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Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. wrote this prayer in March 2020 during the Covid-19 pandemic. Understated. A Birthday Prayer for My Son Heavenly Father, Please bless MY SON for his birthday. More like this Here is a collection of birthday prayers that are designed to show gratitude to God for bringing you this far in life, uplift your soul and ask for guidance. Heal us from our pride, which can make us claim invulnerability to a disease that knows no borders. They bring friends and family together, strengthening the ties that make up our society. Who will show ushow to press on? And of course, the ending of the Fr. Today, Im overjoyed to celebrate your existence. ANew Normal is emerging. Prayers to Lament and Mourn Those Who Have Died from COVID-19 But there does not have to be meanness. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Happy birthday. Was I truly present?What control do I have over the circumstances of these individuals?Did I do all that I could in this point in time?What can I do for tomorrow? [CDATA[ 1 A Prayer to Remember What Christmas Is All About "Lord, I thank You for coming to earth so You could redeem me. -Found on Twitter: Jester D TGM - @JustMeTurtle, What if you thought of itas the Jews consider the Sabbaththe most sacred of times?Cease from travel.Cease from buying and selling.Give up, just for now,on trying to make the worlddifferent than it is.Sing. Even in this time of separation and possible isolation, what is one way you can maintain meaningful connection to otherswhether directly, through technology, or intentional focus and attention? August 9, 2021 MARTHA'S VINEYARD If you're reading this, you probably aren't important enough to be invited to the massive party I just threw myself to celebrate my historic existence and. In place of our anxiety, give us your peace. We celebrated the birth of Jesus with angels singing and shepherds visiting and magi following a star from the East and bearing gifts. JesuitResource.org is a service of Xavier University's Center for Mission and Identity, Xavier University Center for Mission and Identity 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, OH 45207 513-745-3777, Reflections on Changes & Transitions: A New Normal, Prayer for the Safety of Returning to School in a Pandemic, A Prayer in Response to An Ignatian Examen on Working During the Pandemic. Help usto focus on what we havenot on what is removed or changed. General Birthday Prayers. Our Father. May our hearts be unified in You more than ever. 50 ways to celebrate a birthday during a pandemic | CNN Funny And Relatable Tweets About Pandemic Birthdays And I would not recommend an international move in the middle of a global pandemic. Though the girls stood six feet apart and wore gloves and masks much of the time, being together let the celebrant know she mattered. May my prayers and support be with them all. So, I posted love poems around the house the night before, baked his mothers famous chocolate cake, and organized a surprise Zoom birthday ritual with a few close friends holding candles and sending heartfelt wishes to him. All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting. Call us to profound trust in your faithful presence. Jesus Christ, healer of all, stay by our side in this time of uncertainty and sorrow. Loving God, Your Son, Jesus Christ, traveled through towns and villages "curing every disease and illness." At His command the sick were made well. Amid mental and physical suffering may they find consolation in your healing presence. Youve earned it, and you deserve it. Like a rock settling on the bottom of a lake after its thrown in, let yourself settle. 2020 is behind us. Our University rose to the many challenges. Research shows that shared rituals make us feel a part of a larger social identity, suggesting that losing those rituals can be hard on us. Be with us, Lord, in . Help us to practice social distancing and reveal to us new and creative ways to come together in spirit and in solidarity. Simply acknowledge them, pay attention, and listen to where God may be speaking. . It imbued the otherwise mundane Zoom social hour with more meaning and emotional resonance. All over the world people are waking up to a new reality To how big we really are. Amber M. of Novato, California, didnt expect to do much for her 31st birthday, which fell just two weeks into lockdown. For your bookshelf: 30 science-based practices for well-being. And if you're celebrating your birthday, know that you are one of a kind and the only one who gets to be you, celebrating a birthday today. Going old happens. } Cant wait to support you through it all. 71. 