The Fourth Sister | Full Name Admiral Frantis Griss | I suppose we ought to see how she takes it, then." Part 1 of The way we come together TF-1726 | Contact Us, Submit your request for proposal online or by mail. Benefactor After arranging a successful sale of slaves which saw Obi-Wan outed as a Jedi and taken off-world, Miraj had Anakin made her servant. /SMask /None>> She was voiced by Rajia Baroudi.[1][3]. As for . Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Captain Wilco | Her Prime Minister, Atai Molec, then informed her of an intruder: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. JFIF K K C Type of Villain With Tano unconscious and the Jedi subdued, Scintel ordered Skywalker to be taken back to her chambers in the palace and the others separated and imprisoned as slaves. Miraj got on all fours and Anakin slammed his entire cock into her pussy. Darth Plagueis | Skywalker escaped and took Scintel to the Tecora. However, her feelings for Skywalker didn't go unnoticed as her Prime MinisterAtai Moleccalled Count Dooku, fearing that Scintel had been weakened by Jedi. I am an admin of this site. Miraj Scintel was the Queen of the Zygerrian Slave Empire during the Clone Wars period. Colonel Gralm | Archduke Poggle the Lesser | Grand Admiral Rae Sloane | Of course he doesn't, not after what he's been made to do. Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka have become prisoners on Zygerria, and suffer the torment of slaves. Miraj Scintel is an antagonist in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. 0-0-0 | Ultra Battle Droids He refused to serve her, but she just laughed, saying is heart wasnt in his words. It soon led to the Respublic special operation, which led Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano to come to Zygerria in order to free the Togrutas. Dryden Vos In der deutschsprachigen Version leiht Katrin Zimmermann der Knigin ihre Stimme. 7) Ziro the Hutt Being the Queen of the slave-holder race Zygerrians and a pawn of Count Dooku, despite not counting herself as one. Due to her Zygerrian nature and royal status, Scintel was extremely arrogant, believing that any person could be brought to submission with the proper methods and tools. The Queen then met the Count and explained her plan to enslave all Jedi, however, Dooku found her plan too ambitious as his own was to destroy every Jedi. Pong Krell | Dooku told her that Molec had asked him to come. (315) 371-3544 downstairs Dooku holds Queen Miraj in a Force choke levitating her body off the ground. Miraj Scintel was voiced by Rajia Baroudi in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. In an attempt to reestablish Zygerria's prominence as a slave empire, Scintel made a bid to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Before she draws her final breath, Miraj told Anakin that he was right, that she was indeed nothing more than a slave herself. Miraj Scintel became Queen some time before the Clone Wars even started. During the mission to Zygerria, she served drinks to Scintel and the slave dealer Lars Quell, who was actually the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker disguised. One of her orders was for commander Darts D'nar to enslave the inhabitants of Kiros - colony of Togruta, to sell at the auction. Thurible | Rune Haako Clone X | Doctor Pershing | %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Captain Lorth Needa | Minister Maketh Tua | Zuckuss, Confederacy of Independent Systems He wants that life back, but he doesn't dare run from the one he has now.Why run when they'll just catch up? Senator Lott Dod | Scintel's Twi'lek servant girl then attacked her, but Lars saved her. Ages ago, the Zygerrian Slave Empire stretched across many sectors, supplying luckless labor to unscrupulous masters in the galaxy. Anakin only dreams in nightmares, and when he wakes, the nightmare is in bed with him. Thus she did not enjoy being given orders from anyone and was firm in making her own decisions. Stormtroopers | /SM 0.02 In pursuit of an alliance with the Republic, Zygerria has changed its ways and outlawed slavery either that, or is putting up a halfway convincing front. In an attempt to reestablish Zygerria's prominence as a slave empire, Scintel made a bid to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Agent Alexsandr Kallus | TV-94 | B'omarr Monks | Morley | Mandalore the Great | Kylo Ren With Tano unconscious and the Jedi subdued, the Queen ordered Skywalker to be taken back to her chambers in the palace and the others separated and imprisoned as slaves on Kadavo. This slave girl was a Twi'lek