So, just how does a man whos been through all Yancey has, draw close to the God he once feared? Then, I search the scriptures and I see nowhere are we asked to give blanket forgiveness as a response to those who have done wrong to us. We would do better to learn from them rather than belittle them, suggesting we know and are better. Hi Philip, what bible college did philip yancey attend However that does not mean Ive given up reading in general or anything Yancy specifically. My husband of 57 years passed away on January 25, 2019. At any rate your writings never fail to inspire me! A penny for your thoughts: In thinking about prayer, it seems out of balance. Interesting question. Thank you for your ministry. The content of both the US hardback and the UK paperback is the same. I read the book by the way! Its a beautiful book. Only recently come across it and found it a fantastic insight, to give new eyes to our reading of the gospel and to understanding Jesus. Started my ministry with YWAM. I believe that is the biblical definition for a non-believer. I am a devout, but doubting, Christian and this is a major hurdle for me. What I can do however is give an indication as to its importance in my life based on a recent event. I persevere in very large part because of comments like yours. I wrote you a letter once before and you sent me a signed book about faith surviving the church. We both have speaking engagements this weekend. Ive always loved your books, and lens. We have read some This is the first Philip Yancey book most of us have read so we are excited to explore this new author and his writings, and hopefully gain some clarification on this topic. If you can recommend any specific readings on this passage and how it applies to our daily lives, I would appreciate that as well. Nothing came of it. please keep writing them. We sold our house. Philip. Im glad weve connected through writing! Philip. Yancey is somehow able to keep both sides together and talking." When I read Whats So Amazing About Grace, it feels like Im listening to a gifted story teller, with the occasional commentary or explanation following a story. Thanks for your time. Phil quotes a couple New Atheists and says, Is that what youve experienced? I asked those who had gathered in Newtown. Her name is Kristin, which of course means follower of Christ. I dont know if this is the right manner or place to send a plea to Philip Yancey. Im a Jesus lover and freak with a faith that doesnt make sense of why i have such an unbreakable faith. I would then take the completed cards from the prisoners, put stamps on the envelopes and hand them back to the prisoners to be mailed. There comes a point where you say *(^&* it. Im thankful for the Jesus l never knew. So, I went back, the door opened for me, and I stepped in. Sorry I had never heard of you before. My wife and I have slowly been working our way thru all of your books. Or better, they needed celestial intervention to divert a couple Boeing 767s a hundred feet into the Hudson. A desire perhaps to improve his life and avoid his exhausting work. You give others permission to question, to probe, to reevaluate what they believe, what they have been taught, and to look at their faith with honesty. Smith told me to sell my condo and move 5,000 KM to Prince Edward Island. Ive learned much from Swedish Lutherans, many Catholic authors, Orthodox priests and a host of others. Nor steering people away from teachings that are suspect. I need to remind me of these truths from the bible. Might you consider writing your next book as a Christian and for Christians? Or Allah? Maybe after that? Religion: Protestant. I like the fact that we share the same views. Thank you for writing these books, and I hope that you will continue to use your gift for words to walk alongside those who struggle with doubt. Hello ! Thank you for writing. God does not give up on you, people say. The Psychologist he had forced me to go to told me to get away from him and his group or they would destroy me . However, this did not get me down but made me realize I had received grace. Autobiographies can be vain and boring, but this one is not. Thank you for writing it has helped me immensely!! Though that book was written in the 90s, not much about it is dated, and what you write about the relationship between humans and God is as fresh as it gets. I prayer thanks for you and your gift and am glad that you hear His whisper. I stuggled back to Edmonton and stayed with friends. My guess is that you are somewhat melancholic as well as very bright. Since then Ive always been searching for more and more books of yours. Brads response was that it was not my place to report on other staff, and so I said nothing further. I met Philip Yancey when we both were 22, newly minted editors at Youth for Christ's Campus Life magazine. Thank you so much for writing Disappointment with God. The first time I read it I was dealing with issues regarding my perspective of God. I wish in my heart that I would have had a chance to see you talk when you visited here. Ive stood on the Killing Fields in Cambodia. The second to go, that I have at least three of my friends that stopped attending any churchs! And Im writing a memoir which tells my very similar story. Hanukkah Even he does not have it all right. Three churches are joining together to plan and attend it will be great! His books have sold more than 15 million copies in English and have been translated into 40 languages, making him one of the best-selling contemporary Christian authors. . I am currently working as a teacher and it is really tricky to keep teenagers focus. He was there for me when I was that child, teen, young adult and now. I have asked for an apology so many times. I had done something I thought would be seen as an act of kindness. I dont think Im ready to write about it in more detail yet. Since becoming a Canadian citizen 38 years ago pledged to stand up for what is right, to uphold the law of this country. I was about to go and have my own memos signed by AWI Amanda, so I thought it would be a kind gesture to also take Pauls memos at the same time. Ive been reading your book Prayer, Does it Make any Difference over the