Repeat Steps 2-4 to make a single crochet stitch in each of the remaining 14 chains. . Version 1 hat: 84 sts / 8 = 10, with a remainder of 4 stitches. 6 months - 5.75 high, begin crown on round 6. 5. Dec rnd *Ssk, knit to marker, slip marker; rep from * to end. that you would like to have each round. You work it in exactly the same way, except you perform a k2tog instead of knitting 1 stitch. <72>. My first attempt following the pattern, I should add ended up with a nipple-like point on the top of the head. Delete Decrease rounds are worked until 1 stitch per section Worst case scenario I can do a safety line before starting my decreases and just try whatever feels right, but if anyone is like "yo I got this!" then I'd love to pick your brain! If you want to keep them up until the last stitches, go for it. Stitches used Back post double crochet: bpdc. Abbreviations: Create a free website or blog at Dec rnd 1 *K2, k2tog; rep from * to end75 sts remain (75% of original stitch count). Decrease (divide the stitches between 3 double pointed needles and knit with the 4th): How does it feel to have finished your first hat? A little swatch in a 11 rib stitch on circular needles. Subsequent rounds are worked as for dec rnd 3 to reduce the remaining stitches by half each time. Decreases. set-up round. 2nd decrease rnd: *K2tog* to the end. 72 st. Place stitch marker.) Begin the crown at round given for size: Newborn - 5.5 high, begin crown on round 7. Super Simple Circular Hat Calculator . Knit all sts. The decrease groups get smaller by one stitch each decrease round. Knit front and back, knit one across the row for row 3. You will use a circular needle instead of traditional knitting needles since it is much simpler to manage. Insurance Loss Associates . I like to do my decreases like this until I get to about 50-ish stitches, depending on whatever number my cast-on is divisible by. This math is easy, though, or I wouldnt be doing it. rounds are worked between decrease rounds as necessary to achieve the total Bernat Blanket Yarn - Big Ball (10.5 oz) - 3 Pack with Pattern Cards in Color (Oceanside) 4.9 (14) $2499 ($8.33/Count) Above . regular decrease round. When you get to the rolled up bit, switch sides and mattress stitch on the inside (as the inside will be the outside when the brim rolls up). First, divide all the stitches into equal parts. Then perform 1 round of k1p1, but only knit the stitch in the places where you reduced. Step Two: Knit in stockinette st (knit every round) I know I like hats to be about 7 inches long, a little longer for more slouch. The top of the hat is decreased and gathered to close the top of the hat. This webiste contains affiliate links meaning that if you buy something after clicking them I may earn a small commission. So, on this round, I will place a marker after every 10 stitches. (64 stitches) Continue decreasing in this manner until there are 16 . You'll achieve this fabulous lattice look by working a twelve-row pattern, which includes three different twist stitches, before finishing off with some single rib. Rnd 3: ch2, fpdc (loosely) around 1st st, dc in next st, *fpdc . Super Simple Circular Hat Calculator . Second, you'll want to start decreasing when the hat is about 2/3 of the way up from the bottom. If you decide to try the hat on, go to a mirror and see where the needles hit on your head. Every other row will be just plain knit so that you get something like this: To make this a little easier, take a look at your stitch markers. Refine as needed to fit with the stitch pattern and the decrease pattern, or change the rate of . ago. Yarn over and pull through all 7 loops on hook. often want to maintain the stitch pattern while working fitted crown decreases. Round is the same as row, except it is in a circle.. Switch to a stockinette stitch (or any stitch you like) and work back and forth until the hat measures 5 inches long. Pull the yarn through both stitches at the same time. round. Now I have a small number of stitches left on my needle, a total of 8 to be exact. Each of the first 3 decrease rounds reduces the stitch count by 25 percent of the starting stitch count. Using the 8mm hook or crocheting loosely, ch a multiple of 12 (60/72/84). When you look at many hat patterns on Ravelry (or elsewhere), youll notice a pattern with the decreases. Slip the stitch back to the left needle. What Is The National Color Of Bimbolands, Just enter the number of stitches you have currently on your work and the number of stitches you want to decrease and the calculator will do the math for you. rounds alternate with the decrease rounds until the end of the crown, where the Pull tight to close the top of the crown, taking the tail to the inside. The stitches