. The mower setting should be between 2 to 2½ inches high. Broad-leaf weeds are water hogs. Do not fertilize St. Augustinegrass from December through February unless the lawn has been overseeded (planted with cool season grass for green color in the winter). Wetting agents help soils to more freely circulate and flow water, and as such will allow a water logged lawn soil to more freely disperse of excess water in its profile. Water a new St. Augustine lawn two times per day for the first 3 weeks then cut back to a normal seasonal schedule. St. Augustine grass is pretty hardy and can tolerate salty soil and ocean air though it has a tendency not to tolerate extreme cold very well, turning brown in the winter and green again in the spring. 5 cans = 0.5 inch of water in 30 minutes. During the summer months, healthy St. Augustine can only go 1 to 5 days between irrigation events, based on the heat index (Myers & Horn, 1969). As it would be impossible for us to even consider individual soil analysis for the reader's home lawn in this article. The idea is that as long the St. Augustine is thriving from adequate irrigation, Bermuda cannot step in to occupy the space. Also, Bermuda likes fertilizers more than St. Augustine, so I make … One of the disadvantages of St Augustine grass is its poor wear tolerance. This height reduction should be done just before the lawn greens up, which usually occurs during late April or early May. So what's the solution for these real problem soil types? The trick is to water only when the grass needs it. This is a process which is done by the use of a lawn coring machine, which can either be hired, or a contractor can be brought in to do the job for us. If you let it get too dry, and especially if you do so repeatedly, St. Augustine will be weak, and it may even die away. When St Augustine grass is going off brown after deprived of water for a long period of time; it is dying. Even the easiest of grasses, however, can become thin if not cared for properly. If you water adequately to bring it back to life, you may need to do a total of about 1 ½ inches of … When the leaf blades wilt, turn a blue-gray color or when footprints remain visible after walking in the grass, the lawn is in need of irrigation. Continue this cycle until the appropriate amount of water has been applied to wet the soil to a depth of 6 inches. Hello. During this period just increase the frequency of watering your lawn to bring back its green. You should, therefore, establish your lawn in mid-summer when conditions are great for the growth and spread of this grass species all over your lawn. It’s the very fine particles within these soil types which causes them to stick so closely together, and thus preventing the free flowing of water through the earth. Fertilize overseeded lawns once in December and again in February with 1 /2 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet, using a nitrogen-only fertilizer such as ammonium sulfate (21-0-0). Covering many different lawn care topics relating to most aspects of lawn care practices for St Augustine grass lawns. St. Augustine doesn’t need a lot of water, it just needs it consistently. Even though St. Augustinegrass is normally dormant in winter, you may still need to water it periodically when the weather is warm, dry and windy. To maintain St. Augustine lawns with a dense green look proper, watering, and mowing, are always essential factors to be considered. Be aware that fertilizers containing iron may stain concrete, brick or stone surfaces. When appropriately cared for, St. Augustine Grass is dense enough to handle normal amounts of foot traffic and shield against weeds. It happens to grow best in sandy soil, though, as this gives it enough drainage. Other Topics On Saint Augustine Lawn Care, independent lawn care tips for saint augustine grass lawns, lawn mowing tips and tricks for all lawns, correct lawn watering for healthier grass, Saint Augustine Grass | Buffalo Grass | Stenotaphrum secundatum, Preparing Sandy Soil For New St Augustine Lawn, Fertilization Of St Augustine Grass For Winter, Reel Lawn Mower Heights for St Augustine Grass, Saint Augustine Lawn Mowing Heights In Shade, Best Time Of Year To Plant A New St Augustine Lawn, Controling Seeding In Saint Augustine Grass, Controling St Augustine Thatch With Mowing, Lawns Turning Brown - Reasons and Solutions, Remove Excessive Shade For Better Lawn Health, Solutions To When An Entire Lawn Is Discolored, Solving Extreme Thatching In St Augustine Lawns, Why Does Saint Augustine Grass Develop Thatch. It also requires nitrogen-rich soil which is important to keep in mind when choosing a fertilizer. Watering makes the ground more malleable and gives the roots of the St. Augustine grass plugs immediate moisture. Run-off from watering a lawn can waste a significant amount of water, which is costly and a poor use of a limited natural resource. Now for diseases, Augustine has a lot of disease/ pest and maintenance issues, but the most common are Grubs, Chinch bugs, Fungus and Thatch. Plants make their food (sugars) in the leaf blades using sunlight. This is called photosynthesis. First, the lawn owner must judge for themselves whether the combination of lawn coring, coarse sand replacement and wetting agents will work for their own lawn environment. When you walk on St. Augustine grass and the leaves do not spring back, it is often a sign of over watering. As for the type of care St. Augustine grass needs, this warm-season grass likes moisture and should be watered deeply. High soil phosphorus levels may lead to its surface runoff in periods of excess rainfall or irrigation. This is the maximum amount of time you should water at one time. This practice will likely damage the lawn by it will recover if fertilized and watered properly. It grows well in nearly all soil types and tolerates shade, heat, salt and is drought tolerant. If the grass does not have enough leaf blades left for photosynthesis the grass will die. You can always test the soil’s pH level to see if it is too acidic or not acidic enough and treat accordingly with a lime treatment. Extended periods of hot and dry weather, St. Augustine grass might start to die. Set out five or six open-top cans randomly around the lawn (tuna or cat food cans work best). When fall temperatures drop with the first frost or when water fails during a dry spell in July, your st. Augustine grass will naturally turn brown. Begin watering again and continue for the time you’ve determined. These plugs will need to be removed, either by the use of a rotary mower to catch them and pick them up, or by raking them up and disposing of them. With an automatic irrigation system, change your timer to the new, shorter time. Rise and Shine (and Water). The timing of preemergence herbicide application will vary greatly in Texas due to the onset of soil-warming temperatures required for weed germination. Mowing:Mow the lawn slightly lower than the regular summer mowing height. The reason for this is that the tines which create the holes in the turf and soil can only go so deep, perhaps only an inch or few at best, and for heavy clay based soils this just will not do the job adequately. After two weeks, soak the lawn in up to half an inch daily. Postemergent weed control is most effective if you apply the herbicide when the weeds are still very small. Use a garden spade or a soil probe to find out how deeply the soil was wet during the 30- minute period. St. Augustinegrass lawns should experience no detrimental insect activity during the winter. If the soil remains warmer than 60 degrees all year, the grass will stay green. I water the grass weekly to keep St Augustine green and alive. Being a warm-season turfgrass, St. Augustine grows best during summer. Wetting agents will in no way be a cure to heavy water logged lawns, but should instead be considered as an aid in the repair of the problem in addition to lawn aeration, and as an aid to help water circulate more freely in the soil for as long as they remain active. The lawn should then be top dressed with a coarse sand, which is raked into the holes in the turf and soil. Although your St. Augustine grass may go dormant in winter, you still need to water it on days that are warmer, windy and dry. Do not apply water faster than the soil can absorb it. As a result of this, the Saint Augustine lawn can become constantly water logged, which in turn will make the turf soft and weak and easily damaged from normal wear and tear conditions, the lawn will be far more susceptible to moss, bare patches, diseases, weeds and pests, and will always be unsightly from the resulting recurring damage. Apply postemergent herbicides as needed. Wetting Agents are applied to a lawn in the same manner as fertilizers. Continue the fertilizer program begun in the spring, applying 3 /4 to 11 /2 pounds of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet every 8 to 10 weeks. If however the soil in the gardens needed major improvement to create the desired result, then the same would be true for the lawn area, and major soil work would need to be undertaken, which cannot be done with an existing lawn. Irrigation may be needed to supplement natural rainfall. These climatic conditions usually occur in spring about the time redbud and dogwood trees begin to bloom. Use a hose or sprinklers to water the sod. Use a core-aerating machine when the grass is actively growing. St. Augustine needs more water than most of our other lawngrasses (fescue excepted). Welcome to Saint Augustine Lawn Care. If the thatch layer is more than 3 /4 inch thick, it can be removed gradually by mowing the lawn with a vertical mower or scalping the lawn (cutting with a rotary mower at its lowest setting) in April or May when the grass is healthy and actively growing. If the leaves on St. Augustine grass begin to show a slight curling, it is a sign they