JNS.org - Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen visited Germany on Tuesday for diplomatic meetings aimed at countering the Iranian nuclear threat. *Weve adopted it as such, its not ours. We have a great guest. Type above and press Enter to search. And and last time I use silver copper. But whatever it is, theres infiltrators, we know that thats why I say Ive said this on the tipping point, by the way, we have a tipping point radio show tonight, at at certain time, right after this. And it looks like were gonna do some type of a interview situation in this documentary and then they want to get a little footage, you know, on two wheels. Were getting some really kick ass guests here really kick ass guests. The news is fake. We talk about whats coming, where the battle is and the signs of the times. [] Fauci is, you know, 1520 years older, hes not gonna 20 years old, or hes not going to talk to a nothing 20 something year old female really matters, the misogyny in science, its like, oh, you wonder about the me to movement of a few years ago. And it has to do with why we went into Afghanistan, right? But can you can you tell our listeners a bit about like the video when we learned about about you and your career and what youve done and what youve taken back in the days when that worm Fauci was back there at CDC. And this is what our books are about. So you guys have a great night love yall. Because theyre trying to, you know, to try to say theyre infiltrators, they got to attack you or for whatever reason, because your your message is resonating. Initiative Q is an attempt by ex-PayPal guys to create a new payment system instead of payment cards that were designed in the 1950s. 10 Things you Never knew about Scott McKay Patriot Street Fighter | Best Street Fighter of all Time Scott McKay is a pediatric orthopedic surgeon who specializes in arthroscopy and sports injury management. And when they rejected it, you know, and and this is the kind of garbage you get in peer review. Theyre patriots. Were going into the second phase of that Wednesday I havent decided on yet. Meet the Tomahawk-Toting QAnoner Terrorizing School Boards And and and showing the safety of the silver and the silver copper. I think thats where the religious order the satanist gun control, the religious order made us believe. So, of course, I walked in with no mask. Also check out the latest on all of the battleground 2020 election audits at: Elections. You guys are going to be the critical variable in us putting back this oppressive tyrannical force of these milk toast pussy scumbag elected politicians who are working not for the people that are working with the peoples money and the peoples either vote or stolen election to put their boot heel on the back of the neck. 2:18 It sees its bureaucrats in the law enforcement community, that are forcing you to do these things under the threat of losing your job or whatever else, believe me, we the people rise and back your play, will drive these bastards out, will drive them out, will recall them. You know, they had to watch you take the medication and watch you swallow it. So most important thing is you have to discern the truth for yourself most important thing if people dont start to think for themselves folks and are going to wake up, I can tell you this. Right? Scott McKay.. Amazing!4.2.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST - UGETube Thats who you are. Thats, you know, patriots certainly, I mean, need to work together. Im going to go ahead and beginner introduction folks course you know Scott McKay here. You can read our entire affiliate disclaimer here. Some I dont understand, as I said, things I need to research better. Any of those who want to participate can donate at ScottMcKay.us or PatriotsRiseUp.com. You have no other chances. Order by Phone at 866-388-7003 or online at https://www.herbanomic.com M - F 9am to 5pm EST. And its not unusual that nobodys gotten on the plane in this time. Just had a conversation. Im like, Im like bent over like look up. I always have the tomahawk on the left shoulder. In physics a phone on is a collective excitation in a periodic elastic arrangement of atoms or molecules in condensed matter, specifically in solids and some liquids often referred to as a quasi particle it is an excited state in the quantum mechanical quantization of the modes of vibrations for elastic structures of interacting particles. All these people that have like, again, and hes a wonderful guy. Popular Mechanics, radioactive diamond battery will run for 28,000 years. Its it is what it is. What is the Patriot Street Fighter Tour by Scott McKay? Elections. 2. I had a chance. And he came out of retirement. They derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. And they try to say my name is and I said Mike Have it. 52:50 Scott Mckay is an amazing person and a very devoted patriot that tries to bring light in a world that darkness used to be the norm . The Tour is a whole separate animal. I. Notice: There are affiliate links present on this website, both from the control of Survive the News and from other websites that we do not control. NEW VIDEOS AND SHOWS will be available only through subscription while past videos will continue to be free on Youtube. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I know it might be tough in an environment like that. What a horrible nightmare to for the people that are losing losing lives right now. They were denying the use of peptide t with the rich the late. Most people in the freedom movement know Patriot Streetfighter, but very few know Scott McKay, the kind, gentle soul behind the boisterous persona. And I want to a little too busy. How can I help so theres so many people who reached out to me other people who sent me these bits of john kerry and and I wanted a shout out to the Buffalo Bills football player who stood up in uproar on a plane and defended you know, another another black man on the plane who was being bullied by the stewardess and said, No, this is your problem. She called up and she said Judy, I cant wait any longer and Im like, oops, hey, Im on my way to this conference. Cuz they wont listen. But one of the reasons that Im having her here that just emerged, since we spoke two weeks ago was being arrested in Santa Barbara airport. He spent two decades in the wellness industry, launching that career from the National stage in competitive bodybuilding. Any income made by this site is reinvested back into STN. Church Leader Advocating For Enslavement Tell you what, he must be a pretty steady hand. Become a Project Camelot Member today and gain access to all NEW SHOWS AND VIDEOS PLUS over 800 above top secret videos and blogs! I had a couple of places in Vegas. And then the course of the things building up to that before I said, Wait a minute. And heres, heres an article. This isnt going away. 39:13 And Im just, Im growing up the hard way watching this stuff. We all think we know everything about everything I hear. I mean, theres a lot of things that I dont cover here on the minutiae of the proof thats out there. And then I would just hang in there like hanging buddy, I got you. Lets just get that straight. they know this they know what you know they know that this is a this is the long term multi decade murder machine. For some of you who havent, maybe have not come across that video and be surprised most of us do. From the police commissioners who are bureaucrats, theyre politicians, theyre installed by your top cop these DBAs who are funded by Soros, to do exactly this to oppress the people, those of you law enforcement officers out there that know what Im talking about. And so thats thats what you have to do when youre going to doctors conference, you wont get MD committed continuing medical education if theyre anything but science. +Scott McKay+ -Patriot StreetFighter- == Asymmetric - Survive the News Latest Posts. Enjoy. Sir, you do not deserve to wear that badge. Ive done nothing wrong. And so I sit there the whole time and Im talking just as Im jogging. 10 Things you Never knew about Scott McKay Patriot Street Fighter diseases caused by a the an untested, unsafe vaccine schedule since then President Ronald Reagan removed all liability in 1986. 1:42 Im filling my head with all this stuff. God bless you. Its now or never, thats where I call bullshit. Follow Conspiracy Music Guru Here. And you know Im in the airport, I go up the stairs with the mat or the escalator with the mask on. So Im you know, Im I apply for the job I get the job. You send them. (Recommended). There are things that are going to come out. Ep 2 - Scott McKay (Patriot Streetfighter) 3.76K. I think the most the bravest people that I know at this point right now, who were targeting the same people Im targeting this Khazarian Mafia is Sidney Powell, it is Linwood it is General Flynn. I was going to get into this every time Im like, sure that take its in a cellophane go upstairs. Yep, we are at war. I go into the gate area. And I, Im ashamed of myself now 40 years later, because I at 25 was drinking the Kool light Kool Aid, like many of our 25 year olds are now basically saying, you know, wait a minute, its your bad behavior that got you sick, Im working 24 hours a day to make drugs for you. Scott still doesnt have an email automated email system for you folks yet. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is the right, it is the duty to throw off such government and to provide new guards for their future security. The only difference was Im wearing this hat, you know, and I know they targeted me with this hat we the people. These people are full on leftists, and for a businessman and hes its hard for me to withhold the milk post pussy wareness sisters skinny jeans, because you know what I respect I respect you have to be tough guy. See for me in Santa Barbara Ventura area where I live. Scott Mckay | Patriot Streetfighter And so, and then then I gave that talk persecution and cover up where I realized that the journals you know, the the propaganda that our scientific journals, and and Fauci was in control of the whole puppet game, hes hes as hes the little man behind the curtain beaten up a girl, like an old lady and a dog dodo, you know, or Dorothy and the dog, you know, the little man with no Kahuna is you know, really, you know, 22:51 Its on the side of the door of the plane. here. And if you listen, if youve listened to Sheriff Mack, if you havent seen a sheriff Mack video on on rumble when I interviewed him, your responsibility that you took an oath for is that constitution