'theme' : 'transparent', It can help us realize who we may often choose not to see or connect with. Be with those who have died from the virus. Theres no one on Earth Id rather celebrate more than you. Let us take off our masks. Hope this year is the best. Sustain bodies and spirits. Happy birthday. Direct our hearts and minds towards you. For those who are lonely.For those who have no one to check on them.For families that are separated. Mothers and fathers have worked hard to provide for their families, and now their jobs are gone. I hope that todays wishes, smiles, and heartfelt words turn into many amazing memories. We ask for protection for the elderly and vulnerableto not succumb to the risks of the virus. So, for her sons 14th birthday, Anne S. of Berkeley, California, invited his friends, family, and some teachers to send in a video clip of themselves wishing him a happy birthday. Think of how much change you've gone through in a year; 2020 was full of ups and downs, and you made it through. As Mother Teresa once said: "Prayer in action is love and love in action is service.". And always feel your spirit surround me in safety. who is our stability and strength in troubled times. (You could hardly deny it now. Lets eat, drink, and be merry in your honor. Here's to another year of invaluable life lessons. The year we slowed down. Through my mask, you hear me if I whisper a brief prayer or mutter a muffled curse. Let today be another reminder that youre the best. A Prayer of Gratitude. Amen. A Prayer for a World Facing the Coronavirus was adapted from a prayer posted by St. Luke's United . And most important of all, happy birthday. May they know your peace. Pope Francis Delivers Special Prayer For End To Coronavirus Pandemic Enjoy your day. Growing up is a choice. One of the few aspects of this terrible pandemic to be grateful for is that it has taken a vastly lesser toll on children and young adults than its major precursor of last century, the flu pandemic. So glad I can celebrate with you on this special day. Inject in us the humbleness to know we are loved by you beyond measure.Infect us with the passion and courage to share Gods love with everyone around us.We pray for immunity to evil; especially to hate , prejudice, negativity and despair.Help us use our gifts to be a part of your mission.Let us be superspreaders of love. I pray that we continue to be intentional collaborators, guided by your spirit. (What scar did the Phantoms mask hide? Happy birthday. As I look ahead to the coming academic year, I pray that we make sound decisions for our students, our faculty, our staff, that protect them and serve them well, and also serve the institution well. Thats why I wanted Dons friends to express their appreciations for his birthday. Dear Risen Lord,Today we pray You unmask the gift that is manifest in every life.Let us celebrate the joy of being children of God and the dignity of each Unique and Unrepeatable life made in his image and likeness. Thank you that youve carried us through the uncertainty of deep waters, through the flames of trials, and through the pain of hard losses. Seventeen-year-old An-lin S. of Flemington, New Jersey, organized a driveway party that involved friends gathering at the birthday girls house and hanging out together to chat, gossip, and share cake. They came to some interesting conclusions: The rituals associated with birthdayslike giving cards and presents, or sharing cake or mealsimbue them with importance and significance. Friend, its been nothing short of amazing to see what youve accomplished in the past year. - By Ray Angle, Assistant Vice President, Career and Professional Development, Gonzaga University, "If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is Thank You that will be enough." We are ending our mask mandates and social distancing (hopefully) and beginning to return to some semblance of normal without masks and face-to-face gatherings. It does not always feel good to reflect on challenging times, suffering, or loss, but our Ignatian tradition constantly reminds us that reflection is a practice that can impact our present. Happy birthday, friend. Open the windows of your soul And though you may not be able to touch across the empty square, -Written by Fr. You see past my mask, you hear through it, you know. Hope this birthday is the best yet. 5/17/2021. Some are sad. Even if those ease, we may not be ready to risk big social gatherings. And then we collected ourselves. But there can always be a rebirth of love. Breathing deeply of your calm, I repeat, again and again, You are here. Good and gracious Companion, my family and friends need tranquility and assurance. I have come back to you, and I will return, knowing that your open arms will never fail. Birthday celebrations also make us feel loved, which can be a nice way to increase our mental healthespecially during stressful times. 