are stretched out over the circlepulling the hat apart. One of these ways, is by using a crochet hook and increasing the number of stitches in each row. You'll want to start with a foundation chain that is any multiple of 2 sts, plus 1. Knitters Grab either a blunt needle or a crochet hook and pull your yarn through the stitches. This decrease is used in lace knitting to form a travelling knit stitch up the side of a series of holes. In order to get those six decreases evenly across my row, I will need to do a k2tog in each section of 10 stitches. Just enter the number of stitches you have currently on your work and the number of stitches you want to decrease and the calculator will do the math for you. stitches each. Our easy tutorial will show you how to decrease knitting hat stitches to achieve the best result. Simply bookmark the link to this blog post or add it to your "Favorites" so that you can quickly find it in your browser later.Here is how to save the tutorial: Would you like to be informed about new creative tutorials, tips and inspiration from us? Updated December 6, 2021. *Membership cannot be purchased with Gift Cards. Work in stockinette stitch or any other stitch pattern 12 cm (10"). You may reduce your beanie down to size with hot water if its too large, whether its due to a knitting or crocheting error or stretching. Join into a round being careful not to twist the stitches. My hat is divisible by 10, so my first round of decreases will be knit 8, k2tog. Generally, patterns have knit 8-knit 12, but do whatever works for your math. Now begin to shape the hat by decreasing 6 stitches, evenly, every other row: 1st decrease round: K20 (22), K2tog to end of round--126 (138) stitches remain. Follow each of the first 8 decrease rounds with a plain round. Two of the most common decreases are knit 2 together (k2tog) and slip, slip, knit (ssk). I have a total ofsts on my needles and I want to decrease sts. Each of the 10 sections will start with 10 stitches. Step Four: Break yarn and thread through remaining stitches. If I start decreasing by K9 K2tog, will it work out? Perpendicular Hat Pattern. Professional stitch count is 12 stitches per inch. Decrease evenly across a row (balanced decrease): k6, (k2tog, k12) repeat 3 times, k2tog, k6. Place a stitch marker on the first stitch. Step 4: bring this stitch to the middle of the hat where you have fixed the two stitches already. Grab either a blunt needle or a crochet hook and pull your yarn through the stitches. We have 19 total rounds for the crown and 11 decrease rounds, so we will need 8 plain rounds to fill out the total length. The long row repeat means the pattern would barely be established before the Using long-tail cast on, cast on 72 stitches onto your circular needles. I have a total of sts on my needles and I want to decrease sts. This means that my income comes from advertisements. During each decrease round, what you are doing is knitting up to the last 2 stitches before the stitch marker. //ABOUT THIS VIDEO//Are you knitting a hat and can't figure out how to decrease and create the top? how to decrease a hat with 72 stitches. The decreases will be knitted on 4 needles as outlined below. (We used 2 contrasting colors to make the process easier to follow. 1. This decreases the width of the project . What about an oyster stitch? K2tog leans to the right and ssk leans to the left. Number of crown rounds: 2" x 7 rounds/inch = 19.25 rounds, rounded to 19. CO 72 sts. Insert your hook into the next stitch. Front Loop - Look at the top of the stitch, and locate the sideways "V". Knit2tog if theres a purl next to a knit. So let's look at a circle made with the standard formula with a starting round of 12 stitches : Round 1 12 sts. You can still do it both ways. (Its super cute on a kid hat, especially with tassels.). Refine as needed to fit with the stitch pattern and the decrease pattern, or change the rate of . without any unnecessary stuff You can find more knitting calculators here. June 5, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized; ukraine russia border live camera /; June 24, 2022 Step 2: Slip stitch into ch-3 turning chain (1 tile eliminated) Step 3: Chain 3. rather than pointy. Round 2 2 sts worked into each st of Round 1 {24 sts} Round 3 2 sts worked into the first st, 1 st worked into the next st, repeated all the way around. Weave in all loose ends . I like to think of the crown shaping for a basic hat as being decreases in 6 or 8 sections. Chart 2 illustrates a pattern with an 8-stitch, 16-row repeat. And your formula here helped me finish it and not have it turn into a disaster that I needed to start over with. Best. round. Rounds 1-8. Decide how large around you would like your hat