Fixed a couple of misfiring Legation Cities events. Increased the state category / number of building slots of Belize. Improved the trait of a Left Kuomintang infantry equipment manufacturer. Improved the AI focus priority for Brazil. The Commune of France no longer tries Mass Mobilisation against an opponent with twice its population, and instead uses Mass Motorisation. Removed some Ottoman events about representatives withdrawing support for the government. Mittelafrikas starting leader is now referred to as the Governor, instead of Statthalter, and will later attempt to assume the title Statthalter, instead of Vizeknig. Added Imru Haile Selassie as a leader for socialist Ethiopia. Ottoman got a new historical operative. We also apply it to the player for balance reasons: if the AI has division limits but a player doesnt, the difference in difficulty (particularly for major nations) is profound. Fixed Swedens Nils Flyg being replaced by a generic leader. The benefactor of a successful Manchu Coup will now become a permanent advisor in that government. Fixed Serbia being able to mobilise, while still having the Treaty of Wartholz national spirit. Fixed Bulgarias Mission to Kostantiniyye national focus being available after the Fourth Balkan War has already started. Fengitan will now receive the option to cut industrial soy during the Great Drought sooner. Made some AI changes, so the Entente is more likely to concentrate on Great Britain once it has a foothold there, and Austria no longer prioritizes the Russian front over its front with the SRI. Fixed Fengtian's advisors not affecting the Divided Governance national spirit. Tweaked the effects of several Panamanian military national spirits. Russia and China are dealt with by separate scripted peace events, and Japan has different levels of surrender ranging from minor defeat to total capitulation - they no longer lose their faction and all ability to declare war the moment Korea and Manchuria are occupied. Fixed countries being unable to join the Internationale after the Commune of France has been capitulated and then restored. Increased the AI chances for Savinkov to come to power in Russia, reduced the republic's. Socialist Greece now annexes their puppet Cyprus the same as other ideologies. Elie Lescot is no longer available as a Haitian advisor if Calixte is the head of state. Hopefully fixed any cases of the SAU-OMA peace going haywire. Carles` regime political idea in Argentina now depends on player actions and bloodthirstiness, and instead of flat political power bonus now carries both buffs and debuffs which are increased depending on player choices during initial event chain. Fixed Sweden constantly taking and repaying loans. Fixed reconstruction decisions for Alaska and Hawaii being available before the civil war. Dutch East Indies will now turn into an exiled Netherlands, if the latter is annexed by someone else. Rafael Franco now becomes a general when he coups. Fixed the effect of the Rural Schoolbuilding national spirit for White Ruthenia. The West Indies Federation now gets reduced licence costs from Canada. Fixed some Chinese generals not joining their unifier when their home areas are integrated. Minor User Interface tweaks for improved spacing. Social Democrat Sweden now joins the Reichspakt, if Norway or Finland has gone socialist, or if Russia has annexed Finland. Carol II can now actually have a vacation in Rio de Janeiro and Lisbon. Fixed a doubled Centroamerican cash crops effect. Ireland no longer starts with tanks, while the USA does. Fixed Belgiums Hubert Pierlot portrait getting overwritten by its equivalent portrait from vanilla HoI4. Added Zhou Enlai as an advisor for the Left Kuomintang. Fengtians Restore the 1923 Constitution national focus now requires Beijing to be controlled. Improved the AI focus priority for Dutch East Indies. Zhang Zongchang now starts with the Dictator trait, in place of Captain of Industry. Adjusted Rupprecht von Bayerns commander traits and stats. Georgia now begins with a core on Batumi. Fixed non-socialist Tripolitania keeping the Baath. After winning the Boer War against Natal/Rhodesia, South Africa no longer gains cores on lands it conquered before the Boer War began. Australasia is no longer double-penalised for getting conscription. AI Tang Jiyao now no longer pretends his decisions to join factions dont exist. Removed the game rule options for custom faction joining, for performance purposes, as the AI calculated performing these options daily, even when the game rule was turned off. Reduced the effects of the Belgrade Pact war missions. Tweaked an Ottomans tooltip so the effects are clearer. Fixed Sichuan not being able to complete New Commercial Zones. Given Armenia some manpower when the revolt starts. Fixed countries not being able to hand over Taiwan or Manchuria to Chinese puppets. The USA now gets rid of the New Year strike correctly. They represent one broad title of ideas, and usually are leaded by the most predominant party of that single ideology. Updated Germanys names when it is puppeted by revolutionaries and reactionaries. Two Brazilian victory points have been adjusted to their correct location. Carlist Spain now bypasses the focus to join the Entente if it is already in the