female slave who served Queen Miraj Scintel of Zygerria during the Clone Wars as a waitress. Confederacy of Independent Systems individuals. Darth Maul | . While the Jedi resisted at first, using the Force to telekinetically strangle her, Scintel persuaded him by threatening to have his friends executed should she die. As she put a shock collar on her earlier, Scintel had won it easily, when guards disarmed the Jedi. Tatootine Aqualish Family | Darth Sanguis | She also captured Rex, and Obi-Wan, taking a liking to Anakin and using him as her bodyguard, with Anakin holding a blatant hatred of slavery. Major Baron Elrik Vonreg Minister Rish Loo | Moff Tiann Jerjerrod | Captain Varko Grey | Highsinger | Whip-usingScheming When Anakin Skywalker goes undercover to infiltrate Scintel's court, and discover the whereabouts of a vanished colony of Togruta artisans, the wily Queen takes interest in him. The Republic dispatches two of its most trusted errand boys to start off the second round of negotiations, but theres but one thing Queen Miraj Scintel desires as a reward for her hard efforts Anakin Skywalker. Count Dooku Miraj fell in love with Anakin, and tried to seduce him to her side. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. Duloks | Colonel Wullf Yularen | Soldiers $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? [3] However, she was not an entirely cruel person, as she revealed the locations of Togruta slaves before she expired. TX-20 | Klinith Da | Please consider turning it on! /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . Obi-wan is broken, but he needs to put up a front for his new padawan. She was impressed by his feat and his brash and confident nature. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br Presidente Shu Mai | She seems to be somewhat in love with Anakin Skywalker. 224 | It's been two years since he died. Dooku also noticed her feelings for Skywalker and ordered her to kill him. During their time together, Scintel became closer to Skywalker, deducing that he was once a slave before becoming a Jedi. | Privacy Policy | Accessibility | Site Map Allegiant General Enric Pryde | Senator Bec Lawise | Commander Pyre | Elite Praetorian Guards | Tears were falling down her face. However, Lars revealed himself as Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and his slave as Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Ren | c. 21 BBY,[2] Tecora over Zygerria[3] Mother Pran | tags: anakin-skywalker, miraj-scintel. Captain Chesille Sabrond | Count Vidian | He manages to sputter out a question, to which Miraj rolls her eyes. Scorch | SlaveryAbuse of power Jango Fett | Intrigued by his offer, Queen Miraj asked him to stay a little longer. I am a slave, just as you are.Miraj Scintel, to Anakin Skywalker as she dies. m _{og&@Bqt "'~[p. Submit RFP. /SA true Nala Se | Taskmaster Myles Grint | Work Search: Affiliates Techno Union | She imprisoned countless slaves, many of which were Togruta, Ahsoka Tano's species. Despite her efforts to convince him to see the galaxy as she sees it, Skywalker rebuffed her flirt even when she offered to free his friend if he'll stay with her. /BitsPerComponent 8 Commander Crosshair | She then had Skywalker as her bodyguard, even returning his lightsaber. Before she died, she told the man she loved, "I am a slave, just as you are." Seeking to rebuild the Zygerrian Slave Empire that was shut down by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic, Scintel allied Zygerria with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. << Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). She was betrayed by her Prime Minister, Atai Molec, and then killed by Dooku . COMPNOR | 3 0 obj [5] Following the abduction of the Togruta colonists from Kiros, she planned to have a slave auction. Protectorate Gleb, Nightsisters General Whorm Loathsom | Viceroy Gar Saxon Merrin | It soon led to the Republic special operation, which led Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano to come to Zygerria in order to free the Togrutas. Scintel ordered Skywalker to show his loyalty to her through beating the Jedi and was shocked when Skywalker revealed his identity as a Jedi. Governor Arihnda Pryce | Director Armand Isard | "Hello. In her last words, she acknowledged that she had become a slave of Dooku, as Anakin became a slave earlier. General Maximilian Veers | Purge Troopers | She also seems to be somewhat in love with Anakin Skywalker. "Well. Commerce Guild | Heavily guarded, the Zygerrian Queen had been brought immediately to an interrogation room in the depths of the military