I found a happy place with Pirate Kake. This one didn't work for me. Unlike Cornell and Diehls Tuggle Hall which you have to keep re-stuffing back in there. But hey We all need some "Alone Time" now and then. This may truly be thee fynest treasure in the seven seas!! This tobacco is one of my favourites. It gets one dimensional thru the bowl, in that Latakia dominates the experience and ultimately numbs the senses too much. Palette: Smells of rich peat, ash, campfire and a little spice. Rich and Smokey with a creamy finish. Third mistake: Turkish is absolutely useless and this is not an oriental blend! Worth a try if you love the dark stuff, but be careful with it - it can knock you back. Opening the tin, I receive a lovely aroma of Latakia and that's about it and it is plenty. This not Old Ironsides of any version it may be better to some and not quite as good to others but if you like OI I can't imagine you not liking this stuff. This is primo condemental that is extremely smooth and creamy with smoke so thick you can eat it. Sometimes I find myself puffing like a freight train, I just cannot get enough of this blend in one bowl! It gets better with a little age. They did not change and they played very nicely together willingly letting the wonderful smoky flavor lead the way. The moisture is perfect, you can put it directly in the bowl or can leave it to dry as long as you wish. . The burly and Orientals are there to round it out a bit but the star is the smoky lat. No Flavoring detected. So not only is this a must try for me but many thanks are owed to this blend and C&D. If you are a latakia freak, as I am, then I will venture to say you are going to like this blend a lot. Well, I have to admit, Latakia and Turkish tobaccos smell, well, yeah maybe like the musky lather of a salted slave. The rich smoky, leathery, earthy, woody, incense-like, sweet Cyprian Latakia is the star component, comprising 70% of the blend. Overall, it's good quality tobacco but my preference is a blend with less Latakia and more of a balance with other components. Pirate Cake is a hybrid weed strain. Pirate Kake Pipe Tobacco: A Musical Review - YouTube Pirate Kake will fool you with its robust and hearty taste. I have no idea what the room note is because I smoke on the porch but I imagine it would be very potent. My smokes started off pleasant enough, especially after a full meal, but the large amount of latakia slowly pummeled me. Well, the description states it has LOTS (emphasis theirs) of Latakia, and it does. A Four Star blend, IMHO. The turkish hides sheepishly in the shadows and the burley taste (if burley really has a taste) is MIA. This tobacco is much the same. The heavy metal of pipe tobacco. A Latakia lover's treasure. It comes in a crumble cake and like all the C&D cakes I've tried this one is easily breakable and crumbled nicely. For Example: Enter 16 in quantity box for 1 pound. That being said, I wouldnt recomm end this to a Latakia newbie, I think itd be way too much. Sku: 011-617-0185 A smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) Very ascertive, and smoky. Amazing!! Maybe once a week. Best smoked after a meal (not before) or it will overpower one's palate. Most other cuts wouldn't work with this much Latakia. Impressively well-balanced for such a latakia-dominant blend, the burley and orientals add a beautiful woody flavor to the rich smokiness of the latakia. Pipe Used: John Middleton Oyster Rusticated Author, Nice. I love it. If you like Latakia, then this should satisfy you. I like burley. I will recommend it for latakia lovers, and who knows once I have more experience I will appreciate the tin more. If you prefer a five coarse meal over a simple dish, then the many flavors provided by PK will titillate your taste buds. I even find myself occasionaly inhaling this, something I rarely ever do when smoking a pipe. I was sent a sampler packet tucked into a shipment of tobacco I had ordered online from SmokingPIpes.com. I find it to have a very rich, flavorfuly smokey, pleasantly toasty, note. Loose or tinned pipe tobacco orders- minimum . The Krumble Kake cut adds tremendously to this blend. The next loyal matey did too but the rest well those yellow stripe down their back traitors looked and ran puffing or sipping this will not bite or even come close. I received an neat little 1/2 ounce cube of this as a gift from Smokingpipes.com in an order that I had placed. The VA's may be lower in percentage, but they are first rate and their earthy sweetness are obvious. if you liked 1792 but found iy just past your comfort level strengthwise the you should give this flavorful, after dinner smoke a try. I would say this is my favorite tobacco because I can always depend on it to be a good consistent smoke. I had forgotten how nice that first blast of latakia is when it's lit. Le acompaa el Burley y dicen que Orientales, que no puedo apreciar, excepto en el carcter de sta labor. Yo-ho Latakia La Bamba! 