KARLO: and well take calls and information and we rely very much on people and their information to help get to our editorial team in terms of focusing on stories, especially when there are disasters. NELSON: Jeff Light, same question for you. You really hammered on that. BARRETT: Thats right. You know, those are the things that are very powerful in peoples minds and its really the job of everybody who traffics in honest information to help people look at the facts rather than these emotional issues, you know, that they want to believe which often, as in this case, are untrue and damaging. GREG DAWSON (News Director, NBC 7/39 TV): Good morning. 00:00. When Greg said earlier that its important for people to consume more than one media outlet, every head in this room nodded. You know, Im of two minds about this conversation because I agree than an enlightened and informed community is fundamental to what were all trying to do, right? It is a newspaper that primarily focuses on the coverage of issues, events and developments in a specific rural community. Rory Devine is now almost exclusively doing education, which she was always kind of doing education but. BARRETT: You know, this is the core of the story, here are the parts that are important, here are the people who are important, this is why you should care. Id like to thank my guests this morning. These closures have cost the livelihoods of journalists, photographers and designers. Understand the significance by reading the importance of newspaper essays, available at BYJU'S. Newspapers are a staple of society. Seeing their stories and their names in print gives meaning to their lives and their part of the world. BARRETT: Well, youve got a couple of points there. But what has the new ownership of the San Diego Union done about on the subject of investigative reporting about nobody caught the mess that put us that what was going on that put us in the financial mess that were in now. Im just an individual whistleblower. Were doing that kind of stuff. Not all those decisions, I think, were strategic or thoughtful or the right decisions about, you know, how to staff these organizations. Every Thursday for almost 20 years, Albert Lyon (right) would buy The Bridge and read it to his good friend, Lenny Logan, beneath the shade of a wattle tree. Williams OutBack Magazine. Rural community newspaper is a regular publication for a community. "Anybody can audition for a show. And, you know, when youre on the air and youre doing a live interview, as somebody who does a radio show, I can tell you this, you misspeak. And to be anything other than in error is an improvement on our normal condition. KARLO: So for us, what I think our role is, is to give people a chance to take a longer look at issues. Kentucky completed the regular season 21-10 overall. I think the demise of print journalism, and I see it as that, we are subscribers to the U-T and weve noticed the difference in the size of the papers. But weve come through that. Each country has developed its own definition of the concept 'rural area'. A 501(c)(3) organization. They cover the headlines and events globally, including local news and articles. Yeah, I just wanted to say one thing that really bothers me is that supposedly were supposed to get both sides. But, you know what, our product is going to stay the same but the distribution part of our organization is going to change. 1 In 2015, they surpassed the death rate in urban areas. Find more local news And I hear people just basically blatantly lying and it never gets called on and it really bothers me. In fact, Im going to let one of our callers ask him. If it covers wider topics, community journalism concentrates on the effect they have on local readers. There are plenty of people to do the hard work. Readership up?