and these people, not these scumbag bureaucrat political worms, who cant survive out there in the real world where theres ethics and honor and integrity, integrity and conviction of what what America stands for. Anyways, but thats fine. Okay, so that just gives you kind of an idea, the kind of stuff that the things that I see, and try to figure out where it fits. If I see something I push a lot of people to other channels, I bring them on this show. If you havent checked out Scott mckay.us the site Mitchell just did a revamp of that site, did a great job on it. These people get into this echo chamber, and they cant think for themselves. I said, Well, lets just see who Outlast who here. Why would Trump allow this? interjected word in there about Fauci scumbag folks. So he made that and send it over to me. With the exception of the ones I mentioned, louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, a couple other patriots in there. For the Vaccinated: NANO SOMA* They called me today asked me if Id be willing to be in their documentary film of course. It is very IMPORTANT to stipulate if your donation is to go toward the Tour as I am fully funding and controlling the PSF brand and message.This operation has survived on the donations of our PSF army and for I am try grateful. So I pull out my iPhone, I turn it on, and I start drying to tape whats going on on that airplane. But, you know, the long and the short of it is what were seeing right now in COVID. Im not going anywhere Dont you dare touch me and dont you judge my phone is as the other one whos behind me the all only all way and all I can see is that hes got dark hair and they get on this plane and and so he I start until finally he comes to attack me And I unbuckle my seatbelt and I say Im getting up, you know and and he grabbed me by the left arm and Im wearing this jacket, by the way, almost is exactly what I got on a professional. I think I bought a cup of coffee at the coffee shop. thanks so much god appreciate you, 1:15:15 Ive made all the rules. Thats what it takes. And you were, you know, you knew that the truth about one of the most important medical situations of our time back then is back in the 80s, if Im not mistaken. Return Policy Everybody has to take responsibility including me, right? Were going to spotlight every one of you cowards and want to conduct yourselves when youre supposed to be protecting Dr. Judy, from this bullshit, and youre coming in and bringing your badge with you to use it in a way you think thats appropriate. For the following specific reasons, time crystals mining, on site phone on development, sequencing and lithium mining. Youre the same story. I will on the run that weekend say put something out telegram. And so he grabs me by the left arm, he twists it in a move that police are only allowed to do if their life is threatened. Also, this website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. This time I get to strike two on both channels in one day, like how were making progress and Boom, theyre all gone. But at least we keep the world at least we keep our freedom, right. Talk about stepping out into stepping into the Dragons Den and making a film like that about Hollywood and hes a career Hollywood guy. So here you are, you get the hallway to the gate. And Ive been able to sideline my solar business. 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events, read them HERE. SCOTT McKAY: PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER, BROADCASTER McKay frequently poses with his tomahawk. But I know this isnt gonna go well, but I just, I just hope she backs down, you know, and I am still talking calmly at that time. SCOTT MCKAY The Patriot StreetFighter - Fighting For Our Freedom To Save America Scott sits shotgun in Michele's Patriotic Soapbox and shares why he started this movement, his love of country & God, his nationwide tour to bring together fellow Patriots, never heard before stories & how you can get They so they have an agenda and the thing you have to ask yourself folks is this what is the motivation in life in general when somebody is doing anything? The enslavement issue. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are as essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This has been this has been a plan and operation is underway for a very long time. Its just what I say. I think it was American Gangster. Thats why, you know, theyve been able to get control of us because of all this nonsense that they put into the Good Book and, or took out of the Good Book. Were almost 25%. This time I just use silver because I gave the silver copper to somebody going overseas and I figured they needed it more. 0:20 Do you understand what Im talking about? Afraid to work your way to me, because were going to build the same coalition that were doing over here with the military to get their voices on the battlefield to save this country from this bullshit. SCOTT MCKAY: THE ULTIMATE PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER, ruling elite secret societies and conspiracies, CAMELOT IN EGYPT REVIEWS FROM OUR FELLOW TRAVELERS, KERRY INTERVIEWED BY CYNTHIA BREED: SECRET SPACE, DIMENSIONS AND MORE, SCOTT MCKAY: ULTIMATE PATRIOT STREETFIGHTER: PART TWO, KERRY WITH PATRIOT UNDERGROUND: REVOLUTION AND TRUMPS SPEECH, MELISSA CODY: AI, WEB BOTS AND THE MILITARY, NINO RODRIGUEZ / KERRY CASSIDY: ON THE EVE OF THE ELECTION. PAYPAL ACCEPTED: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A CREDIT CARD OR PREFER TO PAY VIA PAYPAL SIMPLY MAKE A 1 YEAR PAYMENT COST OF 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION is $36 AND simply email me your payment receipt: [emailprotected] Then I will send you a One year access. So you understand the kind of Intel that Im getting. Not here Yeah, exactly. I start June 6 1983, which is of course D day, this this year will be live take our 38th year of working together which he calls purgatory. Click a Banner Below to Get Started, ~Everything on this site should be considered as entertainment ONLY, nothing else!