Mercury is the lord of houses 9th & 12th to Libra. SINCE the 4th house falls in the star of Shravana, ruled by Moon, the Libra ascendant borns will live near water reservoirs and dams, agricultural lands; will own boats, refrigerators; produce vegetables and fruits with excessive water content. The native will have issues related to siblings, family, and wife. Hence, it doesnt cause huge turmoil in their lives for long. SINCE the 7th house falls in the star of Bharani, ruled by Venus, the Libra ascendant borns will have attractive spouses and business partners, meet with persons of joy and have enthusiastic customers or women. Hence, Venus mahadasha is an extremely beneficial time for Libra risings. Capricorn is an earthy sign; so the Libra ascendant borns will do agriculture and will have pet animals. 4. run competitive centres of arts and culture, become paediatricians, involve in diagnosis of blood cells, become nurses or servants in cinema theatres, prepare feasts, become costume designer, manufacture natural medicines, work for commissions, reside in lodges and become orators. These individuals will be exceptionally scientific and nitty gritty situated. 1) If Jupiter is placed in the sign of Taurus in the 8th house but if 8th lord . the dearth of courageousness damage their artistic . The planet Venus is the Lord of Libra ascendants. Panchayudha Stotram Telugu | Free PDF Download. So the Libra ascendant borns will think beyond their capacity, publish books on education, show interest in mathematics, have memory power, make barter exchanges, have excessive growth in body organs, involve in the fields of information and communication and become mediators or researchers. Since this is an airy and fixed sign, the Libra ascendant borns will show interest with greediness and will not be sincere to others. the Libra ascendant borns will not hesitate for wordy duels and involve in false propaganda about others. They are not one of those carefree individuals. So the Libra ascendant borns tend to fall in love with elderly persons or with people living in the same apartments or compounds or with people within family; they may have frustrations in their sexual life and they tend to be indecent and perverted in sexual affairs. SAGITTARIUS/DHANU the ninth ZODIAC sign is in the THIRD house to LIBRA/TULA . Likewise, they face this reality about being commonsense in connection, this is quite possibly the best position. Spiritual Mentor, Psychic Medium, Tarot Card, Astrologer, Palmist, Numerologist, and Dream Interpreter. Sagittarius, the 9th house to Kaalpurusha is the 3rd house to Libra. Ketu in the 8th house for Libra ascendants, of the unknown. Rahu in 6th house. Being a benefic planet for Libra ascendants, Saturn finds some way to get these people back on track. Here the individual is accompanied by lots of Mysterious data and guiding individuals. Sun happens to be the lord of 11th house to Libra. Due to venus, he may be looking attractive and his colour is fair. 4. Venus And Jupiter In 7th House For Libra Ascendant if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'eastrohelp_com-box-4','ezslot_4',143,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-eastrohelp_com-box-4-0'); Saturn is the most beneficial planet for Libra ascendants. So the Libra ascendant borns will pose as reliable persons, may have illegal affairs with neighbours, excel in transports, agreements, negotiations and may not possess their ancestral properties for long. first house represent identity and temperament and tenth house represent career and name in life.Mars weakening makes these folks overall keep in nature and lack of courageousness. So the Libra ascendant borns will serve in big organisations, banks, medical institutions and legal departments; frequently attend feasts, fond of fatty foods, suffer due to cholesterol and cell diseases, get loans through recommendations of popular persons and have opportunities to preside over public functions. Also Read:Vishakha Nakshatra: 16th Nakshatra in Astrology. Since Sun is also the lord of the 11th house to Libra, the Libra ascendant borns will keep things greedily, receive happy news, involve in happy discussions, get due recognition through societies, have personal likings, get fortunate information, get certified for success and achievements and will be blessed with friends of their choice. He will be long-lived and charitable. It is the house of secret and hidden knowledge and governs our sexual organs