The balance will be charged with 10 consecutive monthly payments of $1,050. She is the first contact for parents, students, faculty and guests with whatever they may need. The two women tell the story of visiting the poet, who was then a farmer in Lakewood, New Jersey. I have heard that he was involved in the claims with the CBD and than was involved in trying to purchase the seminaries at pennies on the dollar which would obviously put the CBD conviction into question. The plaintiffs, who did not claim Rabbi Elimelech Meisels had assaulted their daughters but who pulled their daughters from the seminaries after allegations by other girls surfaced, reached an out-of-court settlement with the seminaries last month. Theyd have to pay tuition elsewhere for those credits. As they say, What goes around comes back around. schedule is reasonable. With our Study Abroad Programs, enrolled students can continue to earn college credits while in seminary. Nathan estimated that more than 10 other families are still seeking refunds, but said they are dealing directly with the seminaries. Love them both, and if they're an indication of the kind of girls in this seminary - then I would say it's a great seminary! YL get your facts straight gotessman is best friends with tzvi bloom and is against meisels, if yarmish did buy the sems what right does bloom hv to open this thing up. When asked whether Israel Police are investigating or have investigated allegations of sexual assault by Meisels, police spokesman Mickey Rosenfeld told Haaretz, No information on this matter was available from police. Asked whether anyone had lodged any complaints against Meisels to the Israel Police, Rosenfeld said only that no information on this matter was available.. You can pm me. not too much textual work. They have the learning experience and the fun, too. 6-8 bras. oh, i forgot, there is an unwritten law, that to be marriageable, one must have done a year in semen.. in Israel. e.g. well, whether or not, if they have the money, and feel that their daughters entire shidduch future is at stake, they will bite Very enterprising.. They use space at Drisha in NYC, but are independent what about Drisha. could someone pls explain how he could do this after Israeli bd paskend no other seminary could take in the girls and if u say chicago said he could how could they do that they lost the rights tothe case by giving it over to isreal. Nesivos Ahron. While we do our best to always have the most current listings, we do not guarantee that our listings are up to date. Suppose the seminary is sold. I think its a good idea for the girls to make other arrangements- even if everything is worked out, based on the reports here and other blogs, there were people in authority who knew, why should they be trusted again. Touro College, which noted that it has a multitude of seminary affiliations in Israel, would not comment on the reason for suspending its partnerships with the four seminaries. You can calculate costs and financial aid with ournet price calculator. Nachlas Beis Ya'akov Warm teachers Work is hard, but managable Neve Very diverse group Do a lot of Kiruv Have a few buildings, but all girls eat meals together (not frum- BY- MO etc) Nishmat Shna Ba'Aretz MO Peninim BY- but more "open minded" then most. I did not post their letter to recommend them. This is even more true in educational settings where their compromised ethics are bound to influence students. If you live in the United States (outside of New Jersey) or are a US citizen living in Canada and want to get a jump start on college, join TTIs Daemen University Study Abroad Program. However, space is limited and these girls will be accepted strictly on a first come first served basis. Following the allegations, two U.S. colleges have suspended their affiliation with the four seminaries. Samuel the Prophet Street) is a main road in north-central Jerusalem.It starts at the intersection of St. George and Shivtei Israel Streets near Highway 60, and merges into Golda Meir Boulevard just past the intersection of Bar-Ilan and Hativat Harel Streets. Its not like these girls would know their way around israel.. Logically, it is possible he navigated or there was a 3rd party chauffeur. In their civil suit, the plaintiffs alleged a sham sale had taken place. Any info is appreciated. A few days later, the Israeli rabbinical court released its own statement, saying the party responsible had been removed and that the institutions were safe. American Friends of Nachlas Bais Yaakov Your address will not be disclosed to others or shared with anyone else. . Fall: September 7, 2022 - January 26, 2023. . only have 4 or 5k out of pocket. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. You can calculate costs and financial aid with our. I think that the Israeli equivalents are half the cost. December 2, 2014. President Did they reach their goal and move forward? Our students benefit from the personalized attention of our dedicated and loving teachers. We therefore need parents to fill out the accompanying binding Registration Form and return it to us within 24 hours. So who drove? My sister is married and lives in israel and still has connection with teachers and visits. Ick. working for Uri Ltsedek????? I pity the DIN V CHESHBAN on all four schools, PIG M, and the staff. Lahav Bais Yaakov is a half-year seminary with an extension until Nissan. And those parents who go to secular court may win back some money, but not without jeopardizing their daughters shidduch prospects, because SOMEONE will make it into a shidduch issue, which it shouldnt be, but which it can easily snowball into. Space was hard to find, and the first class met on benches on Rothschild Boulevard. It does not include images; to avoid copyright violations, you must add them manually, following our guidelines. If your excitment in exposing hypocritical frum people doesnt come from genuine concern and pain for what is happening to our people, than you are just a different kind of voyeur. 652-7257 NACHLAS BEIS YAAKOV 99 Shmuel . I dont know if they met their goal. These cookies do not store any personal information. However, I am pretty sure they are moving forward in their attempt and are undaunted by the Shafran beit din saying others may not attempt to steal students from the sems owned by Meisels. Especially this seminary who is offering to take in girls from two of the seminaries. Here come the vultures. Please note: No seniors were harmed in the making of this . Academic Calendar Year 1. Menuval Kovod Fresser, Ukraines Yaakov Bleich, Claims He Quit Prestigious Organizations Because He Is SlowingDown. Following other exchanges during the summer, on September 4, it sent a further letter to the seminaries U.S. attorney who is representing all the defendants but Meisels saying it was still waiting to see proof that Meisels was removed from financial control of the institutions. If the seminaries cannot be cleansed and reformed they should be shut down. Its tasteless, and doesnt speak to their midos much. there are other reasons to disagree like holding by the Chicago BD psak that these kids should not go to the Meisels seminaries. Does anyone know how much a parent had to put down as a deposit at Meisels owned seminaries for the coming year? Who we are: The Bais Yaakov Project represents the work of three Bais Yaakov graduates, of different generations:. This has always been a competitive business. According to sources close to developments, last month students gave testimony regarding the allegations of assault against Meisels in a teleconference between rabbis from the rabbinical courts in Israel and the U.S. that have been involved in the case, and representatives of the seminaries, in an effort to break the impasse between the two rabbinical courts. In The Picture. Country. The notebooks also raise some questions about what we think we already know about Bais Yaakov. she is a mensch with wonderful midot. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. In order to accommodate these girls, the administration of Nachlas Bais Yaakov has put into place the major components necessary to open a new seminary, including the option to secure a building adjacent to Nachlas, in the heart of Yerushalayim. Shmuel HaNavi Street (Hebrew: , lit. Is Blooms friend gottesman in on this profiteering scheme? The staff remains the same, the warmth and care remain the same, and the hashkafos and high academic level remain the same. Im going to assume that this commenter would have written their comment in English if they wanted to be taken seriously. It does not say anything about what they are doing to protect their students. not too much textual work. The Touro College Israel option (TCIO) was established to provide students with opportunities to study at a post-secondary yeshiva or seminary in Israel. . Following accusations of sex assault and fraud, four religious seminaries in Jerusalem have agreed to refund tuition to 13 American families. We hereby commit to send our daughter to the newly formed seminary from September 17, 2014 until June 8, 2015. I guarantee and warrant that I am the legal card holder for this credit card and that I am legally authorized to enter into this recurring credit card billing agreement with Nachlas Bais Yaakov. The management did not respond to requests for comment on the petition. Frankly, every single staff member who turned a blind eye to Meisels misconduct should be drummed out of Jewish education. Image by haaretz/tali meyer, By Alona Ferber Welcome to the