Entente. Adjusted loc for the case of Li Zongren defecting and proclaiming a rival RKMT. Fixed Yunnan joining a faction it's at war with. Re-added Japans settlers on Marcus Island. Fixed the State Transfer Tool decision referring to the incorrect shortcut. Fixed a Latvian effect tooltip being in the event description. Fixed Paraguay attacking Argentina twice. Added three more starting dockyards to the Union of Britain. Fixed Patagonian decisions attempting to build infrastructure where the infrastructure is already at the maximum value. Fixed united South African Federation keeping the Natal Rebellion national spirit. Fixed Rhodesia losing part of its factories when seceding from South Africa. Reduced the completion time of Austria's foreign policy national focuses. Germany and Japan now start with their first armored car tech unlocked. South Africas Harry the Enemy national spirit now makes South Africa harder to occupy, rather than easier. Updated the version of Ai, Ai, Kerenski! Fixed American tags being unable to core certain states that remained loyal. Slight buffed Manchu Qings Young China Party, and slightly debuffed the Zongshe. Fixed Romania controlled by King Michael having some Iron Guard national spirits. Nestor Makhno is now a general for Patagonia. Expanded the size of Japans starting army. Fixed the post-American Civil War trials occurring before all other sides are defeated. Opinion modifiers are now automatically added to newly-spawned countries. Fixed Anatolian Kurdistan getting support from Canada if at war with them. Updated the Manchu Coup for Qing for the new changes in Shanxi and China in general. We hope you enjoy it! Fixed the Netherlands leaving the Reichspakt, when they undergo a pro-German coup. Panama can now peace out with the Entente or Reichspakt if they defeat Costa Rica. If you dont care about models you can enjoy the extra space, while if you do youll need to subscribe to the new submods (and get many new models in the process). Austria: Maximilian Habsburg-Lothringen, Otto I. Sichuan will now always become a puppet of Yunnan if it accepts their ultimatum. Fixed several broken uses of having the start of a war fire an event. Fixed NatPop Mihai Romania being unable to finish their focus tree. The Ardennes can now be given to Wallonia. Fixed Siam keeping the engineer shortage decision, after the national spirit times out. Fixed the Siamese Parliamentarian rebels not getting the correct generals. Fixed AI Egypt not being able to sometimes invite Najd into the Cairo Pact. Fixed some missing Puerto Rico ministers. Fixed former Canadian and Indian Generals Claude Auchinleck and William Slim getting their flights mixed up - Auchinleck is now correctly in the Dominion of India, and Slim in the Union of Britain. Fixed Shanxis Power Struggle decisions not appearing. Fixed a NatPop event firing for non-NatPop Romania. Limburg is now part of Germanys ambition area. P.S. New flags for Buganda, Socialist Korea, Nepal, socialist Netherlands.. Fixed Bolivias decision to attack Chile not being visible. Decreased the duration of several Manchu Qing national focuses. Improved German AIs priority of military national foci, advisors, manufacturers and building trucks. Fixed several incorrectly-sized terrain images. Renamed the German socialist puppet splinters. Fixed the unitstacks around Lake Titicaca. Serbia no longer kicks Greece from the Belgrade Pact, when forming the Balkan Socialist Federation, if they are both socialist. Fixed a scope interfering with Peru-Bolivian Confederations claims. Added a manpower bonus to Latvias Red Peasantry national focus. Fixed Insulindia getting volunteers after their war with the Dutch East Indies is already over. Fixed Polands railway national focuses not getting uncompleted if Poland has an uprising. Fixed Adelbert staying around when Belgium gains independence. Rebalanced the Spanish Civil War to make it less detrimental to the Carlists and the Kingdom, by changing starting stability and war support, re-allocating victory points and spawning more units. Fixed Sakhalin not going to Japan in its annexation event. Increased the chances of Germany intervening against socialist Poland. Fixed Socialist Serbia being released as a puppet with the non-socialist puppet focus tree. Canadas french-related ideas will now disappear if Quebec is not owned, Russia no longer receives a claim on Cernauti when deciding to keep Bessarabia, Fixed Russian decision to attack Transamur for the instance where Transamur immediately folds and should be annexed, Burmese event chain now checks for AuthDem government to exist, Burma can no longer join in on Indochinas war with Siam if it is a subject (of another country) or otherwise invalid for the war, Fixed the continuous focus box overlapping with parts of the PLC focus tree, Fixed the Russian Socialist Republic having a too low division limit, Fixed Don-Kuban having an endless Black Monday, Fixed all missing Sudwestafrika portraits, Fixed Austria not being able to release Hungary in the Pluralism path, Capitulated countries will no longer be annexed in peace conferences if random non-aligned third parties capitulate, Siam no longer loses its admirals if the civil war fires, Transamur will now break away from Japan when forming