and longevity. Libra Ascendant. SINCE the 12th house falls in the star of Chitra, ruled by Mars, the Libra ascendant borns will involve in immoral activities such as hoardings; adulterations, prostitution and smuggling etc. .. be supervisors for competitive exams, suffer due to hereditary disorders, illegal affairs and malfunctioning of medicines, become medical personnel, have excessive food intakes, do joint ventures in medical research, make mutual agreements with multi-national organisations, divorce second wife or disconnect illegal affairs and face allegations while residing in lodges. Pisces Ascendant - Shubham Alock Since Saturn is the lord of this sign, the Libra ascendant borns will have sexual affairs with people belonging to lower strata, become insincere in love affairs, will not hesitate to involve in prostitution, become sanyasis, excel in sober characters, have lazy children and may become guards at temples and ponds. So the Libra ascendant borns will have short legs and suffer due to vitamin deficiencies or in service-related diseases; they may fail in court cases regarding their service matters and serve in posts with easy workload. Their family life is extremely smooth. will gain in secret activities or by hoardings or through their own savings, regain properties that were lost, will be able to recollect outstanding amounts and by losing organs. SINCE the 10th house falls in the star of Punarvasu, ruled by Jupiter, the Libra ascendant borns will hold responsible posts, serve in childrens welfare societies, hold honorary posts and serve in gold mines and centres of ancient monuments and national museums. SCORPIO/VRISHCHIK the eighth ZODIAC sign is in the SECOND house to LIBRA/TULA. In case of Pisces ascendant, Venus is also the 3rd Lord and is considered malefic. The Lagna Lord status, in fact, tells your primary inclination, your likes, and rebels. In the 11th house for Libra ascendants, it plays the role of a badhak planet (the planet of obstacles). So the Libra ascendant born will become polygynists and will have desires in art, culture and sports fields. So the Libra ascendant borns will hold offices with secret responsibilities and heavy work load with multiple job natures. Venus in 7 th house Scorpio will make very romantic and passionate about Love. This is a greatly improved position as Jupiter is an indication of its closest companion Sun. It will gain in secret activities or by hoardings or through their own savings, regain properties that were lost, will be able to recollect outstanding amounts and by losing organs. It is, thus, extremely beneficial for these people. 11th House Lord in 8th House - - Donuts Serving since 2001, in the field of spirituality and astrology. Its a platform where you can connect with astrologers, book an appointment, and get your birth chart read. SINCE the 4lh house falls in the star of Uttarashada, ruled by Sun, the Libra ascendant borns will live in government buildings, have government vehicles, study in government institutions, own village common lands, may work in forest departments, automobile divisions of the government take lease of common ponds, wells, water tanks; have government machinery, properties, agricultural lands or godowns for storing grain fields. Though the person's childhood will not be ideal the person will be happier as he/she grows older. Jupiter is the lord of the houses 3rd & 6th to Libra. So the Libra ascendant borns will visit many foreign countries, spend on religious matters, have illegal and multiple affairs and will have research minds. Thus, the Mars becomes the benefice lord for the Pisces Rising (Meena Lagna) natives. These individuals request flawlessness and when they dont get it from others, their brain goes out of control. LEO/SIMHA the fifth ZODIAC sign is in the ELEVENTH house to LIBRA/TULA. Saturn likewise can be the eighth house ruler through its two signs. 6th house has Scorpion sign and lord is Mars. Jupiter is the lord of houses 3rd & 6th to Libra. Scorpio, the 8th sign of Kaalpurusha is the 2nd house to Libra. The Lord of the 5th house should not be placed in 6th, 8th and 12th houses.Mars should not be the Lord of the 5th house.Jupiter in aspect with the 5th house is considered as extremely beneficial . So the Libra ascendant borns will be alleged in service, become corrupt while holding high offices, have administrative capacity, will do forgery, lose name, fame and status in service and will be blocked in getting promotions. How is Jupiter mahadasha for Libra ascendants? 