Me'ohr website If you are a graduate of Me'ohr, please register or login to access shiurim and more. Did they not know of his connection to Meisels? The reason it took so long to sell is not because meisels was holding in it was because gottesman was not allowing any buyers in order to further his cause And bloom tried to buy out meisels teachers by offering big cash to which they refused. About Jerusalem The city where past and present meet. City (for interviews) *. The learning is almost all text-based but you learn hashkafa through that. "The majority of Bais Yaakov seminaries get Masa money, up to around $2,700 per eligible student, and these cuts can be equal 10 to 20 percent of the budget for some schools," says Rabbi Zecharya Greenwald, of Me'ohr Seminary, and one of the heads of the Seminary Va'ad. I feel like every person wo wants to bash the chareidi system, bash the seminary system and everyone who gets off on hanging black hat rabbis by the toenails is all over this whether they have a clue or not! BYQ girls intent on their tefillos during Aseres Yemei Teshuvah. Does anyone know why Gottesmans law firm is representing the girls and trying to get the case back to the Chicago bais din? It will not be visible to any other users. Learn the facts ! The work is hard but not busy work. Is it warm? I believe that if Shlomo Gottesman bought, the Chicago Beis Din would have refused to lift their ruling. The learning and atmosphereis infused with excitement. I think it is time for everyone to rethink of sending 18 year old girls to israel for the year of aliya These suspensions mean that students are not eligible for college credit and financial aid for time spent at the seminaries. See the original Bais Yaakov building. According to Masa, those moves included instituting a policy on dealing with assault and abuse, and setting up a student hotline. For up-to-date information regarding specific schools for the next academic year, please contact the Office of Admissions (718) 252-7800, ext. Other Directories: What is Nachlas like academically, hashkafically? But youre right, I cant actually confirm anything. The civil suit was filed Monday with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois on behalf of four parents with daughters signed up . Yes, YL, and Nathan Englander wrote a novel re that situation. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. Fully eligible NY residents can apply $12,560 towards their seminary tuition. With TTIs guidance and support students can graduate within six months of returning from seminary. In Israel, however, Masa - the government and Jewish Agency-funded organization that runs study, volunteer and internship program for young Jews from around the world - says it is retaining its connection Pninim, the only one of the four seminaries with which it is affiliated. Despite the spate of violent and, in some cases, fatal attacks, R"l, that have gripped Eretz Yisrael in recent weeks, New York-area parents remained If you are not on Twitter or FaceBook, and you want to contact me, leave a message in the comments field of any of my posts with the words "contact me." If no teacher knew anything they are incompetent beyond all belief. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. and does anyone have any information about the seminary bya in eretz yisrael? It all depends on the year. The lawsuit was filed after that rabbinical court issued a public letter in July an unusual, unprecedented step saying students at the seminaries were at risk of harm. The letter also said a distinguished Israeli beis din consisting of three rabbis has assumed responsibility for the matter. This private rabbinical court was comprised of Rabbis Menachem Mendel Shafran, Chaim Malinowitz, and Tzvi Gartner, a defendant in the U.S. suit. FY-WTP04-K : 10.60 cm : 18.80 cm : 19.30 cm : 300.0 g At this stage, the program is ongoing, a Masa spokeswoman confirmed to Haaretz, commenting on its partnership with the seminary. Login If you need to contact the office, you can reach us at Meohr Bais Yaakov, Rechov Hagai 1, Beit Hakerem Yerushalayim Office Phone: 02-630-0900 Email: If they get rid of everyone, why even bother keeping the name of the seminary? Our programs of study are student focused and structured to create the optimal seminary experience. Lander faculty and deans visit participating institutions through the year, and staff from the Touro Israel campus provide academic advisement, career counseling, and course planning services. Furthermore, the Chicago rabbinical court said in its letter that, based on the evidence received so far, a very limited number of other staff may need to be removed from their positions in order to ensure a safe educational environment and restore a culture of compliance..