2 thumbs up on this. I love it! Can't speak to heaven. Its a circus sideshow blend, taking its place on stage next to the Bearded Lady and Mr. Lifto (google him, kids.) Smokes cool and evenly, not for the social smoker as this blend may offend some noses but may impress others. $11.25. to my last order tried a bit when it arrived and again it was a bit sharp but enjoyable. Surprisingly sweet, yes, but also flat. Its reminds me of taking a handful of fresh basil and stuffing your mouth (but not as extreme,) and once the flavor has left your palate there is still a certain feeling present. I always load my pipe the night before and let it sit overnight. update December 2014** same batch as previous yet the past months of ageing seem to have mellowed out the baccy. Pirate Kake rates 2 stars. My all time Lat bomb. Tin of 50 Grams. It requires one to slow down and enjoy the ritual and preparation of a great pipe smoke. 3-4 lights to get going. As an additional note, this does have an appreciable nicotine hit for a lat blend, so those smitten with lat, but also requiring more nicotine, may find this to be the perfect solution. The character turning more dark and spicy in the second half so a sweet drink (coffee, tea) goes great with it. Sweet taste and slight reminiscence of coconut. With the benefit of hindsight, I suspect that memory had concentrated what had probably been the modest Latakia content of the Balkan I was trying to rediscover simply because it was the most sharply distinguishable component of the mixture and such a novelty when I first started smoking Balkans. Blackbeard at his best!!!!! And even then it took me a while to admit there were other tobaccos present. Anyway, I've been happy as a clam with this one and can't recommend it enough to English lovers. __________ must downgrade to 3 stars due to certain dullness after some tins smoked, or maybe compared to Penzance. Three stars for PK. Pipe Used: Latakia dedicated briars mostly. if you can procure it The orientals are drowned by the Latakia and the burley, apart from mitigating the burnt cork taste of pure Latakia, does little. My sample is from 1995 or 1996 and was stored until 2001 without adequate moisture control. This mixture is now on my favourites list. If the ratings here at tobaccoreviews were based on letters of the alphabet instead of stars, I would give this ?Pirate? It brings to mind Texas BBQ, charred wood, and outdoor cookouts. A strong Latakia tobacco is what I expected and that's exactly what I got, so no complaints. It smoked cool and dry, leaving behind only fine ash. This is my favorite tobacco. I do enjoy this from time to time, but it is not really that great of an achievment in tobacco blending. However, I didn't find the same results in smaller pipes or even my briars so I might have just had an off day. Hats off to C&D. My usually very lenient significant other told me not only to kindly leave the house, but leave the county before I smoke this blend again. Smokes cool and dry. Recommended. Actually though, the experience is more like eating a parfait rather than a torte- one layer at a time. In the smoke the Latakia - even though being 75% percent of the blend - really smooth and silky. Some say its unidimensional. I'm paraphrasing here, but I don't have a better description of this aroma. I just find it has that lovely latakia s pice without burning me out. maiden voyage on Pirate Kake. Bought a ton of this 2 years ago and after the first bowl immediately turned around and bought a pound. Pipe Used: vauen, Savinelli, stanwell, brebbia, peterson. If you really like Latakia buy a ounce or two & you will be in Latakia Heaven! This stuff is amazing! You must be 21 years or older to make any selections on this site - by doing so, you are confirming that you are of legal age to purchase tobacco products or smoking accessories. I buy i Pirate Lake is a full body English bend. The scent and taste are both compkex. Arghhhh, me likes dar Pirate Kake me duz! Presentation is a firm cake, pitch black with a few brown flecks. I find the blend very relaxing and I am still working through the sample ounce I purchased. ( And I