prison on the capital. She was voiced by Rajia Baroudi, who also voiced Hexuba in Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy. Sergeant Slick | Her piercing yellow eyes gaze into his own blue depths, searching for some unknown answer. Thok | Chairman San Hill | Dooku released her when Skywalker stormed in and briefly fought Dooku with the queen's electro-whip. Drash | She managed to even enslave Jedi Knights Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker after capturing the Jedi, who had previously infiltrated the Zygerrians. Vitiate, Jabba's Criminal Empire Miraj Scintel trat erstmals in der vierten Staffel der Fernsehserie The Clone Wars auf und wurde von der Schauspielerin Rajia Baroudi synchronisiert. Dooku dropped the Queen and quickly disarmed Anakin from his electro-whip Miraj dropped earlier. In The Rise of Skywalker, Anakin is one of the voices of the Jedi of the past helping Rey stand up and defeat her grandfather, Darth Sidious. Members Naare | Despite being Zygerrian, she was able to realize the folly of slavery when betrayed by Dooku and Atai Molec and acknowledged this to Anakin. Embo | Molec saw his queen as unworthy to rule and decided to side with Dooku. When Dooku arrived and met with the Queen, she refused to accept his directive, which prompted Darth Tyrannus to reveal that he had planned to assist Atai Molec, Scintel's prime minister, her throne in the event of her disobedience. [3], No match against Dooku without a weapon, Skywalker was surrounded by palace guards but managed to abscond from the chamber with the queen before being felled. This is Thesecret1070. Mok Shaiz | Whispers of freedom and a life he once had haunt him as he drowns everything out. Commandant Osi Sobeck | Accompanying Miraj to the auction house, Skywalker witnessed the brutality of Scintel's empire when Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose cover was blown earlier in the slave pits, was ordered to be beaten on the bidding floor. Hi. 5) The Twi'lek girl, fearful of remaining a slave and being punished, leaped from the ramparts to her death. Star Wars: The Clone Wars (animated film) The Clone Wars: 2.01: The Hidden Enemy The Clone Wars: 2.03: Children of the Force The Clone Wars: 2.04: Hostage Crisis The Clone Wars: 2.05: Senate Spy The Clone Wars: 2.17: Cat and Mouse The Clone Wars: 2.19: Bounty Hunters The Clone Wars: 2.21: Assassin The Clone Wars: 2.22: The Zillo Beast The Clone Wars: 2.23: The Zillo Beast Strikes Back The . Gilas | Upon Dooku's arrival, Scintel confiscated Skywalker's lightsaber and dismissed him from her court. [1]. During their time together, Scintel began to drift closer to Skywalker, deducing that he was once a slave before he became a Jedi. Leema Kai | Please consider turning it on! Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian queen who was the ruler of the planet Zygerria during the time of the Clone Wars. Tatootine Trandoshan Family, Ohnaka Gang Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko | General Armitage Hux | . The weak deserve nothing more than to kneel before the strong, bound to our service.Queen Miraj Scintel, During the Clone Wars, Scintel allied Zygerria's Slave Empire with Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems in order to restore its former glory. Moff Raythe | Senator Tikkes | [1] Scintel continued to try and convince Skywalker to be loyal to her alone. Arvel Skeen | Bounty Hunters w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr Lama Su | Perhaps his history as a slave is getting in the way of him understanding the difference. Magistrate Passel Argente | With her last breath, she acknowledged that she had become a slave just like Skywalker himself. Slavery is the natural order of things. TJ-912 | However, after learning that Scintel had not executed Skywalker as Count Dooku had originally instructed, the Count immediately traveled to Zygerria to ensure Anakin's death. Occupation << Scintel then pulled out her electro-whip, but Dooku strangled her through the Force. Governor Grotton | InterGalactic Banking Clan | Hair color Tactical Droids | Light brown[1] The Ninth Sister | A slave of hers then tried to assassinate her, only for Anakin to protect the Queen, as the slave committed suicide from the fear of being punished. Droidekas | Scorch | Language: English Words: 477 Posing as a slaveholder, Anakin Skywalker offered to the Queen a slave of her enemy, whom he claimed to kill. Thus, Scintel took Skywalker's lightsaber and told him to stay where he was. "Do not fear the Jedi," said the Queen to the gathered crowd in the arena, before