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To obtain a heading from our map, we may use our compass as a protractor. Photo: Wikipedia. Assume youre going on a short trek from one location to another. Corrected the orientations of the map when the G-M angle exceeded 3 degrees (50 mils) using one of the following: a. Some of the best land navigators around are orienteers--those who participate in the cross-country running/map reading sport of orienteering. To make sure you receive a correct bearing, youll have to perform some arithmetic with all of your bearings. He is currently working towards qualifying as a Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor and International Mountain Leader. 5. Positioned the cover of the compass toward the top of the map. Put that hand up to the compass, steadying the compass by placing your index finger along the compass's side, and wrapping your thumb between the bezel ring and the rear sight. Line your orienteering compasss base plate up with the maps north-south lines. Its a bit tricky, but once you get the hang of it, youre solid. Performance Steps 1. How to Use a Lensatic Compass - Carnegie Museum of Natural History Yeah, book is the most effective tool that can be made use of for affecting your life. Above: For this example in the Grand Canyon, grid north ("GN") differs from true . 2. That can make a huge difference! Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). You get the picture. The base is the compass dial, bezel, and the thumb loopthe thumb loop is used for stability to garner a more accurate reading. Area Position. 3 . With the thumb loop all the way down under the compass, put the thumb of one hand all the way inside the loop, and place the index finger of that same hand along one side of the compass. Hey, it happens! The keys to successfully navigating the wilderness are being able to determine your position, know where youre going and understand how terrain affects your movement abilities. You need to know where youre going before toying with the compass. Without getting over-complicated, a standard compass is different from a lensatic compass. ? You can also plot a known compass bearing on the mapthe reverse process. Enroll in my personalized step-by-step video-based online course. Turn your declination-adjusted compass dial so due North is at the index pointer. If your destination is further than what the side edging allows for, you can use an actual ruler to align with the side of your compass edge to help you get to your destination. How to orientate a map: let us point you the right way | Advnture Home / Educational Resources / Math Resources / Compass: Definitions and Examples. Fog or dense forest may mean you cant see but a few feet around you in any direction. We just dont know where exactly. To determine the direction, or bearing, from one point to another, you need a. compass as well as a map. These other objects can interfere with compasses, and no matter how miniscule the differences may seem, it can leave an impact. How to Use a Lensatic Military Compass - Beginners Tutorial slide 1 to 3 of 3. Holding the compass up to your face, angle the rear sight so that you can read the compass dial clearly through the lens while peering through the sighting slot and lining your distant target (the water tower, in this case) up with the sighting wire. 3. It would be 204 (24+180) in this situation. "}},{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you orient a map to ground? ), but youre not sure where. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until you box the needlei.e., Put Red Fred in the shed. PDF Landmark Compass Manual Assume youre in the Adirondack Mountains of New York. Lensatic compasses are used by the United States military for a reason. Find two or three easily identifiable features or landmarks on your map and then try to identify them in the terrain, or vice-versa. If you want to navigate and explore like a Navy SEAL, its high time you learn how to use one of these stellar compasses. The term lensatic comes from the fact that there is a lens on the rear side of the compass that aids in the orienteering process. How can you get your point position then? Youve got your dependable compass and a map of the region, but youre not sure where you are in respect to the map. If everything is matching up, youre onto a winner. If you point your compass towards true north, your compass needle is going to point a little to the east. The basics of orienting yourself with a map and compass. Module 11 Plotting Position Coordinates exact positioning, used to communicate to others with a 1. Once you are physically at your starting location, its time to put your compass to good use. Sometimes limited visibility means terrain features may not be visible. Here at Brunton, we manufacture a variety of different compasses for varying needs in the field. 4. ), Podcast #858: The Affectionate, Ambiguous, and Surprisingly Ambivalent Relationship Between Siblings, How to Fight Entitlement and Develop Gratitude in Your Kids, How and Why to Hold a Weekly Marriage Meeting, You Dont Have to Be Your Dad: How to Become Your Familys Transitional Character, Podcast #810: How to Turn a Boy Into a Man, Sunday Firesides: Climb the Ladder of Love, Podcast #865: How to Win Friends and Influence People in the 21st Century, Podcast #863: Key Insights From the Longest Study on Happiness, Podcast #875: Authority Is More Important Than Social Skills, Podcast #874: Throw a 2-Hour Cocktail Party That Can Change Your Life, 9 Mental Distortions That Are Sabotaging Your Social Life, How to Make the Perfect Snowball: An Illustrated Guide, Podcast #869: The Survival Myths That Can Get You Killed, Skill of the Week: Survive Falling Through Ice, Podcast #848: The 5 Priorities of Short-Term Survival, we covered how to properly use a compass, how to shootyour bearings, and the best map for navigating: the topo map, Land Navigation Manual: How to Use the Military Grid Reference System, Land Navigation Manual: Finding Your