12th Lord in 8th House. Mooltrikona sign of venus is in 1st house so it is beneficial for Libra Ascendant. So the Libra ascendant borns will be put into disrespect by women, threaten and be troubled by women, lose happiness and abduct women. So the Libra ascendant borns will regain outstanding money, suffer due to diseases in eyes and digestive system, invest in gold and valuables and have secret sources of income. In these houses, the Guru Graha forms a very beneficial yoga known as the Vipreet Yoga. This shows an Otherworldly individual who sees mysterious issues in a profound manner and gains expertise in the world by guiding individuals over these issues. Significance Of The 8th House in Vedic Astrology - My Pandit if the native born between.06 degree 40 minutes , if the native born between.20 degree 00 minutes , The lord of VISHAKA nakshatra is JUPITER. Aquarius is an airy sign; so the Libra ascendant borns will excel as comedy artists, story-writers, sportsmen and riddle-makers. Venus as the lord of 1st and 8th Houses for Libra Ascendants Venus is the ascendant lord for Libra risings. Eighth House Lord in Ascendant: 8th Lord Effects in the First House They will be powerful and, surprisingly, forceful in their correspondence. Ketu would act like Mercury, the lord of houses 9. Its natural sign ruler is Scorpio. Pisces in the sixth house: Your 6th house belongs to the . Rahu in Cancer in the first house will change Rahu as Moon as Rahu changes its temperament according to the lord of the sign it is set in. An individual of incredibly high fearlessness and most grounded of self-control. .will gain by winning competitions, get medical subsidy or claims, gain through food articles, tailoring, rents, hire articles, manufacturing of medicines, court cases, salary and manual labour and in money exchanges. So the Libra ascendant borns will get press publicity, publish books on arts, serve in advertising agencies; will be educated and qualified in the fields of arts and culture, get transfer orders of their choice, excel in artistic fields wherein mind plays a vital role and will become doctors for artificial fertilization. Typically, they get achievement solely after their mid-30s. They generally need to be in discipline and keep everybody all together. Saturn is the lord of houses 4th & 5th to Libra. Pluto in 8th house. SINCE the 9th house falls in the star of Arudra, ruled by Rahu, the Libra ascendant borns will be researchers of drug addictions, experts of transplantation surgeries, implant artificial organs, will be preachers of religion, work in grain godowns belonging to foreign countries, involve in institutes of international cultural activities and will teach foreign languages. Saturn is the 5th House lord for Libra ascendants is extremely lucky. Hence, Saturn Mahadasha is extremely beneficial for Libra ascendants. Physique of native is mostly depend on 1st house. Meaning of Gemini Ascendant. Ketu does not own any sign but will act like Mercury, the lord of houses 9th & 12th to Libra. Sentiment takes a secondary lounge here. However, it makes the natives brave. No planet in 1st, 4th, 5th, 7th and 11th houses Saturn, ketu and moon are in 12th house in pisces. So the Libra ascendant borns will mostly become clerks in research centres, teachers in high schools, counsellors, lawyers, mathematicians, import & export agents, statisticians and will serve in foreign embassies. Venus is also the lord of houses 1st & 8th to Libra, So the Libra ascendant borns will think much about themselves, have excessive vitamins, selfish and greedy, have self-pride, show happy and harmonious interests, have independent thoughts and imagination, change themselves in actions and enjoy tasting food. So in the event that it is Virgo Ascendant, Mars rules the eighth and third houses and sits in the first house in the Virgo sign. ..serve in centres for competitive examinations or in hospitals, will do tailoring or weaving or become chefs, serve in lodges or in legal departments. So the Libra ascendant borns will invent micro-instruments, keep secret notes, accounts, photographs and documents and will never hesitate to involve in adulterations and secret agreements. Learned and intelligent. Lagna Lord or Ascendant Lord in Seventh House - Vedicknowledge 5th house has Libra sign and lord is Venus. The native also uses secret methods for success and progress. Leo is a fixed sign. Leo, the 5th house of