think I got the better of the deal ) So if you are a lover of Latakia this should satisfy your cravings. I like Latakia, but I wouldn't consider myself one that likes it to totally dominate the blend. Love them. If you really like latakia and turkish go for it. Therephore,it will compose mixtures simillar to "your own English type" Also,is a tobacco of the type that i like: is not strong in nicotine, bu strong il flavour, scent and taste. With that said, it would be lovely with just a little more Orientals in the mix; say, 50% Latakia with the deficit filled with Turkish leaf. Smoke this slowly. The crumble cake is a lot of fun to handle and the smoke is very rewarding, even if it is a little light in the nicotine department. Think a peaty scotch and some nuttiness for the most part. Historic volume and value sizes, company and brand market shares. This is a hefty stout LATAKIA, probally Syrian the way it is good and SMOKEY. Immediately I enjoyed it, Latakia amount is high, and tastes excellent. In my opinion there is no sweetness in this blend but I don't mind. Once you are habituated to it, you are pleasantly surprised from time to time by the sweetness that comes through, possibly as an artifact of your palate adjusting to the overwhelming flavor of the Latakia. Very Piratey. 10-13-2022. Nicotine and body are mild, but the taste is medium/strong. It is a spicy, full-flavour Latakia mixture accompanied by Turkish to add a significant Oriental twist. Definitely a blen d I refuse to ever run out of. I had just finished some Orient Express and I noticed in the description that it was 50% Pirate Kake and 50% Odessa. I will comment further when I smoke it again. My 6 year old piece had a nice oily sheen to the eye and a few spots of plume. The fact that you can purchase large quantities at bargain prices is also a plus and encourages big purchases for cellaring purposes. By mid bowl I thought I was smoking granulated road tar ? c. Ali had betrayed the prophet Muhammad and therefore his descendants could not rule. I can taste it from time to time, not in a nutty burley taste but more of a vegetative way. So full flavored but with no hint of bite. One of my favorites. Not for the faint of heart, and definitely one to smoke when no one else is around. Pirate Kake is like a car accident that you can't take your taste buds away from. Even though I only like Latakia in very small doses, I dared to pack a small clay bowl full of Pirate Kake. Is it showing me a possible bitter ending and a more propitious way? It is a nic e slow burning smoke and my first experience with cakes. The strength is mild-med, nic is mild at most. Does water soak into a grit on your stove faster than the whole grit eating world on your stove? And a top of all that , this tobacco is smooth. First mistake: too much Latakia. The only downside I've found to this blend is the mouth-drying effect it has. Not an all day smoke,. Let them try Kake and they'll abandon blends they thought were pinnacle. Tonight, it is C&D's Pirate Kake. So well named? BUT almost no nicotine. I was also surprised at the fact that I got a little bit of complexity out of this blend. 80 ounces/ 5 pounds $199.50. Being a Pirate Kake fan I'm starting to love some of the Captain Earle's offerings more and more. Smoking PK is to the latakia lover something like what I would suspect eating a very dark unsweetened chocolate would be to a lover of that confection. It really is. Needless to say, the Latakia dominates from beginning to end, but it is not entirely one-dimensional. The power/intensity of the smoke is impressive as one might expect from such a Latakia-forward blend. Pipe Used: Ashton ELX Brindle Billiard - 2007 NASPC yearpipe. For as heavy and robust a smoke it is regarding flavor, it is also an incredibly mild smoke. If this were a restaurant it would be Outback Steakhouse, very tasty and better than almost all the other chain restaurants for sure but Its no Mortons Steakhouse or Texas de Brazil. You can even just pack the kake bits. Burns consistently once lit. The other reviews describe it well. Then I got a fresh corn cob pipe, perfection. PK: Highly recommended. Those of you who enjoy latakia-forward blends are in for a real treat though, as the Orientals and burley add just enough balance to keep Pirate Kake from being a one-dimensional lat bomb. This is Ambrosia for the Latakia lovers of the world. I can see why some like this alot, and some who would never smoke it more than an initial bowl. I was pleasantly surprised by C&D's Pirate Kake though. Only had