Russia, Serbia no longer invites itself to the Belgrade Congress, Honduras will now break free from Nicaragua if the latters government is overthrown, Mongolia and Tibet can now be released properly after releasing China, Greater Germany can now no longer core Istria or Trentino through the annexation decisions, If the UK chooses direct rule over Ireland, the annexation decision will now not keep re-appearing, Removed the ability for the Patagonian Communists to get Juan Domingo Peron as a general. Fixed the NatPop Ottomans losing their focus tree if they join the Reichspakt. Berar is now transferred by Chhatisgarh's annexation if Hyderabad's is invalid. Bulgaria can no longer core Constantinople. LKMT Yunnan forming Republican of China after the loss of Fujian KMT has been fixed. Added general descriptions for Fengtians Yu Zhishan and Zou Zuohua. Armenian Foreign Policy (expanded current options), Armenia: Drastamat Kanayan, Hamazasp Srvandztyan. Total download size of the base mod has been reduced by ~50%, thanks to standardising most gfx to .png format. Removed the increased LEP surrender limit. Ottoman AI will no longer get volunteers from Somalia, Azerbaijan, Mittelafrika and Afghanistan, Egyptian AI now receives volunteers and material support from the Internationale when fighting against the Turks, Afghanistan can no longer be called in against Iran during the Levantine war, Conquered Cyrenaica will now only respawn during the Levantine war if resistance is high enough in its states instead of always, The effects of National Frances purge ideas have been slightly tweaked. Fixed countries not taking Suceava in a peace conference. Highlights include, of course, the long awaited China update, the Italian rework, new naval changes, our largest ever performance improvement, an insane number of bug fixes and huge quality of life changes. Fixed Germany spawning reserve units in enemy territory. Claimed Croatian states are no longer given away by the Fate of Croatia event. Fengtian should now ignore Japanese-held territories when evaluating which warlords to conquer. Fixed the American Civil War participants converting factories in states without any. Fixed an Assyrian focus title that was too long. If Germany in Exile hands over French claims, it loses its ambition areas in those states. Zhang Zuolins prior refusal to denounce the concessions is now represented during the unification conference. Removed Fengtians unique Force Attack ability, and granted them the normal one. Fixed Austria not getting a core on Burgenland. The Haitian/Dominican rebellions are now integrated into the annexation system. Fixed puppet Afghanistan peacing out with the Dominion of India. Fixed Mittelafrika not losing the The Mandates national spirit, after annexing the protectorates. Fixed Denmarks game rule not reliably forming the Hybrid Government. Fixed Brazil reintroducing Black Monday after removing it. An 'ideology' within EoaNB, or HOI4 in general is the smallest unit of ideas that can be distinguished as a single 'party'. Fixed the Siam coalition government mechanic. Added renames in the Andes for Totalist Peru and Ecuador to Quechua, Aymara and Guaran. Fixed a number of wrong tag references for India, Carlist Spain and the PSA. Improved Irelands Rural Maintenance Board national spirit. We cant guarantee such a rapid release schedule in the future, we are after all a group of volunteers working in our spare time, but wed like to think this represents just how much our standards and practices have improved as a team. Fixed the Mittelafrikan triggers for removing the British and Belgians. Fixed Georgias elections autocompleting if the same party is re-elected. Fixed Sun Qichang being classified as Zhang Clique instead of Concordia, in Fengtians Reforming Manchurian Finance event. Improved Germanys AI in naval position and national focus completion priority. FNGs dynamic modifiers for the Yang Yuting path now have icons. Romania can refuse to join the Serb war for their lands in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but faces a hefty penalty. Fixed being able to give Thrace to Turkey without them owning Adrianople. GBPs republican flag is used when democratic and new flag for PatAut England, Redid a lot of flags for the West African countries. Having a cap on the total number of units (particularly the number of units that smaller countries can field) is the biggest way we can help with this. Fixed a German national focus trying to build them a coastal bunker in a province they dont own. Fixed Jabal Shammar crashing the game, if re-puppeted to the Ottomans during the War in the Desert. Renamed some states on the Malay peninsula. Fixed a couple of broken references to Irish states in the Union of Britain's events. This command sets the specified ideology group as the ruling party. Fixed many potential cases of removing advisor roles accidentally causing crashes to desktop. Fixed Bulgaria not getting the National Catastrophe, if annexed during the Fourth Balkan War. Fixed the National Protection Alliance attack decisions. Fixed the text for Germany's Black Monday national foci mentioning the wrong advisors. Puppet Metaxas can no longer restore the Greek monarchy. Fixed India stealing occupied Ceylon from Japan.