probably have received too much water. Our work makes a difference, in the lives of Texans and on the economy. You cannot let it dr… Be sure to read Can You Dethatch St. Augustine Grass? To control summer annual grassy weeds (e.g. When St. Augustine grass suffers from this type of fungus, the movement of water and nutrients is unable to get to the roots of the grass, making its leaves turn yellow and die. St. Augustine needs nitrogen to maintain its rich green color and vigorous growth. Calculate the average depth of water of all the cans. Water logging in Saint Augustine turf is a soil drainage issue, so repairing soil drainage will be the primary focus of this article to fix this problem and try to bring our Saint Augustine lawn back to full health. Lawn aerification is done by using this machine to punch steel tubes, called tines, into the turf and soil, which in turn removes plugs (cores) of turf, thatch and soil from the lawn. Insect damage, especially from chinch bugs, looks much like drought damage in grass. St. Augustine grass will not survive a drought situation as well as Bermuda grass or Zoysia. Continue watering until the EZ Patch™ is completely saturated and no more water is being absorbed which may take several minutes. “Keep it wet,” Orr says. Routinely check for these pests and treat as necessary. What really counts for this grass is the soil’s pH. Follow the same recommendations as for March through May. Using a ruler, measure the depth of water caught in each individual can, and record the depths. Winter annual grass and broadleaf weeds are not common in St. Augustinegrass. St. Augustine grass is a common choice for lawns because of its low maintenance and quick growing cycle. This may eventually contribute to eutrophication of streams and lakes. Give it enough water to dampen the first 1 in (2.5 cm) of soil. Do you have a question -or- need to contact an expert? St. Augustine grass is usually dormant during the colder winter and fall seasons. New-style irrigation controllers allow you to water several times a day, so you can program them to prevent run-off. Poor Nutrition. The grass should be watered after the fertilizer has been added, but don’t overdo it. Thanks for visiting, I hope some of these lawn care tips may be of use on your own home lawns. Real repair for water logged soils can only ever be achieved by changing the profile of the soil from one which retains water to one which disperses water more freely, and the best way to achieve this is with the use of lawn aeration, and addition of coarse sand. Many homeowners will confuse this rot with take-all root rot because of the yellow coloring of the leaves. For more information see the Web site at In the first few weeks after putting down St. Augustine grass, your lawn will require a strict watering schedule of several light waterings per day. Pay attention to the weather as well – if particularly hot and dry, water a little extra. Use enough water that the soil is damp but not soaked since St. Augustine grass and similar tropical varieties don’t need a ton of liquid. *Always follow Local and State laws in regards to watering restrictions. Disadvantages of St Augustine grass. Apply postemergent herbicide as needed. While such lawn coring can greatly help with many water logged Saint Augustine lawns, the effects do have limitations, and will not repair all lawns or soils. If St. Augustine grass is not maintained properly it will experience problems. Thatch (a surface layer of undecomposed plant stem and roots) is likely to form on St. Augustinegrass lawns that are heavily fertilized and watered. If the lawn is watered deeply enough and dry, brown patches are still in the St. Augustine grass, then water may not be the problem. Apply herbicides only when weeds are present and when the grass is healthy and actively growing. It will, however, slow in growth as the soil drops in temperature. If you have an underground irrigation system, flag the sprinkler heads first to avoid damaging them. Turn the water on early in the morning and again in the early afternoon. It is also a hardy grass, which makes it ideal for hotter climates. For soils which have major water logging problems, the lawn aerification process can be repeated once a year until the lawn and soil is fully draining and no longer retains excess water. Herbicides containing 2,4-D should be used with care, as St. Augustinegrass is sensitive to this herbicide. Without soil test information, it is recommended that you use a fertilizer that either contains nitrogen only (21-0-0, ammonium sulfate) or is very low in phosphorus (Examples: 21-3- 6 or 15-0-15) to reduce the chance of excessive phosphorus buildup in the soil. Therefore, it may be desirable to apply preemergent herbicides for annual winter weeds when the average soil temperature drops to 70 ºF. This coarse sand will allow for far greater water flow through the soil, as well as allowing more oxygen to the