about eight bowls so far but i'll buy more. While for me Penzance is for special occasions, Pirate Kake is the perfect last smoke of the day for every day. . It lites well and stays lit right down to the end of the bowl. GArrr!! Not pleasant. If aye could curl up in a tin of this intoxicating tobaccy Id never see the light of day! It burns well and forms a nice ash. This cake is Very smooth. This blend always takes me to the fall season in Michigan, no matter what time of year. . Disclosure: I was given a free sample of this from smokingpipes.com and I prefer aromatics. The room note is as expected, full Latakia. I think Craig Tarler must have been some kind of wizard to pull this off. It's the taste of darkness. Although next to Aromatics I find english to be what id burn but next to my top aromatics I would burn this very fine pirate cake. Cornel & Diehl Pirate Kake Tin Pipe Tobacco. 56g tin. Shopping Spicey,hints of sweetness,SMOKEY,complex.Darn good!!! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts It has been sitting in my closet for almost exactly 6 years. My wife thought I was burning tires. And I would recommend it smoked with a dark beer. As Devil's advocate, this is the best contemporary Latakia based English I've smoked barring my ancient faves: Sullivan's 00 & XX blends from 50 years ago. Some mentions aging cake differs taste, tbh, I didn't try. I want caffeine and sometimes just need it. The burley chimes in with that nuttiness that I alluded to in my earlier review and the oriental stands out a little more with some sour notes. sigh. So much so, that I feel its only fair to profess that Pirate Kake has a number of admirable attributes that fellow latakiaphiles will most certainly applaud. In that sense, this blend would be all-day smoke for Lataki a followers. If you want to strip the gears of a non-smoker, well folks this Latakia packed blend will get the job done. I have to admit I sort of got into the spirit of this blend. If I were making an algorithm, I'd be able to tease out who is being pumped by some reviewers vs those doing it for love of hobby. I tried this in my well broken in corncob while I was outside gardening on a fairly windy day. That being said for me even staying within the same company I think you get much more nuance and flavor while remaining a great smoke from Stimulus Package or Da Vinci maybe even Mississippi Mud if youd like black Cavendish. One may leave the cake form, without rubbing entirely, in its tin. The room note is pleasant yet very strong. Pirate Kake is kind of a one note smoke; it doesn't really seem to have any complexity to it. It's very mild and I wasn't pleased with it after my first try but I have to say: you must take it slowly because it's really something!Anyway, you can use it also for blending il you need a richer smoke.I like it and I will love it, I'm sure. The room note is very cigar like, so be careful or get banished to walk the plank! Similar level of latakia, infinitely more fresh tasting, better overall balance, way more complex. Even then it's a very nice smoke. Nic dose is fairly low on this one, which surprised the heck out of me because the flavor is so over the top. PK smokes smooth and has no bad qualities if you're a latakia junkie. of exceptional Latakia accompanied by Turkish and Burley. I can hardly wait to see how this tastes a couple of years down the road. It takes a few lights to get going (possibly my own fault) but, once its underway, it goes fine all on its own with minimal fuss and the flavor is latkia spicy creaminess that is very strong. For a cigar smoker I think latakia is the way to go - Its a stronger flavor and extremely relaxing, that virginia stuff does not compare! It smokes well. Less sweet, more nutty, camp fire smokiness. A cold smoke, very enjoyable, especially (I imagine) in a cold winters day when you drink a smoky Islay Scotch. Who would you recommend it? Bought this and smoked it right away from the tin. A few puffs into the bowl, the Latakia smooths out a bit and it is just a great smoke. I have started using the cigar cutter method of preparation (As shown on the SPC blog) and find that it makes the smoke quite a bit smoother. can coax a fair deal more complexity out of it than I recall from the old days. I would leave it for an end of the evening smoke. If dirty harry smoked a pipe pirate kake is what he would smoke no room for wimps here. Since it is a lat bomb, obviously Latakia is the star player here and pretty much what you are going to get. Words cannot describe how enjoyable a smoke