I pray that you will give him knowledge so that he can grow in his relationship with You. Marriage is an institution made by God. The dark side hates light because it devours darkness and dark beings. Lord God remove other woman out my life for good show him what he are doing in his vows.Lord God my husband story to me say he not deal with nobody my step-daughter told me the true say every body the family know about the other woman she be by the apartment.Lord God i want my husband to fall back in love with me his wife.Lord God my husband do not call me are text me.I love him and i miss him too but telling me story after story it hurt me alot in my heart what he are doing not been honest to me walk complete out his marriage to hurt me because his family told him.My husband had deal with this out side woman behind my back last year 2017 story behind it.Lord God come to you for help save our marriage vows between us.Lord God i want other remove from my husband for good out his life show him what he are doing wrong to his wife come back home to fix his marriage leave past behind him. Prayer For Husband To Be Healthy And Happy. Protection Prayer to Remove An Evil Person From Your Life "Dear God, I Pray You to fill (Person's name) life with all the happiness and fulfilment, So that he/she can live with satisfaction. I believe that what youve joined together no man can put asunder. I pray my children get some peace since they will not speak with their father. I know that he is tempted to sin, and I ask you to give him the strength to resist. Thank you for this correction and for grace. It is disheartening to read so many stories similar to mine. When I start to face circumstances, I take my Bible and speak Gods Word boldly to the enemy that God is in control. We did not do anything to deserve this. If you dont mind, I noticed a typo in A Prayer for Your Husbands Mind: This website contains advertisements. (Hebrews 4:12) Do not let my husband walk in ways that are not good, or pursue his own thoughts and imaginations (Is. Remember that the Bible tells us in Psalm 37:5 to commit our way to the Lord, trust in Him, and He will act. Until I stopped and listened to the lies of the enemy. I would start by following some simple steps in my jumpstart blog post. See it here: https://kayleneyoder.com/40-day-fasting-prayer-challenge-for-wives/. I believe most make poor choices especially while younger and exploring. I heard him whisper things, among asking her to sit on his pillow while he left the room to talk to me out in the hall, and her husband was out of the room. Lord you said that no weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against us we shall condemn. Can you imagine, my husbands mistress has a key to our/his home and sleeps in the same bed as I do, with my husband when I am not there. I still have the entity attaching itself and touching me day in day out its really effecting my mental health I have even burned sage and nothing! A strange woman is any woman who sleeps with or loves to hang out with your husband . Believe in His mighty power and strength. You can also learn prayers to rid of bad spirits so you can experience healing too. Help guide me in choosing the people with who I surround myself. Day and night she sent him messages and pictures. While it may not be easy, it is possible to have a successful marriage even when your spouse is not a believer. But I am gong through things because of him his actions his selfishness that yes he needs to know and help with. You are the same God yesterday today and forever more. Evil spirits causing delay in my destiny, I bind you and cast you out of my destiny in the name of Jesus Christ. I request additional prayers. Please heal and transform us to be the spouses you want us to be, Please restore our marriage and have us love each other as you would desire. Remove Evil Spirits From Marriage Dear Lord Jesus, I am asking you to remove the evil spirits from our marriage. Im taking care of my 3 young granddaughters because my daughter is overseas till the end of Nov. Then I have my husband who has health issues. Remember to ask God to lead you in prayer and to give you the words to say. I know, Almighty God, that only those who you have destined to help me in my path should be allowed to stay. Regardless Will you choose to delight yourself in the Lord and trust Him completely every day? Oh, Lord, Please help me to remove people from my life who are hateful and spiteful. XXX is causing me additional stress in my life, and I do not believe that they are in my life because of you. Please help!!! I am strong in You Lord. I prayed for him to leave me for someone else. I lnow God has got us in Jesus name. I also pray that you will keep him from being tempted in the first place. Lately, some of my friends that are currently in my life have been helping to bring out my worst. I know how you and others feel in this situation.I pray for you and others to be fully united in your marriage with your husband.I pray Jesus will answer all our prayers that is in this situation.Jesus please take the wheel for us all and heal our broken hearts.Jesus we ask in your name to remove these outside women from our lives and the lives of our husbands.Jesus in your name we ask you to remove our husbands lustful ways and allow them to remember the vows they took before us and honor those vows to us.I pray that you will force them to lose interest in our husbands and help these women find single men in their lives to be with.Jesus please repair and heal all our marriages and make our marriages better and more loving,respectfulness,more attentive to us and put us first in their lives and become more attentive to your words.Amen. I feel Gods love heals some, and others are bound or consumed by Gods power. However, I am conflicted about the change in my husband. 2. Help to rebuild our union. I choose to forgive my spouse and bless them. He will never fail you or reject you. Used to confirm your prayer submission. But not until I completely give myself and situation to Him Forever! No matter how a toxic person entered your life, you can ask God to remove them. Please pray the same for me, friend. Amen. I came across one of her emails where shes threatening to face me off in court if I prompt her. I still love my husband and want my marriage but she wont let him go and he now hates me cause of her lies. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. We'll share your prayer with others around the world. Pray that he will not be tempted to sin and will have the strength to resist temptation when it comes his way. There is another type of spirit or soul fragmentation the majority of people do not know about. I put on Your breastplate of righteousness and rest in Your righteousness - not mine. It is important to reunite a fractured spirit because healing will NOT occur if a spirit is fractured. Pray for Your Husband. But I am only a little child and do not know how to carry out my duties. Maec, Thank you for that my heart an prayers go out to you and all the woman going through the same hurt an deception. We have to pray even when things are good and give praise and thanks. In the mighty name of Jesus. This will be the last time. Good evening my GOD .please sober up my mother .please break all ungodly soul ties between me and my father and mother .please demolish all witchcraft, bad past,bad omen trying to bring misunderstandings between my parents . Ive reached out to a pastor but some could care less. Please pray for geralyn to leave my husband alone.They have been together 9 years.I recently found out.He is going on vacation with her.She wrote to me to apologize.what kind of women is she. Please remove the lust for my husband from the other woman and the lust from my husbands heart! This is so good. The first and most important thing you can do for your wicked husband is to pray for him. Today I know what the beginning of the manifested Shaking, for my husband, yet, he still isnt there and this habit in the hardest of minds (literally, seared conscience) and the hardened heart as so nail-biting, knees nailed to the floor and spiritual warfare shananigans you can imagine. You dont need to wish them harm or negativity, just remove them as an obstacle in your own life. The smoke rises up to heaven, as with Sodom & Gomorrah. Ive been there for him no matter what over the years. Mostly he should be a guide for his family and household members. Father, I thank You for revealing the evil lustful spirits, attempting to drive me to lust. My husband and I have been married 7yrs and 3 of those yrs. Psalm 37:3-6. Lord God Guard my heart and the heart of my husband above all else, for it determines the course of our life. Here is going to start working. Green Drinks Benefits- Versus Green Smoothies. Our first year of marriage he suffered 2 deaths and he started drinking again. Thank You for Your love and care. 113 Deliverance Prayers Against Strange Women And Men 1. I so would like to be able to print this out to have in my prayer room. I wanted to prove so badly that my husband was still cheating. Lord, I seek your forgiveness for my husband in everything he has done. Is there any psalms to read to rid the other women and woman away from my husband so he will not have a wandering eye.? Keep seeking Him! I pray that you will guide them as you have guided your flock since the beginning. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. A Daily Prayer for Protection Lord God, I pray for Your protection as I begin this day. Hi my husband is seriously lying and cheating on me and its hurting me. No weapon formed against our marriages will prosper. The answer is yes! Father, In the name of Jesus Christ, I now approach Your throne of grace boldly and with full confidence that You will hear my very special prayer to You. Pray #3. See examples at the provided link. Your prayer sent today has been a blessing. 5. He now says hes feelings changed and we are separated but he remains in our home killing my heart. father thank you for my Husband`s mind is guided daily with your word, producing the efficacy of your word in all round about him and cause an explosion of your grace like never before in his mind, life,business,family and job. I prefer leaving what happens to negative entities in the hands of God. Unfortunately, there are times when evil forces conspire against him and threaten to destroy everything he has worked to achieve. Grant (my loved one) release from bondage to strongholds of the enemy. If you would like to learn more about dark beings, I wrote a blog post about the Signs of Dark Entities Including Demons to help you learn to identify when malicious attachments are present. Heavenly Father, in the name of your son Jesus, I bind and break all witchcraft, curses, spells, and all powers associated with it. Because the woman who has snatched your man might have used her body, seduction or charm to gain the attention of your husband towards him. He said because because I feel it!! A Christian Prayer: St. Gemma Galgani Praise the Lord. I have been praying for restoration. In the name of Jesus Amen. He took care of me wouldnt take my money all in all I wanted to help him but he didnt want it. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This is a great promise to claim when praying for our husbands. I ask that you guide my way back to you and in doing so, cast out of my life all people who would distract me from my real purpose of serving you, God Above. I pray God would make this woman ugly to him that he sees what she really is: a thief, a wife stealer and family destroyer. AMEN. Satan you cant win this battle, because God is fighting for us. Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. We bind the spirits of pride, spiritual blindness, self-sufficiency and self-righteousness far from my husband in the name of Jesus, in order that he will give you all the glory for what You are doing in his life. Please pray for our marriage and that his mind and heart would turn from other women and he would only have love and desire for me. He is Ill and very demanding of my time. My husbands heart has hardened he needs God in his life in his life. I am asking for you to pray with me I went to court on February 13th 2017 and my husband came with his GF and it butted but I prayed that Gods will stop it and I had filled out a Vacate Default on his Motion of Default and a week later the Judge granted me the Vacate cause my husband didnt put down everything I did. Christ Jesus, who diedmore than that, who was raised to lifeis at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Amen. MATERIAL CONNECTION DISCLOSURE: You should assume that this website has an affiliate relationship and/or another material connection to the persons or businesses mentioned in or linked to from this page and may receive commissions from purchases you make on subsequent web sites. A Prayer to Cleanse Your Husband of a Bad Spirit Oh Father in Heaven, I am so blessed that you have guided me to my wonderful life with my kind and loving husband. She has turned from her husband and is selfish and even abandoning her children to be with my husband 24/7. I hate to impose on your comment to another but I would love to hear your thoughts on a person who is of adult years now that has dabbled in witchcraft in younger days and may have some issues with demonic oppression, also elaborate on that issue because I personally believe if a person is a Christian they cannot be possessed by demons but certainly oppression can sometimes creep in during weak times. I am including a link to this blog below: https://www.healbygod.com/education-of-darkness-leads-to-rewards-of-light/. My husband drank and kept running to this evil snake killing my soul, my trust, my heart. The businesses collapsed and shes kept off abit though I found an sms of my husband promising her to go back when things get better financially. It has helped me immensely to pray, understand what my husband is going through and how to trust in God and to fully depend on him. I stand on your word. Short spiritual warfare prayer for my husband. Im praying that any other women to not give him attention anymore.