to be (about 20 - 22 for an adult head). Step 1: dc in the 1 st st. Then work AROUND the post of the dc just worked as follows: yarn over (yo), pull up a loop, yo, insert hook around post again, pull up another loop, yo, insert hook around post a third time, pull up a loop. Like ssk, it leans to the left. I needed this just before Christmas last year when I was knitting a beanie for my stepfather. This was so helpful. The hat had already taken me over a year (do to not having a lot of time to work on it). Use a calculator and enter 100 divided by 16 and you will get 6.25. Sew in the end yarn, and you are done. Every other row will be just plain knit so that you get something like this: R1: k8, k2tog* repeat until end of round (Total sts: 72), R3: k7, k2tog* repeat until end of round(Total sts: 64), R5: k6, k2tog* repeat until end of round(Total sts: 56). In the 2nd to last stitch, work a double crochet, but only until the last yarn over, when there are 2 loops on the hook. Love your explanation on the hat decreases! When you have finished seaming, secure your yarn on the wrong side and weave in any loose ends. Our easy tutorial will show you how to decrease knitting hat stitches to achieve the best result. IGNORE THE ROUNDS ABOVE - THEY DO NOT APPLY TO YOUR . Yarn over. Step 2 | Knit Hat Brim. for the number of inches below for the chosen size, or desired length; Marly demonstrates how to do the single double crochet stitch (sometimes called the waffle stitch or seed stitch). Place a marker between decrease sections to avoid Repeat until you have knitted or crocheted all the stitches. Subtract 1 from this for a loose fit, 2 for a snug fit. Work in 1 x 1 ribbing for a total of 5 rounds. It may be helpful to use stitch markers to mark the width of each ear flap and the distance between them before actually starting to crochet. Heat the water until steam appears. You have been knitting for a while now and have several inches of material. Abbreviations: K = Knit K2tog = Knit 2 stitches together as if they were one (this is a decrease). The most important thing here is to keep each ear flap the same number of stitches. //FEATURED IN THIS VIDEO//Music \"Retro Soul\" by bensoundFree download RELATED VIDEOS//Knitting a hat using circular needlesHow to start off: to decrease stitches: to finish off: to this channel: IN TOUCH//FACEBOOK: The decreases will form 2-stitch vertical bands of stockinette. Seaming the brim of the hat. Decrease rounds are worked until 1 stitch per section remains. Rnd 4: K1, P1. 10 - 2 = 8. When you're knitting a hat, there are a few things to keep in mind in terms of when to start decreasing. Pull tight to close the top of the crown, taking the tail to the inside. Delete. The decrease sections can spiral, as shown in the photo below, or (12 stitches decreased, 72 stitches remain) Decrease row 2: knit all stitches in this row . Keep in mind that this pattern decreases very quickly, so be sure to make the hat long enough before starting the crown (about 7 in to cover the ears completely, 9 in if you want a folded brim). Therefore, you will need 10 plain rounds to fill out the 19 rounds of the crown. to begin on. Then pull the yarn thru 2 loops on your hook (the . How do you decrease the size of a crochet beanie? Back Loop - Look at the top of the stitch, and locate the sideways "V". Les Chats Baudelaire Analysis, Decrease single Crochet (DEC SC) Crochet 2 or more single crochet stitches together. I use it all the time for this kind of thing. No set-up round is needed. 1st decrease rnd: *K3tog, p1* to end. The Knitulator is a handy and fast way to calculate how to increase or decrease a certain number of stitches evenly throughout a row of knitting. Decrease (switch to double pointed needles when the hat becomes too tight to fit around the circular needles): Leave off Round 22 on sizes 14 & 16; You may choose to leave it Roxanne Richardson is a certified master handknitter who lives, designs, and teaches in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Pick up purl bump of stitch on previous row with loom tool and place on empty peg to LEFT. Slip the second stitch on the left needle, together with its yarn over, over the first and off the needle. I got it from Three Waters Farm on Etsy. If needed for your stitch pattern, increase the missing stitches evenly across the first round. why did bismarck provoke france into war? Width (in inches or centimeters) Enter a number. That makes the hat shorter. I generally stop using them at about round 8 or 9 just because they start getting in the way. The It is knit on a circular needle with 44 stitches. Step 3. So youd start with a ssk, then k1p1 for 18 stitches, then repeat all the way around. Version 2 hat: 72 sts / 8 = 9. Sometimes your pattern tells you to decrease evenly and having to put your needles down and start calculating is not a thing most of us are eager to do. If using a circular needle, switch to double pointed needles when necessary. Materials: Yarn Weight: Worsted. Set the temperature of the water to warm. So I'm going to slip a stitch as if to knit; slip a stitch as if to pearl, and then I'm going to knit them through the back loop. Round 1: *K1TBL, P1; repeat from * to end of round. SIZE. The bulky wool-blend yarn ensures total cosiness and a satisfyingly . Decrease the stitches every second row and change your yarn color. Photo by Molly Stevenson. If I make something I (or my kids or husband) dont enjoy wearing I wont publish the pattern. Keep in mind that the last few decrease rounds should not be followed by plain rounds. to measure. Dec rnd *Ssk, knit to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, slip marker; rep from * to end. During each decrease round, what you are doing is knitting up to the last 2 stitches before the stitch marker. with the k8 k2tog does that mean knit 2 together every 8 stitches? Hi! Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Decrease sections per round: 8. effort has been made to be accurate. You will have 8 increases across the row. Decreases. Then make another double crochet in the last stitch, stopping right before the last yarn over. For the sections with 12 stitches, knit without siu mailroom hours; gazelle bikes uk; lake homes for sale by owner in alabama; red dead redemption 2 save file location; how to decrease a hat with 72 stitches. Skype decrease is worked by slipping one stitch, knitting the next stitch, and passing the slipped stitch over while leaning to the left, as shown below; Step 1. CO 72 STS, PM, join in the round. It's still: Row 1: *K1,P*1. of stitches. knitonepugtwo 2 hr. Using the long-tail cast-on method, cast on 72 stitches + 1 extra for completing the round. Knitulator knitting increase and decrease calculator. Once there are only 8 stitches left, pull them together with a double thread or continue knitting for another 0.8 (2 cm) and then bind off. The written pattern instructions are as follows: Row 1: Ch as described above, sc in the 3rd ch from the hook, *skip the next ch, 2 sc in the next ch; repeat from * until 2 ch remain, skip the next ch, sc in the last ch, turn. Dec rnd *Knit to 2 sts before marker, k2tog, slip marker; rep from * to end. Turn the right side of the work. 9 plus the decrease rnds will make a head hugging hat like the one pictured below on the left. Place the end of a ruler or tape measure against the needle, and measure down to your initial cast-on row. tricky pattern to divide into an appropriate number of sections for crown decreases. With 120 stitches and a 2x2 rib, I would decrease in six places, so you get a decrease at every 5th knit rib. Number of stitches per decrease section at start of crown: 12 (96/8 = 12) Number of decrease rounds: 11 (one fewer than the number of starting stitches per decrease section) Crown length ( hat length): 8"/3 = 2". This calculator will let you pick a stitch - any stitch you want, and enter how big you want your project to be - then enter the stitch multiples, the extra turning chains, and the foundation chain requirements, and it spits out how many chains you need to start. The Formula for a flat circle. For hats that are worked from the bottom up, the closed endthe crownis shaped with a combination of decrease rounds and plain rounds. And then it's time to start with the decreases. The wanderlust beanie is a unisex crochet hat pattern designed for those wild at heart individuals who feel called to explore, to travel, and to blaze new trails. Repeat pattern between the asterisks on all rows. This gives you the same height as all of the other stitches in the row (for example, a double crochet), but it effectively turns two stitches at the bottom into one stitch at the top, thereby giving you the decrease. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. Round 1: Ch 3 (turning chain counts as first dc here & throughout), dc in center of ring 11 times (12 total). Ooh! 1-800-327-8448. from the established pattern that are adjacent to the decrease line. Knitting a hat isnt as difficult as it may seem. . Example 1: You have 100 sts and you shall increase 16 sts evenly. . At end of last round increase or decrease 1 st so that the number of stitches is divisible by three. Join to knit in the round and k2, p2 in a rib stitch until the hat is about 7 inches long (measure without the brim folded up). Beautiful! Please confirm you want to block this member. Start by making a stockinette stitch sample. how to decrease a hat with 72 stitchesboone county wv obituaries. You will now have 72 stitches in total. Cut your working yarn so that you have a fairly long "tail" about 6 inches long. I recommend checking out the magic loop method. 