~. Get Awesome Patriot Gear Today! I got a call today. Guess Guess what? Youll be easy to, Ill be easier to run into. 48:03 That leads to the radio show on Mondays the tipping point on revolution radio, you can jump off with patriots rise up calm, you know, theres a donation button there you guys have kept this movement alive that way you can go to also to Scott mckay.us thats where you can get the gear. Oh, in California prop 65 is a 2018 law that Senator Newsome passed that said you cant have organophosphate. Now we have these infiltrators that are coming to the movement as of lately, I know you guys are sending me some stuff. Were gonna get there. You know what I mean? And thats great. I prefer you dont Why? I like to see that and that a great weapon. There at least can breeze. Quite honestly, my viewers know to have been talking about it for a week. I walked up to the captain on the way out again, no masks, you did a great job where you made the right decision Captain land in his plane are ready to get that young guy off there. american american okay and so i sent you by text oh the next day somebody sent me john kerry special envoy to the president sitting on an american airlines in first class in in la by the window looked a little left side of the plane but it looks like looks like my flight hes sitting there with no mask on eye on nobody nobody viewed no mask in sight its not even around his neck her in his hand its nowhere to be seen oh yeah they didnt take him off the plane or on saturday that the united airlines pilot that had a perfectly see through mask one of the ones they listed is as unacceptable on their website last i looked you are doctors youre not medical professionals you cant none of this has no basis in science and medicine this is just control this is lets just see if we can get everybody down your bow down and kiss my ass glide said it before and ill say it again i dont bow down to anybody but god and im not bowing down to anybody its just simply not happening so its you know and and so this goes on for a while where you know finally you know im hurting pretty bad and hes like youre going you know youre going to jail and that didnt work well last time where i dont get out of there for five days and i cant do anything about it and i know i hear you david ill be out there in a minute so my husband just came home and i locked the door so he wouldnt interrupt us, 1:06:32 I just havent prioritized that I was critical. can push a woman around it does look it doesnt it doesnt take it doesnt take it doesnt take a tough man to push a woman around i mean come on look if youre attacked by a woman or something like that thats one thing but to come in Using physical force on a woman because youve got a badge, and youre going to use it. Heres where it gets interesting. Im like, Well, you know what? Patriot Talk: Scott McKay Patriot Streetfighter Interview W/ Francine And Allen of In The Prophetic. Were on all on two wheels. So hes telling the general, you know, had three of these knocked out over the weekend. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Mike ovitz I wrote the book. Patriot Streetfighter - Telegram And if they dont want to do we tell them that we, we recall, petition these bastards and run their asses out? Home; Who is Q? We know it has aborted fetal particles in it of some sort. Hell, thats it. INTEL AND UPDATES DAILY. So we have a call man. It goes right to it from either strike One, two, were taking the whole damn candle down. And we tell them how its going to be or were going to recall them. Yeah. Box. Join here for free For those who joined up alreadycontact me hereso I can add you to the queue for adding your invite link on Survive the News. 1:40 I go to security Ive got this weed the people had on. that from the beginning like you came into that airport you were you came through the airport you came through the security you cant and i had this happen to me in in vegas i left here left dallas to go to the conference in vegas i didnt wear a mask the way through the airport and i actually got wheelchair service the whole way through so theres even more eyes on you when youre going through that and you want to walk that distance i was having bad length day and then i go to ces this is gonna shock you i get on the airplane im flying southwest i really love these people i go the whole way nobody says a single word to me with no mass not one word i get out in the plane of the airport through the airport in Vegas, you know, get to the Trump Trump hotel.