Bearings & Topo Maps, More Than Just Finding North: Understanding the Compass, Podcast #534: How Navigation Makes Us Human. Pull the ring underneath the compass and put your thumb through. You discover that it has a bearing of 176. (2) Keep the compass aligned as directed above while . But it isnt just magnets there are other culprits at play, here. The United States military needs to know how to navigate on land when all digital systems fail. EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS & More: A Manual On Food Storage and Survival: 2nd Edition Revised and Updated. Pull the lens holder up so that it is at a 90-degree angle to the base of the compass. So in this installment, well go over the skills you need to do just that. Suunto M-3 Compass. brunton classic compass Plus, as a web site visitor, you get a 50% discount off the regular price, meaning you get the whole course for $10. [10] 4. Get my Land Navigation coursehere. Knowing how to orientate a map is just one facet of the wider skill of knowing how to read a map. You cant see the end point in your terrain, so you cant shoot a bearing on it. {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you orient and read a map? The plotted line cuts through Mt. Looking at the photo below, let's say you're at the north end of Sheeler Lake, where the penciled X is. When we dont know where our point is, we have to rely on less precise kinds of orientation based on line or area position: Position of the line. The compass baseplates edge is now pointed in the direction of the visible landmark you used to get your bearing. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A: In order to orient and read a map, you have to have spatial awareness. Hold compass up to eye level and view larger side card for "direction-of-travel" compass. How to Orient a Map: Navigation 101 - My Open Country Youre in the right place! For instance, line up roads, mountains, water towersany terrain features that stand out enough to make orienting the map possible. Lets go back to our Muir Woods example. Related Tags. Because most of the components are housed in a casing, moisture can wreak havoc once its in there. west is 270). But I wish I had the simpler kind that just automatically points to the direction on the compass that I am . Orient a map using a lensatic compass Announcement: My online Land Navigation course includes four hours of video instruction, and two downloadable PDF books, all for about the same price as a typical paperback book. When you have a line location, you know youre on a maps recognizable line (trail, ridge line, etc. Just follow these lensatic compass instructions: Open the compass: Let the cover and the base form a 90-degree angle. So there you have it. Designate your starting and ending points on the map. 4. Look directly down on the top (smaller card) of compass to view general orientation cardinal points. Ensure that the compass bezel is set to 0 degrees i.e. The My Open Country name is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The following 30-minute U.S. Army training video from 1966 shows how to find your direction, orientation, and location with a mil-spec lensatic compass. 2. For this task, the lensatic compass really shines. No worries. A Cumbrian born and bred, his native English Lake District has a special place in his heart, though he is at least equally happy in North Wales, the Scottish Highlands or the European Alps. durability, and its hyper-accuracy in land. Youve orientated the map. An "azimuth" is pretty much the same as a "bearing." New York, PART 1 Basic Land Navigation Module 6 Map Information WARNING This presentation is intended as a quick summary, and not a comprehensive resource. OEC G&V. Download. Hed just line his map up with the features of the lake we were currently on to find our portage to the next lake. Navigate to your map. Assume youve climbed to the top of Camels Hump in Vermont. Lay the compass on the map, using the straight edge to create a line from your starting point to your destination. Making sure you don't move to change directions, turn the glass compass housing until the short luminous line is directly lined up with the luminous magnetic arrow. Lay the compass down on your map. The big idea normally is to have your map more or less line up with the terrain so you can make sense of where things are around you. Wrap your middle, ring and pinky finger around your thumb for support. Place your map on a horizontal surface and then place the compass on the map so that the orienting arrow points to true north on the map. Keep doing this until you get to where you want to go. Easy-to-Read Thermometer - Cushion-mounted thermometer provides an "at-a-glance . Youll want to stick to areas that are cool and dry, and dont offer any immediate threats to technological devices. To find directions from your map, you're going to need a protractor, a special instrument used for measuring angles. Take your compass and line up the edges with the north-south gridlines on your map. You can see that the mountain is 24 degrees away from you. Great article! Youre somewhere on that line, so you know have a line position. Open the cover completely and pull back the rear sight. Now hold the compass on the map and rotate yourself and the map/compass together until the orienting arrow and the compass needle are aligned to magnetic north. Orient your map so that its lined up with magnetic north (see above). Were not using it at all during this entire process.). A lensatic compass is just one of the many navigational tools we have built. What is the preferred method of using a lensatic compass when reading magnetic azimuths. Check the index line to find out the bearing you just have taken. As a result, your real bearing is 166. Look at your map, or use a website to see your local areas declination. If the local declination is negative, add the declination amount . If you take just one thing from this guide, let it be the appreciation that contours are the most important navigational feature on the map, especially where hills and mountains are concerned. Step 2 Lay the map in a horizontal position. To use your lensatic compass to find the direction of your intended azimuth (which you probably got from your map, using your protractor): 1. Land Navigation: How to Orient With a Map & Compass Now hold your compass horizontally and point the 'direction-of-travel-arrow' towards the landmark. Oriented the map. Orienting your map means aligning it so that north on the map corresponds to north in the terrain and the maps topography correlates to the real-world topography in front of you. Reserve! 