roots of the turf, both of which are vital to good lawn health, and in aiding in the reducing of water retention of the soil. If possible, use a mower with a bagger to collect the clippings and remove the dead material left from winter dor… To prevent yellowing caused by iron chlorosis, apply liquid or granular iron fertilizer throughout the growing season. This helps the grass settle into the ground, but avoid using too much water. Herbicides may damage the lawn if you apply them when the temperature is higher than 90 ºF. Follow the same recommendations as for March through May. Be careful not to set the mower too low, as it may scalp the lawn. Because once we get beyond those few inches - we're right back to the cause of the problem, which is the same clay or silt based soil which is still causing exactly the same problem. High levels of soil phosphorus can also lead to deficiencies in iron and zinc. St. Augustine grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) is a coarse, dense, fast-growing grass suitable in warm, humid climates. Turn on the sprinklers or irrigation system for 30 minutes. Wetting agents can also be applied by turf professionals. We advize the use of a contractor due to the weight and difficulty of the machine for new users to safely operate. If the soil adjustment was only minor, then coring etc should work equally as well for the Saint Augustine lawn. Apply postmergent herbicides (which control weeds that have already sprouted) as needed. If the lawn has been overseeded, water based on the earlier discussed principle. Use enough water to keep the root system wet, but do not flood the turf. Chinch bugs and white grubs are the two most serious insect pests in St. Augustinegrass lawns. Do not cheat to water your grass, if you cannot water honestly on the days and times allowed and get your sod to grow, you need to remove some grass not use more water. St. Augustine grass requires approximately ¾ inch of water two times a week. Continue the recommended mowing practices until the grass goes dormant and does not require mowing. Plant St. Augustine grass during summer. Follow all instructions on the label. The result will be the lawn is then filled with thousands of holes, with the cores left sitting on top of the lawn. St. Augustinegrass is very sensitive and may be injured by some herbicides, such as 2,4-D. Read the label carefully before applying any herbicide to ensure that it is the right product for the weeds you have and that you do not injure the turf. Stop watering and allow the soil surface to dry (30 minutes to 1 hour). Raise the level of your mower to 4 or 5 inches for St. Augustine grass. For the worst affected Saint Augustine lawns and soils, wetting agents may often prove a futile exercise if used on their own and without proper soil repair being undertaken at the same time. Apply no more than 1 /2 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet. It explains how and when to use the product and how much to apply. The water you apply should soak in, not remain on the soil surface. Despite the benefits of St. Augustine grass, many homeowners opt to have their lawn maintained by a professional so they don’t have to … Consider spraying sulfate at a rate of 2 ounces to 3-5 gallons of water per 1000 square feet. St Augustine grass will go dormant when the soil temperatures fall below 55 degrees. Weakened turf needs even more water. Iron is also a vital nutrient for St Augustine grass. crabgrass and goosegrass), apply preemergent herbicides (which control weeds as the seeds germinate). Some homeowners prefer a finer bladed grass instead of the coarse texture of Saint Augustine grass. Our first approach to curing water logging is to core the lawn and soil. Apart from sometimes being a little thirstier, there are no real other differences in watering a St Augustine lawn than for any other lawn variety. Check the lawn while watering. One persistent myth is that St Augustine needs less water in the winter. If water begins running into the streets or gutters, note how long it took before run-off occurred. They can come in the form of a granular agent which is spread by hand or a fertilizer spreader, or in liquid form which is sprayed onto the lawn. Wetting agents will eventually break down and the process will need to be repeated a couple of times a year for water logged lawns, sometimes more often if the owner so wishes. The factors determining how quickly run-off occurs are the type of soil and the application rate of the sprinkler system. And the best way for them to do this is with a working knowledge of their garden areas of the same property and how those garden areas have responded to soil improvements to repair the water logging problem of the soil. Back, it just needs it and tolerates shade, heat, and! Than 1 /2 pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet system, flag the sprinkler.. 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