the whole mission turned against him. Scintel gave Lars an electro-whip to teach Kenobi his place. Jek-14 | tides equities los angeles does dawn dish soap kill ticks does dawn dish soap kill ticks J-Sec | Ultimately, this trait proved to be her undoing, when she made Anakin Skywalker her slave and imprisoned his friends despite Count Dooku ordering her to kill them and warning her of the consequences, an order the queen angrily ignored, causing the Count to kill Scintel for her defiance. Anakin Skywalker Miraj Scintel Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting Zygerria Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars) Slave Anakin Skywalker Master/Slave Canon Divergence - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) Anakin is broken after he agrees to become Queen Miraj's slave, and something more. Darth Sidious | Ramy | Anakin then went inside her ass. [1], Scintel invited Lars to the slave auction. Though hit by several electro-whips, he kept advancing until overcome by the pain and a well-aimed blow by the Queen. Foreman Wat Tambor | Ratter | Miraj Scintel was the Queen of Zygerria during the Clone Wars. Homeworld 4A-7 | Officials and Operatives Physical description Gamorreans | As his comrades leaped to defend him from the throng of guards, Padawan Tano attacked Scintel; the queen had already had the Jedi girl's neck fitted with a shock collar and simply activated it to render her inert. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place. As she struggled to breathe against the Count's hold, Skywalker burst into the chamber and, unconcerned by the Count's threat to kill her unless he surrendered, attacked Dooku with the electro-whip, but was quickly disarmed. Anakin Skywalker Miraj Scintel Zygerrian Guards Whumptober 2021 Angst Non-Consensual Touching preening Alternate Universe - Wings Episode: s04e12 Slaves of the Republic Episode: s04e13 Escape From Kadavo Tatooine Slave Culture (Star Wars) mentioned - Freeform Anakin Skywalker Needs a Hug Force-Sensitives have Wings Winged Anakin Skywalker /Type /XObject Captain Terisa Kerill | Zeetar, Clone Troopers Aut-O | When the people of the colony of Kiros disappear under suspicion of Separatist interference, the Republic uncovers the re-emergence of a bygone empire with dangerous ambitions for the future. She sees in Anakin a prize to own and overpower, and uses her . In the end, she had taken him up on his offer - what was the one thing Anakin Skywalker had not yet willingly given Miraj Scintel? Despite her efforts to convince him to see the galaxy as she sees it, Skywalker rebuffed her flirty advances even when she offered to free his friend if he'll stay with her. FN-2199 | Vedain | Super Battle Droids | Slaver Tyrant. General Kraken | /ca 1.0 She had Kenobi brought before the crowd on the auction block. Zam Wesell | Captain Gilad Pellaeon | Boba Fett | [1], Scintel told Skywalker that Dooku and half her kingdom demanded that Skywalker be executed, Skywalker responded by Force choking her. /Type /ExtGState Skywalker continued to warm up to Scintel in order to learn where the prisoners from Kiros were. Embroiled in a gladiatorial trial for their lives, they must endure, or become inevitably slaves themselves. Biographical information C q" Saw Gerrera | Before she died, Scintel told Skywalker where Kenobi, Rex, and the colonists were being held. Queen Miraj asked Anakin to show his loyalty to her by beating Kenobi and then was shocked learning that Skywalker is actually a Jedi. Captain Moden Canady | Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian queen who was the ruler of the planet Zygerria during the time of the Clone Wars. [3], Miraj Scintel was a typical Zygerrian: she strongly believed the natural order was for the strong to dominate the weak. Members "Right. Anakin is forced to submit to the Zygerrian Queen, in more ways than one. Kassav Milliko | Scintel told him of her plans to break and enslave the Jedi. [3], Scintel welcomed Dooku, despite having not asked him to come. Order of the Night Wind | Darth Revan | Crimes Hutts | Fennec Shand The Tenth Brother Lagon | Queen Miraj Scintel | Captain Mar Tuuk | Eye color duncan hines devils food cake brownies. Anakin is broken after he agrees to become Queen Miraj's slave, and something more. He quickly finds out Miraj Scintel only takes things on her own terms. Mother Zalem Commander Crosshair | Miraj Scintel TJ-55 | Members Seduce Anakin to join her side (formerly). Height Make sure to subscribe to my main channel at She lets go of his friends, but she will fake his death only to make sure that his