2. Then, you place your protractor on the map with its center point at your current position, making sure the north-south lines on the protractor line up with the north-south lines on the map. Best Compasses (Review & Buying Guide) in 2023 - Task & Purpose At the summit of Saddle Mountain, take a bearing using your compass. $8.77. Your action from here depends on the value and direction of your declinationeast or west. Once you've got the bearing you can transfer it to the map. Dont worry that your red orientating arrow doesnt point exactly map north. 2. Heres our step-by-step guide to the most straightforward. Using a little screwdriver or the metal piece that came with your compass lanyard, turn the small screw. Using the side of your compass, draw a line towards the highway that youre on. navigation and combat. Turn your entire body as a unit until your predetermined azimuth falls under the fixed black index line. Alex is a qualified Mountain Leader, adventure writer and content creator with an insatiable passion for the mountains. This is because it is prepped to point instead to magnetic north once it's lined up with your compass needle. 3. We can find out easily enough, though. In addition to 360 degrees to measure directions in a circle, the military also uses 6,400 mils. Copyright 2013-2019 Collingwood Publications LLC, It's important to hold your compass stable, squarely in front of you, and level. The needle on your compass dial will always be pointing north, so when placing the compass on the map, the needle on the compass should match the map's north in order to orient yourself. When you point your compass towards true north, the needle will point a bit to the west. All Rights Reserved. Customize the template with smart fillable areas. Flip up the lid to a 90-degree angle. Before we do that, lets dig a bit deeper into declination. Note: This procedure places the fixed black index line of the compass parallel to north-south grid lines of the map. PDF 071-329-1011 Conditions: Standards - PBworks Its a subtle difference, but its a roundabout way of saying lensatic compasses are less prone to interference than others. Finally, you can always triple check with human features, such as walls or towns that youd expect to be able to see in the valley. To do so accurately, however, we must first adjust our compass for magnetic declination so the reading taken from the compass arrow . If your map already has a line to show magnetic declination, you can take your compass and line its edges up along this. When your compass cant adjust for declination, you may make your own declination arrow out of masking tape and attach it below your compass under the right declination degree hash (This will only work if your compass has a clear base). This webpage may also be used to get current declinations. As previously stated, orientating your map using visual features is only as good as the visibility on any given day. Below, we offer a short, straight-talking guide to how its done. 4. On the map, you are where the line connects with the highway. Theyre not traditionally used for camping trips or simple navigation, but if youre serious about prepping, this is a must-have in your EDC bag and bug out bag. Lets say youve hiked the peak of Camels Hump in Vermont. How to Determine the Bearingof a Distant Object. Determine the correct magnetic azimuth to the designated point within 3 degrees using the compass-to-cheek method, or within 10 degrees using the center-hold method. The skill allows users to find north with ease, which is crucial for navigation. Step 3 Use one of two techniques to orientate the map. From the compass, to GPS, to now even your mobile devicetheres no shortage of navigational tools. The courses of streams change, field boundaries move, new hedgerows are built, walls are plundered for buildings, glaciers melt, roads and bridges are washed away by floods, houses are knocked down and rebuilt somewhere else. To orient a map means to line it up with the terrain, so that North on the map is pointing to North on the terrain. He climbs when he should be writing, writes when he should be sleeping, has fun always. Remember, human features are the last port of call and, whats king again? Looking at the map is an easy way of finding which direction north or east are relative to your current position. This is why you should never take a bearing off a sheep. (They are oriented to Grid North, which is not necessarily the same as . We need to compensate for the compass now that weve placed it on the map so that we can appropriately orient and travel. Place the fully opened lensatic compass on the map with This makes it easier to relate what you see on the map with what you see on the ground. Orienting, or aligning, the map is really easy with just 3 steps: Lay your map out on a relatively flat, smooth surface. You want to go cross country directly to Devil's Wash Basin, a deep and beautiful lake you've heard a lot about. Turn your entire body as a unit until your predetermined azimuth falls under the fixed black index line. We still need to understand where we are in reference to our map how to orient ourselves before we can start really navigating, which well cover in Part III of this series. You cant shoot a bearing on the end point in your terrain since you cant see it. Lay your compass on the map and line up its edge with a known landmark. Identify where you are on the map and place the compass edge over this location. The cover is used to protect the compass and also incorporates the sighting wirewhich helps you determine direction. True north and magnetic north are not the same, as stated in Part I. Lensatic compasses aremade upof three parts: cover, base, and reading lens. Compass adjusted for declination. c. There are two methods of holding the lensatic compass and sighting. We'll start from the beginning, and go through everything you need to know to find your way over the terrain. If youre in the Adirondacks, add 14 degrees to get a correct bearing of 194 degrees. Orienting the Map with aLensatic Compass. 