15 sts on each needle. 66, 72, 76, 80, 86) sts. This hat design for beginners will teach you how to knit a hat using circular needles Rep till the end of the circle to the last 2 stitches, K2. The empty peg is BEFORE the increase stitch. below shows an example of a stitch pattern maintained while shaping with a Knit a gauge swatch. If you'd like a smaller hat or larger hat, subtract or add stitches in multiples of 8 and knit the project slightly shorter or longer. The back loop is the the loop farthest away from you. Without a subpoena, voluntary compliance on the part of your Internet Service Provider, or additional records from a third party, information stored or retrieved for this purpose alone cannot usually be used to identify you. In this video I show you the steps to knit the top portion of the hat using straight needles. Before we get going on the decreases, were going to knit one more round. san antonio housing authority login . Fold in half the other way and place stitch . or just knit 2 together in that row? Materials. having to count stitches each time. Breaking yarn Draw end through remaining stitches and secure. Decreasing stitches makes your knitted piece narrower. Take the point of the left hand needle through the . With each round of the crown it increases by about one inch; and each round gives you the stitch multiple needed for the stitch pattern along the side of hat. Knit or crochet A stitches as usual & then increase 1, then knit or crochet B stitches as usual & then increase 1 (A = the third number you got, B = the fourth number you got). Rnd 3: ch2, fpdc (loosely) around 1st st, dc in next st, *fpdc . 4. The Brim: Add a place marker, and join in the round using the extra stitch. Follow the set-up round with the first full decrease round. Wrap the yarn around the right needle as if to knit and pull the new . Change to double pointed needles size 3 mm, knit and decrease 8 stitches evenly on round = (64) 72-88-96 (104-112) stitches. Instead of working with 80 stitches, you could use 84, then each decrease can be evenly spaced. I always like to know the basic math of a pattern! Find out where to place your increases, or decreases within your project. Thinking of crochet lovers today we collected some graphics of crochet coats that we found on the internet. Using long-tail cast on, cast on 72 stitches onto your circular needles. Weave in your ends and block your hat. What if you just have a basic hat? Your email address will not be published. v. t. e. A woman smoking a cigarette, the most common method of tobacco smoking. Well start by decreasing every 11 stitches, for a total of eight reductions, since the hat has 88 stitches. Decide how large around you would like your hat to be (about 20 - 22 for an adult head). and/or sizes, multiply your gauge times hat size in inches, then look how to decrease a hat with 72 stitchesmaryland lacrosse camps 2021. how to decrease a hat with 72 stitches italian prayer for protection . All Rights Reserved. Join for working in the round, being careful not to twist the cast-on around the needles. Viola! Well, it is simple because there are two ways to do it de. My design philosophy is to make simple, useful, and beautiful things. Decrease round 1: Knit 2, purl 2 together for one round. Then work pattern in the round according to A.1 (= a total of (8) 9-11-12 (13-14) times in . 1. after dec rnd 1 and dec rnd 2. 22 stitches x 28 rounds =. . Basic Hat Pattern Resizing Steps. extra 4 stitches). I love knitting and programming, hence the nickname Knitgrammer. *Knit 8, k2tog*, repeat until end of rnd. We are going to knit a 22 rib stitch pattern for the brim of our hat. on top; drop down column to row with your gauge. Decrease Stitch. with a 13-stitch section. . This takes the math out of adding 10 stitches in a round by telling you when you would increase to make those additional stitches evenly spaced. This The answer to the question, is that there are two ways to decrease knitting hats. And I love your yarn! You will have 66 stitches left if you cast on 88; 72 if you cast on 96. In the second decrease round, those 3 stitches are reduced to 2 stitches. Knit until the circle is complete. Note {Optional}: When the stitches get too tight switch to DPNs or a longer cable and knit using the magic . The number you get should be rounded down to full or half number. Yarn over, and pull up a loop. If its near the crown of your head (where your head starts getting narrower), youre good to go. 4. Thank you. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for statistical purposes. stitches and 4 sections having 13 stitches (i.e., 4 sections each have 1 of the Buy on, Best Yarn for Baby Blanket A Complete Guide for Yarn Selection (2023), Best Eco-Friendly Yarn A Complete Guide for Yarn Selection. 5. Hat Brim: Cast on 73 stitches in Color A. Rounds 1-2: Color A: Knit. However, not all patterns are as simple to maintain during the crown shaping. The number of decrease Think in multiples of 10 for this hat instead of 12. 12 months - 6.25 high, begin crown on round 5. Good luck! You begin one stitch, but don't complete it, then begin another stitch in the stitch next to it, but don't complete it, and you complete the two stitches together. Pull stitches up tight; weave end in on wrong side (use a crochet hook To make the crown of hat: Rnd 1: *Knit 10, k2tog*, repeat until end of rnd. For the next round in your decreases, knit all the stitches. photo. Multiply the stitches per inch by the inches required to get an approximate cast on number. Step One: Find number to cast on: Choose size from row Join. > >. Knitting 101 Hats: Decreasing the Crown, Knitting 101 Hats: Decreasing the Crown | diyfrugalmama2, Ringing in the New Year: Knitting Resolutions, Christmas, Christmas Time Is (Way Too) Near: Organised for the Holidays, Follow For the Knit of It on The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. If you increase the pattern by 8 to 72 stitches, the decrease rounds would start at k10, ssk. Working *k8, k2tog* the first row will decrease your hat 6 stitches. After the set-up round, all the sections will have the same number I am only using k2tog (knit two together) as it's both the most invisible and easiest decrease. I unravelled and muddled through to reshape the crown, but your helpful tips would have saved this inexperienced knitter some brain strain. This method can be used for circular needles as well. Bernat Blanket Yarn is available in a variety of colors, so you can find the perfect one to match your style. Bookmarking this for sure! Pull tight, through to the wrong side and weave in end. Thread yarn through a yarn or tapestry needle. The decreases should go like this: Rnd 1: K2, P2tog (repeat all the way around) Rnd 2: K2, P1. The solid shell stitch crochet hat pattern is given for a newborn, 6-12 months, and teen/adult XS sizes, but you can easily modify this to any other size you like. create spiral decrease lines that are more subtle by keeping the placement of We need 7 rounds total, so a plain round must be worked This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. K all until your work measures 5.5" total length. To convert this yourself from millimetres to inches, you should divide your millimetres by 25.4. Above: The Hearthfire Cabled Beanie. Step One: Find number to cast on: Choose size from row on top; drop down column to row with your gauge.If you are between gauges and/or sizes, multiply your gauge times hat size in inches, then look in the . In this example we will round it down to 6. Help! Plain Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. and need to shape the crown If you're looking to convert inches to millimetres, multiply your inches by the same 25.4. Thanks for the instruction to thread the yarn through the remaining stitches. Add the extra plain rounds early in the crown, with fewer plain rounds later in the crown. Draw the yarn through the first 2 loops on your hook. Step 3 - stitches knit between decreases / 2 = stitches to knit before first decrease from beginning of row. (72 stitches) Rnd 7: *Knit 7, k2tog*, repeat until end of rnd. Slip the first two stitches (knitwise) off your left needle and onto your right. what should I do. To knit the body of the hat you will keep working 1/3 of the stitches in garter stitch (this section is purled on round 1 and knit on round 2) and 2/3 of the stitches in stockinette (this is knit every round). Draw the yarn through the stitch. Secondly, How do you fix a beanie that is too big? Our crochet coat and jacket patterns come in many beautiful designs and styles. Knit Two Together (K2tog) Lean: Right. Negative ease causes the elastic knitted fabric to expand somewhat when worn, making the garment smaller than the user. Decreasing on a Circular Needle is as simple as decreasing on a straight needle. Decrease evenly calculator. Slip the completed decrease to the right needle to finish. A Detailed Yarn Winder Guide For Crochet Lovers, Yarn Swift Guide For All Your Crocheting Needs, A Yarn Guide For The Perfect Baby Blanket, Complete Guide To Crochet Hooks For Yarn Lovers, A Guide To Getting Your First Crochet Starter Kit, how to decrease when knitting a hat with straight needles.
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