last couple weeks. Eternal bodies need the eternal earth to live on. When you quote Schaeffer as saying that few here questioned the assumption that persons are created in the image of God.. it is difficult to get others to see that people like Schaeffer really mean white people are created in the image of God. Paul had turned her off me as he did other staff. It seems that you and the writers mentioned have something subtle in common. About Philip - Philip YanceyPhilip Yancey To help correct this injustice, I brought in my own Menorah and candles for the Jewish inmates. Where the Light Fell: Philip Yancey - FamilyLife No one will hire me , choosing to believe the haters instead of the hated. You were endeavoring to point to Gods love and care for his children. His books have sold more than fifteen million copies in English and have been translated into forty languages, making him one of the best-selling contemporary Christian authors. People started commenting her photo with most hateful words. And thats okay! Enamored, the body of Christ is hypnotized, and hopelessly transfixed What questions would be in the minds of that community. But one thing that has not changed is the presence of your books in my life, and their ability to challenge and encourage me in my faith. Tubalcain was about the 6th generation from Adam, so you could roughly add another 500 years to make the age of Adam 5000 years ago. Thanks. Besides politics, were everyday closer to a hate speech that really scares me. I am a mainline evangelical, currently using Vanishing Grace as curriculum in an adult Sunday school class. I pray that youll find what youre looking for. The Commissioners Affirmation A friend who an Edmonton police officer, when he found out about my same sex attraction drove me to a prostitute in his police car and was going to pay her to teach me to be a man, the police and Government did nothing and he has his job still. One has to be born-again. Usually I end up throwing away 100-150 pages from each book, however. And Im very gratified to hear from you. I asked Phil Joy why he had never reported this, and he said that he feared losing his job like I had. This is what God himself apparently says since mathematics is the magic behind physics and the Word himself (Jesus, the second person of the Trinity) is the spirit of mathematics. To understand freedom in Christ over canned answers, cliche and religiosity. Some readers may recoil at Yancey's need to revisit old wounds again and again, but this book will speak to a wide range of Christians whose experience with the church has been, at least at some point, unhealthy. In my first year at the FSCC I learned that Gord Dominey was sexually abusing young offenders. I have recently read and resonate w/ Tolstoy (Anna Karenina) . I dont like that part of me when I go to church. How would I know if the Bible addresses specific people (to Jesus disciples, as you stated in the Prayer: You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it) or everyone in general (Jeremiah 29:11; I even insert my name I know the plans I have for you, Horeb)? Thank you for your most straightforward response, Dmitri. Anyway, I wanted to apologize for our selfishness and being so inconsiderate. While listening to this I thought back to the time when I had reported to AWI Brad Sass that I had seen Imam Ramazan bringing a DVD player into the Institution without permission. I am currently writing two novels simultaneously, one of which is a dark fantasy set in the medieval era. But then I discovered that a lot of those things I was taught were wrong. Bills are late. God has never seemed more distant and this passivity doesnt seem to be doing it for me any more. Not to mention the disappointments I suffered in the Church in which I gathered. We have lost the ability to create metaphors for life. I did visit the website. Thank you so much for your writing and for your soul exposing honesty. Philip. Nunnally, a professor of Hebrew and early Judaism made this statement. It challenged me to get better acquainted with the OT and encouraged me by showing how deeply profound the OT really is. We read them together, and then discuss I noticed you didnt write anything on Praying (or speaking) in tongues. It is a million miles away from writing or anything creative in general. Why God let His children to face prison, critical illness, and the autoimmune disease that none was sure on the cure. I have read Prayer and it fundamentally changed my prayer life. Whats So Amazing About Grace. My eyes and heart were opened to Christ, but only partly. I am amazed by the way Christians are judged and condemned. If I had ever memorized it, it would have been at least fifty years ago. Why is one view tolerated and the other not? The good news is I finally got around to reading and finishing the book and I have become a huge fan. Though, like our Lord, we must grow hearts full of forgiveness, we do not extend it to those who have hurt (or, even, harmed) us until these people are first blessed by guilt. This same dean initiated a program where during one chapel service each week, a senior preached. I know a little about Borderline Personality, which in the US is recognized as a most challenging category. A father is lecturing his son when his son interrupts him to say, I know Dad to which the frustrated father yells in reply, No, you dont know because if you knew you wouldnt have done it!. The fact that you care, and that you hunger for relationshipthese are signs of health. I hear from Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Catholics, and others who had experiences quite unlike mine yet can identify with some of the excesses I experienced. Threshold Ministries was found guilty of wrongful dismissal and was required to let me resign, pay me for two years of wages and benefits, and to not talk about my dismissal. They wear out and die. So many of our more progressive evangelical friends (i.e. Aside from the necessity of weekly preparation (I develop and e-mail or snail mail questions to help with the classs preparation and our discussion), sharing your profound thoughts and detailed research had broadened my life-long experience of faith in the Almighty.