3. Not a problem. orient a map to the ground by map-terrain association, Sunday Firesides: Become an Evangelist . Now were going to find out where exactly we are on that line. Where can these symbols be found. The two basic techniques for using the lensatic compass . Huzzah! US $10.58 orient yourself to a map and follow a course over land The lensatic compass is used to set course bearings Instructions for Lensatic compass Open the lensatic compass so that the cover is at a 90 degree angle and the lens bracket is at a 30 degree angle to the case Lensatic Compass. So its declination would be 14W. In the daytime, you'll normally find something in the distance on your azimuth and walk to it, so you don't have to keep staring at the compass. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); MyOpenCountry is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Finding Your Way With Map and Compass | U.S. Geological Survey Holding any compass in a slack and half-a**ed (that's an old military term. Youll see that it shows two arrows when you turn your headset or controllers around to show the new orientation of a map. Hold the compass steady and level, and up to your face. 3. This is a hard and fast guide on how to use your lensatic compass with a map, which is what it was designed for. This way you can see the object and the bezel at the same time. Ebook Free , by June Fleming ~ docilecovenanter You can figure this out with a little compass work. Nothing is permanent and contours are more permanent than pretty much everything else on a map. Kierans bookClimbing the Wallsan exploration of the mental health benefits of climbing, mountaineering, and the great outdoorsis scheduled for release by Simon & Schuster in April 2021. From point A to point B, thats your bearing. Mt. Method #1. When it comes to how to orientate a map, there are two main ways to do it. 3. Say your azimuth was 170 degrees. The lensatic compass is used by the U.S. Military. Lets say youre out hiking. for Faith in Humanity, how to orient a map using a lensatic compass, orient a map using a lensatic compass powerpoint. When you face true north, magnetic north is going to be left, or west, of you by about 14. How to use an Orienteering Compass - Survival Gear Book Look at the index line and read the number. With solid land-navigation skills, you'll be more confident and "at home" in the wilderness. Regardless, let's break it down into several steps: Open the compass cover at a 90-degree angle and then set the lens bracket at a 30-degree angle. To use the terrain to orient a map, you must be familiar with symbols used on the map. We know were someplace south of Saddle Mountain on HW 115. A lensatic compass is often referred to as a military compass, and is typically used by the U.S. Military. Youll see that it shows two arrows when you turn your headset or controllers around to show the new orientation of a map. You notice another mountain peak out in the distance, but you dont know what its called. The angle between true north and magnetic north is declination. Use your index finger to steady the front of the compass. Place your map in such a way that the terrain features line up with your maps features. Procedures. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until the luminous magnetic arrow is directly under the fixed black line. You will receive a verification email shortly. Look at the red needle to see which direction it is pointing. Close is good enough in horsehoes, but I'm hoping exact is the standard for artillery fire. Place map on flat surface (not metal) 2. If youre facing south, but are holding the map right side up, everything on your map is going to be ass-backwards. But not to you, I trust. Don't worry that your red orientating arrow doesn't point exactly map north. ","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A: You can use the arrow keys, or you can hold down shift and move in any direction to rotate a map around its axis. Now its time to store your compass. How to Orient Your Map Quickly With a Compass - PopUpBackpacker Step 2: line the compass up with the map. Ethan Allan, the peak you observed, is cut through by the plotted line. Holding any compass in a slack and half-a**ed (that's an old military term) manner can cause you to go off in the wrong direction. You should notice that the direction of travel arrow should be pointing at the top of the map, and the black orienteering lines should also be parallel to the north-south gridlines on the map. However, we should be able to figure it out rather quickly. To figure out precisely where you are on the map, you simply need one more piece of information. My magnetic declination is 4E, so Ill be moving the black arrow outline towards the red hash marks that are going towards E DECL.. This video shows how to orient a map with a compass and briefly discusses magnetic declination. To begin, use your compass to locate a peak on Saddle Mountain. Check back next month for our final briefingon how tonavigate using MGRS coordinates, just like they do in the military. So your true bearing would be 166. Picture 1: Map Declination. My 159-page, fully illustrated book is yours for the asking. USING THE MILITARY LENSATIC COMPASS - PowerShow 4. There is nothing better than being at the heart of your navigation as a prepper, and truly knowing where youre headed without the need for technological input.