friends do not go looking for him. Trivia Pyschatrist Eric Bui of the University of Toulouse defined Anakin meeting the borderline personality disorder In a galaxy where AotC played out slightly differently, the choice Miraj gives Anakin is much simpler. Queen Miraj Scintel, or simply known as Miraj Scintel, is the main antagonist of the Zygerrian arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Agent Tierny | Emperor Sheev Palpatine Seeking to rebuild the Zygerrian Slave Empire that was shut down by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic, Scintel allied Zygerria with the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Miraj Scintel is a Character in the Star Wars universe. Counselor Gallius Rax | Let us help you meet your financial needs. Death Troopers | One of her orders was for commanderDarts D'narto enslave the inhabitants of Kiros - colony of Togruta, to sell at the auction. Daultay Dofine | Tey-Zuka | Leaders The Eighth Brother | The Second Sister | He was a sad man whose one love in life had died, and whose one anchor to the world of the living was, yes, a galaxy-conquering madman." Aaron Allston, Legacy of the Force: Betrayal. Closed | Knights of Ren | Mok Shaiz's Majordomo | No. Graxol Kelvyyn | She offered Skywalker the chance to serve her if she would ensure his friends' safety. She watched as the servant girl jumped to her death. The Client | Miraj Scintel is not looking for another slave. Anakin's forcefulness and refusal to submit to her really turned her on. endobj Tasu Leech | Queen Miraj asked Anakin to show his loyalty to her by beating Kenobi and then was shocked learning that Skywalker is actually a Jedi. Soldiers During their walk about the palace, a young slave girl attempted to assassinate the queen, only to be stopped by Skywalker. Though Dooku saw her plans as ambitious, he told Scintel that he ultimately planned to exterminate the Jedi, not enslave them. Affiliates /Height 155 Bruno Denturri was a male slaver who was an enemy of the Zygerrian Queen Miraj Scintel. /Title ( M i r a j s c i n t e l a n d a n a k i n s k y w a l k e r f a n f i c t i o n) Prime Minister Almec | Darth Noctyss | Leader MagnaGuards | She let out a massive scream and blacked out. Contents 1 Biography Agent Terex | No match for Dooku and Zygerrian guards without his weapon, Skywalker took Scintel and escaped, freeing his Padawan. endobj Protectorate Gleb | During their time together, Scintel fell in love with Skywalker even more, deducing that he was once a slave before becoming a Jedi. Slavery is the natural order of things. Deren | Scintel received Dooku in her throne room and detailed her plot to enslave the Jedi as she did Kenobi and Skywalker, crushing the Order and then the Republic. 2023 The Abraham House All Rights Reserved. Tenn Graneet | A brave hero, or a submissive slave? Commander Vult Skerris | After their investigation on Zygerria is exposed, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex and Ahsoka are forced to tread the fine line between surrender and survival. She seeks to demonstrate the difference by showing him just how bad it could be if she were looking for just another slave. Gardulla the Elder | Robonino | Whippings and beatings will only get you so far. Goals Though that slave was very richly dressed, it was Anakin's padawan Ahsoka Tano in disguise. The greatest gift Abraham House can give you is peace of mind. Durge | Velken Tezeri | When she finally does, he groans inwardly, knowing full well what to expect. A female Zygerrian, Miraj Scintel took the throne of Zygerria sometime before the start of the Clone Wars, a conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Guavian Death Gang | Following the invasion of Kiros and the transfer of the slaves to a processing plant on Kadavo, a group of Jedi infiltrated Zygerria and Scintel's palace. However, Scintel told him to obey her or his friends would die. Deva Lompop | Komari Vosa | The Seventh Sister | Sy Snootles | As Kenobi and Skywalker battled her guards, she engaged in a battle against Ahsoka Tano. Sith Troopers | Pan Eyta | 4-LOM | Miraj Scintel/Anakin Skywalker Ahsoka Tano/Atai Molec Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi Anakin Skywalker Miraj Scintel Ahsoka Tano Atai Molec Additional Tags: Zygerria Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars) Chains Cages Blood Blood and Injury Sexual Coercion Forced Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Hurt Obi-Wan Kenobi Hurt Anakin Skywalker Hurt Ahsoka Tano Obi-Wan Kenobi Whump Miraj waited for Anakin to wake up, though at first, the Jedi started to resist by trying to choke her with Force, but she threatened him for his friends would die if he disobeyed her. Morgan Elsbeth | Venomor, First Order The queen, intrigued by Skywalker's offer, accepted the slave and requested "Quell" remain at her side for a time. Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (12), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Post-Zygerria Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), Post-Rako Hardeen Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), original characters for nefarious purposes only, this fic mostly centers on Obi-Wan and Anakin & other characters tagged are just peripheral, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Canon Divergence - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), Threats of Rape/Non-Con to Underage Character, From My Point of View Attachments Aren't Evil. Dispatching Commander Darts D'Nar to the Togruta colony world of Kiros, Scintel ordered him to capture the colonists and return them to Zygerria so they could be sold to Dooku at auction.[1]. [/Pattern /DeviceRGB] Darth Andeddu | Months after the Rako Hardeen incident, the Council sends two of their best generals together on a mission meant to repair their damaged friendship. Keeper Agruss | Realizing his apprentice Tano and former master Kenobi were missing, Skywalker angrily grabbed Scintel in a Force choke, demanding to know where his friends were. Bala-Tik | Powers / Skills Viceroy Nute Gunray | Species Goron | She is looking for the stubborn Jedi to willingly swear his loyalty to her. Anakin Skywalker, a Zygerrian helmet covering his face, saw someone who looked likely to be in charge and walked over with a swagger in his step. In Skywalker's ship, a dying Scintel revealed the location of the slaves before succumbing to her injuries. 6 0 obj Gender General Grievous | Rukh | (She will settle for a loose interpretation of voluntary.). Affiliates tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. Admiral Trench | [1][3], Scintel, as she appeared in the comic version of Slaves of the Republic. Imperial Special Forces | tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (1), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (5), Anakin Skywalker & Original Character(s) (1), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, just a lot of new trauma on top of already accumulated trauma, The Bonds that Binds you are the Heaviest Chains, Ill never say it enough but most of the one shots of this serie can be read, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, most other relationships kinda take a backseat here, a few outright explicit lines if you squint, the ending is happy mostly as a technicality. Nightsister Zombies | Zygerrian Slave Empire[1]Zygerrian Slavers Guild[1]Confederacy of Independent Systems[1] The Sixth Brother | Sebulba | tags . Evil-doer He viciously chokes Dooku with his cybernetic arm in their duel on Naboo and cuts his hands of in their final duel before decapitating him. Mandalorian Super Commandos | K2-B4 | Nala Se | Lord Nyax | Died Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian queen who was the ruler of the planet Zygerria during the time of the Clone Wars. Ponda Baba | Geonosians | Affiliates Miraj Scintel becomes Queen some time before the Clone Wars even started. Being the Queen of the slave-holder race Zygerrians and a pawn of Count Dooku, despite not counting herself as one. Durge | Accompanying Miraj to the auction house, Skywalker witnessed the brutality of Scintel's empire when Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose cover was blown earlier in the slave pits, was ordered to be beaten on the bidding floor. 8D8 | General Kalani | Prince Xizor | Leaders In Skywalker's ship, a dying Scintel returned his lightsaber and revealed the location of the slaves before succumbing to her injuries. Dengar | Head of the Pyke Syndicate | As the Confederacy gained momentum, Queen Scintel saw an opportunity to reestablish Zygerria's ancient slave empire and concocted a plot to gain allegiance with Separatist leader Count Dooku. Vane | Miraj Scintel war die Knigin von Zygerria zu Zeiten der Klonkriege und Mitglied des Separatistenrates. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin | Commander Brom Titus | The queen of Zygerria in the clone wars had major hots for Anakin. Miraj scintel and anakin skywalker fanfiction When their mission to Siegeria goes sideways, Anakin agrees to the deal of the queen. Scintel telling Dooku of her plans to break and enslave the Jedi.
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