5. Birthdays apparently help us to put our old self behind us in favor of a future, evolving self, which aids us in moving forward on our life path. To how little control we really have. Help us, Mother of Divine Love,to conform ourselves to the Fathers willand to do what Jesus tells us: He who took our sufferings upon Himself, and bore our sorrows to bring us,through the Cross, to the joy of the Resurrection. And the number of deaths chills survivors in worry and guilt what should I have done, what should I do now? Amber's friends joined in a birthday car parade. For you never leave us. The pandemic itself deserves its own "loving look." Prayer always begins and ends with a recognition of God's presence, and it disposes us toward receptivity. I can barely keep up with everyones birthdays these days, but you better believe Id never forget yours. Get comfortable. Let Adobe Express be your COVID-19 birthday card design expert. Science Center Happy birthday to someone who is smart, talented, pretty, creative, and fabulous. - ByColleen Hanycz, PhD incoming President at Xavier University. Heal those who are sick with the virus. A very small selection of people who suffer from Crohns or Ulcerative Colitis go on to develop a very rare liver disease which affects the bile ducts. May they be at rest with you in your eternal peace. Jesus Christ, you traveled through towns and villages curing every disease and illness. At your command, the sick were made well. So, what can we do to fete people at this time and hold on to those benefits? Part of ordinary time is the dedication of health care workers. When I say, have a happy birthday, you better freaking do it. Happy birthday. I ask for compassion and love when Im unable to give those to myself. I celebrate Your birth, Your life, Your death, and Your resurrection. If you can hear me, forgive my lack of faith and show me your mercy and strength in my time of need. 2020. For in all this, I grow closer to you. 60+ Birthday Prayers & Blessings - Happy Birthday Wisher Were all going to celebrate a birthday (or possibly two or three) under the restrictions imposed by the pandemic. Some tossed her thoughtful gifts, like potting soil and toilet paper, which were hard to come by in the early days of the lockdown. var addthis_share = addthis_share || {} Magazine As with weddings and other rituals, birthday parties are bigger than one person. That was a crazy time. We pray that care and compassion, watching and accompanying be part of our ordinary lives. I don't even know if you exist or if I'm just talking to myself, but I know I need help to face my fears right now. These uncertain days of news conferences and quarantines tempt me to assume the worst for my loved ones, myself and my community. Yes there is fear. I became a little famous in the neighborhood, says Amber. I love You. I pray that the year ahead brings many beautiful blessings to your life. Happy birthday, friend. Scared but resilient. I pray that we continue to be inclusive and broad in our thinking, that we continue to be imaginative and innovative, that we have the energy required to sustain us. Birthday Prayer for Senior Citizens - Prayer Ideas If you are a person of faith, take a moment to pray with it. I hope that today you look at me and feel my love. We are ending our budget work for one fiscal year and the beginning our work on future financial and fiscal year planning. I pause (breathe in and out) and thank you for this day. That God's hand would be with you, and keep you from harm so that you will be free from pain. Enjoy your cake, your party and your presents today but remember that your friendship is the greatest gift of all. Now I am relying on you to lead and guide me, to put my anxiety in its place. How to celebrate your birthday by yourself in the middle of the pandemic Scripture: "Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21. God, you gave me a life that day I was born, and I hope I will spend all my life and do as much as I can to show you my love and gratitude! Cant wait to see what wondrous things the next year holds for you. Wishing you a wonderful birthday and a fantastic year ahead. But rather open time slots. Alongside a selfie of the father-daughter duo driving in the car, he wrote, "My little girl is growing up." As a surprise for her 16th birthday, the comedian gifted his daughter a Mercedes-Benz. It's been a major blessing for me during the pandemic since I can no longer work and have had pretty limited interaction with my friends and family since the pandemic started. This month, nurture your relationships each day. . Ask for light and insight as you prepare to review your day. Yes there is sickness. In scenes that would fit easily into war zones, they invade our honored spaces and violate standards of citizen behavior. I have felt true joy in the quiet moments of fellowship and connection that only could have happened because of this common event. Make time to reflect and be thankful for what is ending. Whether the occasion is bittersweet and quiet or a party that rocks out in sheer exuberance, our designs convey the birthday message that hits exactly the right note. But when the birthday of my husband, Don, rolled around this year, we were in lockdown like everyone elseand creativity was needed. My faith in God is what's giving me hope in the midst of this pandemic. We cannot waitfor themto lead. May my anxiety be transformed into love. May God bless you on your birthday this year. Through my mask, you see if I smile or if I scowl. I dont know how I got so lucky to have a best friend like you. Lives perishwhile the flamesof leadersaround usdance erraticallyin the blisteringwinds of changetheir lightsflickerto near extinctiontheir sparksbarely visiblestruggleto light the way. Give them the foresight to act with charity and true concern for the well-being of the people they are meant to serve.