this is. It has a smoked bacon with sharp provolone flavor !!! I think I'm ready to have a bowl of it on it's own. The oriental come up for air but just barely. It is far from being monochromatic though, which I will get to in a second. Though not similar in taste, its like nightcap, in the sense of a heavy desert like tobacco, or your last smoke of the day. You're going to want to take it slow at first with this blend. This is a real acquired taste. Not nearly as overpowering as some say. Meerschaum Man,smoking a 20 yr old CAO Bacchus. Upon lighting, I was pleasantly surprised. Nakhla is one of the (if not THE) all time kings of the market. Many tobaccos with half as much bill themselves as "heavy" blends. After discovery, I probably only got about three bowls out of this. I think all Cornell & Diehl blends are aggressive in your taste, but this the proof that i was wrong. I am a Latakia lover. I enjoy it with a strong black coffee. The examples I opened was ready to smoke right out of the tin. Pipes. If you smoke it on a low heat like incense, you can enjoy the very delicious aroma of Latakia. Only Latakia taste. Decrease Quantity of Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Increase Quantity of Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake. Closely behind the Smoke were a pleasant medium Earthy and mild woody flavors backed up by a light pleasant sweet butter, a mild spicy flavor, a light toasty and light nuttiness as well as a mildly spicy flavor. The Pirates won?t let you down. I cannot compare it to the new and there is no way to even attempt to remember what it tasted like that long ago and whether 19 years improved it or not. This blend is a Latakia lovers dream in the scene that IT IS A LAT BOMB and i like it. Simply THE Best!!! I do not find it as strong as many other reviewers. This left no moisture in the bowl. Smoked in a new Missouri corncob to understand better the flavors and subtleties. It has quite a Latakia kick (about 75 percent Latakia.) Get exclusive updates on all our fresh offerings, sales, and promotions -- right to your inbox. Pirate Kake is a smooth, robust blend with LOTS (75%!) Recommend for all Enthusiasts and most all newcomers looking to expand their horizons. Do not be scared of the high Latakia content. I took it up after having given up the pipe for a decade or so, took it up again, and wanted to recapture the intensity of the Balkan blend I used to smoke in my university days. Do yourself a favor and just give this stuff a shot. It's tones are not as deep as Old Ironsides or as complex and earthy as Penzance, but it's definitely a rich treat for the latakia lover. Wow. I have heard a lot about this lat bomb and I was ready to explode it in my den. As a former cigar smoker this was right up my ally. I really wanted to like this tobacco, but I find the heavy latakia blend to be too parching to enjoy regularly. I didn't find this blend to change much in the bowl. This is a cousin to the now defunct Old Ironsides . The cake breaks up easiest by hand, first breaking off large chunks of the whole then smaller chunks then rubbing those out into smokable bits. A cigar is to be enjoyed. Cornell & Diehl Pirate Kake Premium Pipe Tobacco. It crumbled up pretty easy and packed up well. It is smooth, no harshness at all. , . I recon it is due to the amount of latakia. The latakia here overwhelms this blend. Tastes great up front, but once you get past the half way point of the bowl the flavor changes and not for the better. The flavors actually varied through out the bowl ranging from smokey to earthy and very lightly sweet. In the pipe it was hard to discern the accompanying tobaccos from the Latakia. Smoke it after it has dried, pack it loosely, prepare for many gentle (and I do mean gentle) re-lights. Pipe Tobacco. The orientals also sport some etherealness, a few sour peaks and a herbal character. This pipe tobacco is in-stock & available at . C & D crumble cakes are fantastic. Easy peasy Mister Pirate. Its very smooth yet has a bit of punch to it, without the tongue bite or spiciness. Love the pressed bricks that lie waiting in the can when it is opened. Its a classic in my mind and Im not even the biggest Latakia fan. Another aspect that makes it great is the fact that when you pack a bowl, it does not have the tendenciy to spring back up. This is taking condimental overload to the extreme. Like most lat-bombs the nicotine isn't noticeable at all, but the flavor is huge. I smoke only virginias and perique blends. This is a awesome smoke , very smokey , campfire