Kaalpurusha is the 11th house to Libra. Gemstones for Libra Ascendant (Tula Lagna) . LEO is ruled by SUNhence SUN will be the lord of this house. Jupiter as the lord of the 3rd and 6th Houses for Libra Ascendants. Mercury is the ruling Lord (ascendant lord/Lagna lord) for Virgo ascendants. So the Libra ascendant borns will have to face problems of one kind or the other and will not hesitate to commit forgery. If you are a Virgo ascendant then you'll have Jupiter as the lord of the 7th house, in which case you attract people who have a broad perspective on life. 7th house has capricorn sign and lord is Saturn. How child and pregnancy astrology Works. - Medium So the Libra ascendant borns will face dejections in family relations and face troubles due to natural calamities such as earthquakes, landslides etc. Here, the entire character turns out to be mysterious to the point that individuals really get drawn to the locals. Libra Ascendant is an airy, movable, mascendantuline, singular sign; golden in colour; long ascendantension; intelligent and understandable nature; It denotes kidney and uterus in the body; semi-fruitful, higher planes and windy places, lifeless, moving natured, early mornings, main roads, commercial streets, popular persons, womanisers, literature, music and drama, research, self-pride, VII sign of Zodiac, west in direction. 6th house has sagittarius sign and lord is Jupiter. However, as the 2nd house lord. Libra Ascendant. ill have social relations, gain social recognitions, depend on others and will be bound by law. Along these lines, individuals from Spy, Analysts to Astrologers are seen from this position. Sun through houses for Gemini Ascendant - Vedic astrology They will excel in advertising, research education, accountancy and auditing, will become writers and will enter into agreements full of fluctuations. SINCE the 11th house falls in the star of Poorvaphalguni ruled by Venus, the Libra ascendant borns will become the happiest persons and have happiest persons as friends, sons-in-law and elder brothers. Cancer is ruled by MOONhence MOON will be the lord of this house. Jupiter Mahadasha can be very auspicious for Libra risings. As Rahu likewise addresses deception, this shows an individual who has an exceptionally elusive character. Sun In Eight House For Libra Ascendant - Astro Pankaj Seth Taurus, the 2nd sign of Kaalpurushais the 8th house to Libra. Your email address will not be published. 4th house has Virgo sign and lord is Mercury. 8. Who is the 12th house lord for Libra ascendants? Saturn is the lord of houses 4th & 5th to Libra. So, others seek your . Sun is in Aries in eleventh house for Gemini ascendant and at 10 degree of Aries, Sun is exalted. It makes the natives spirituality enlightened and brings them closer to God. Likewise recommends that locals went through certain mishaps related to Head. CANCER/Karka the fourth ZODIAC sign is in the TENTH house to LIBRA/TULA. As Mercury and Jupiter address Advocates, these planets address somebody who conveys the key to the world though, in the event of different planets, the individual stays discreet. is the Lord of Libra ascendants. Since Sagittarius is a house of Jupiter, the Libra ascendant borns will have needed courage and confidence for success and will be interested in martial arts. So the Libra ascendant borns will have social contacts with politicians, foreigners, exporters, judges, priests, trustees and teachers and with people of lower social standing. Taurus is a fixed sign; so the Libra ascendant borns will have long life but will permanently be endangered with accidents, stress, pain, disrespect and worries. Since Leo is the house of Sun, the Libra ascendant borns will find many friends among government servants. It is a house of Saturn. 3rd house has Leo sign and lord is Sun. Venus being a Lagna lord and 8th lord sits in the Taurus Rashi. SINCEthe 2nd house falls in the star of Anuradha, ruled by Saturn, the Libra ascendant borns will be misers, gain small and meagre amounts and like to seize valuables from others. We can extend the outcomes given in before the passage complex as Venus is in most noteworthy poise. So the Libra ascendant borns will gain from ancestral properties, name and fame, honesty, education, leadership, research, foreigners, sending messages, religious service, endowments, transplantations, legal proceedings, agreements, temple properties and ancient monuments.
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