comes to mind , there is some sweetness, but not as much as other English tobaccos, even so this is a great smoking tobacco. Whilst very heavy with Latakia it sips light and smooth, not at all like the Latakia laden English and Balkan blends I'm more familiar with. I give this a 3.8 out of 4 stars and it gets rounded up to 4 stars for when I turned on my ceiling fan and as I watched the smoke roll out the windows I couldn't help but laugh .Har, Har, Har. if I had close neighbors what would they think? It is rich. On the other hand if you like heavy Latakia blends then this may be for you. The smell in your tin is strongly smoky, as you would expect. And this stuff will haunt your pipes for eternity. It's my humble opinion that C&D has the absolute highest quality widely available Latakia on the market . I was actually searching for this kind of tobacco for a long time. I wouldn't even argue with reviewer,"Ecdycis 07/29/2012" on his "Menthol sensation", I know, it doesn't sound good but it's different and wonderful. Latakia forward for sure, but I absolutely love the flavors I get off of this Blend. Moisture level is perfect for smoking. I think it should be renamed Pirate's Death Wish. I really enjoy smoking it at night, with the last pipe of the day and paired with a good whiskey. Share 0 Tweet 0 Pin it 0 Fancy +1. Ok Im on my river Roasting fish over a campfire. I also get some almonds, vanilla, and a bit of anise/licorice. It is pretty straightforward with its flavors , but in an enjoyable way, and as I said before it is a very cool and smooth smoke. And I would have to agree. An enjoyable time except for the musk of the galley! After smoking this I have since went back to an easier smoking blend an d I felt cheapened by the lighter smoke. Mild and fragrant, an exceptional tobacco. Detailed segmentation of international and local products. Originally Reviewed on 5/29 Tin/Pouch Note: Sour apple, plum, campfires and leather. The generous amount of smokey Latakia (75%) combined with the sweetness of the Turkish and hit of nicotine from the burley really agreed with my taste buds. This simply tasted of salt an d campfire. Black mostly in color with some remnants of what brown tobacco was there. Mild to medium nicotine content. Conclusion: A very interesting and heavy blend. Maybe it isn't well balanced, but for an after-dinner smoke, when you have feasted on smoked meats, it is delightful. This is, indeed, good tobacco. With a remarkable production of creamy smoke, an scandalous room prescence, and an ever-present, in-your-face overdose of Latakia, this blend is too much good stuff. Very nice, i gotta get me some more of this. But if you love the rich, black leaf you'll be jolly at the sight, smell and taste o' this kake! reproduced in any manner without the expressed written consent of STC Holdings LLC. It has a herbal/ clove undertone to the smokiness that I get in Syrian Latakia. It still made my tongue slightly numb, but then so does a shot of Mezcal, and I don't avoid that spirit. It crumbles apart easily and after some drying it packs very well and is burning even and steady. Leaving a creamy and peppery aftertaste that lingers, this is a modest Latakia bomb, and maybe my favourite Latakia blend yet! OMG!!! Very reasonably priced in bulk form; I'm slowly chipping away at a pound of it. Give it a try. Once I got it going I found it to be packed with flavor right from the get go. The crumble cake breaks into a beautifully easy to pack shag that makes the tobacco burn very well. Tobacco is soft and dry. I should have reviewed this tobacco long ago. This stuff, (yes stuff is the right word) is just plain brutal. I prefer Samuel Gawith's Commonwealth. Mouthfeel seems a bit more mellow or creamier if you will, while I find less of a spicy tongue bight. Be prepared to be shunned! But, frankly, I just don't enjoy it. I find it starts to mellow out a little after six months so I keep a stock on hand for aging. Cornell & Diehl Kajun Kake Pipe Tobacco. Non emergono gli orientali, meno che meno il Burley. Taste is very smooth, strong and stinky. CORNELL & DIEHL PIRATE KAKE PIPE TOBACCO | Cigar Standard I enjoy the honey like notes with light puffing. Pirate kake in the little devil cob this morning. I smoked it fast, and it got very very hot. Too much latakia and not enough flavor for my tastes. I really tried to like the taste, but not being a regular consumer of Latakia, I found that exotic leaf to be simply "over the top" in this instance. It's just too much of it to the point of making it monochromatic.