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Researchers have long speculated about the purpose and meaning of pointy head cones depicted in Egyptian art. 02:23 (CNN) Archaeologists working near the pyramids of Giza have discovered an ancient Egyptian burial ground dating back to around 2500 BCE and hosting the tombs of high-ranking officials. BRILLIANT TALK WITH ALISTAIR WILLIAMS. Never knew what happened. It was hardly more than a pebble, just 1.3 inches (3.5 centimeters) wide at its widest and a smidge over an ounce (30 grams) in weight . Men and women are shown with head cones in artistic depictions on everything from papyrus scrolls to coffins, donning the pointed objects as they take part in royal feasts and divine rituals. But perhaps the best indications that the Hypatia stoneor components of itformed before the solar system are the mineral grains, the fruits and nuts of the fruitcake. Now, this seems to be quite the find coming from an unexplored part of an ancient pyramid; a mummified alien! The UFO Phenomenon. I do not know what these ar. The mineral matrix that makes up most of the rock is represented by the cake dough, while mineral grains embedded in the matrix are like the nuts and fruits, and the flour it fell into represents material that the Hypatia stone picked up when it impacted the Earth. Clues to the Direction the Israelites took out of Egypt. Clearly there is something on the other side of the north wall of the burial chamber.. Please be respectful of copyright. Researchers have revealed details of mysterious cone-shaped headgear discovered at the ancient Egyptian city of Amarna. We introduce you to the newest archaeological finds or rediscovered artefacts from museum collections, plus other new theories stirring in the EgyptologicalZeitgeist. Why? Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. Essentially, [the cones] are worn in the presence of the divine, she says. "Even more unusual, the matrix contains a high amount of very specific carbon compounds, called polyaromatic hydrocarbons, or PAH, a major component of interstellar dust, which existed even before our solar system was formed," says Kramers. Ancient Egypt is one of the most mysterious civilizations in human history. Women who wear the cones are sometimes also portrayed in childbirth, an activity associated with certain gods. SPEED OF THOUGHT OR TEACHING A LEGISLATOR TO THINK! Now it appears that an international team of archaeologists have indeed found the first physical evidence for the elusive head accessories, according to a new paper published in the journal. The objects in the Oort cloud, much farther out, tens of thousands of times farther than the Earth from the sun, are even less well understood. We know very little about the chemical compositions of space objects out there. The bizarre objects look a lot like common clouds of gas and dust,. Strange 'alien stone' found in Egypt may be evidence of - The Sun It was obviously very, very different, not something wed seen in any burials before, Stevens says. Facebook is heavily censoring information from independent sources. Weird Facts About Egypt - Encyclopedia of Facts It was discovered in the Egyptian desert in 1996. The dog breeds of ancient Egypt were the Basenji, Greyhound, Ibizan, Pharaoh, Saluki, and Whippet and dogs are referenced in the Predynastic Period of Egypt (c. 6000-3150 BCE) through rock carvings and c. 3500-3200 BCE, specifically during the Gerzean Culture (also known as Naqada II Period), in images and written text. More Controversy on the Roswell Affair: An Alien Accident? He was the victim of a South Vietnamese coup, after having been a key operative in the previous one. (2020) 15 minutes, HD. Sometimes portrayed as the king of Egyptian gods and goddesses, Amun was also the patron deity of Thebes, the royal capital during the impressive New Kingdom era of Egypt, circa 16th century BC to 11th century BC. The mummified body was buried with great respect and care, accompanied by a number of strange objects far from the archaeological museum managers can not identify. In other words, most of the rock in the Hypatia stone has the opposite ratio of carbons to silicons that you find in the vast majority of the asteroid belt as well as the planets Earth, Mars, and Venus. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Unauthorized use is prohibited. Press J to jump to the feed. They experienced UFOs unidentified flying objects. No archaeologist had ever excavated one of the enigmatic objects, leading some scholars to think of Egyptian head cones as merely symbolic representationsthe equivalent of the halos that appear on saints and angels in Christian iconography. In the very early days of Egyptology, the work was very rushed, a bit haphazard, she says. Archaeology News. The bodies were accompanied by many objects, including stuccoed body covers painted with gold, a funerary bed, parts of sarcophagi, a stretcher for the mummies, and lots of pottery vessels. And that is where we will start the January 2020 round-up. It is thought Hypatia is a surviving fragment of a meteor that existed way before our solar system was formed, only to be captured by Earth's gravity millions of years later. Old cells hang around as we age, doing damage to the body. The Secretary-General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities Mostafa al-Waziry explained that the cave was located in a difficult region called al-Zaranij. A SPACE rock which fell to Earth and was discovered in the deserts of Egypt may unlock the mystery of how our solar system was formed. YOU CAN HAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT, VIP ELITE PANIC AFTER REAL EPSTEIN LIST LEAKED ON DARK WEB. The figure was found with its arms outstretched and rope tied around its knees and the team is still investigating why and how this person died. The four new G objects discovered by Professor Ghezs team have very imaginatively been named G3, G4, G5 and G6. According to scientists, the unusual objects look like gas and behave like stars, which look compact most of the time. Kramers, who led the 2013 study that identified the Hypatia stone as extraterrestrial, describes the rock's structure as similar to afruit cakethat has fallen into a pile of flour and cracked. Another unexplained object is the Dendera Light. The Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities publishes a helpful round-up of recent discoveries, events, and projects in Egypt in an accessible PDF format. Can we bring a species back from the brink?, Video Story, Copyright 1996-2015 National Geographic Society, Copyright 2015-2023 National Geographic Partners, LLC. Fulachtai Fia are strange objects found in the marches and waterways of Ireland. Strange Object - Miranda Pennell No More EVs! Scientists have discovered mysterious stones in Egypt that aren't from our solar system A team of researchers analyzing the incredible 'Hypatia' stones found in Egypt has confirmed that the rocks contain unknown compounds that are not found in our solar system. HIDDEN MONEY. Its still unknown from where the pebble originated, however. Police moved to the site where the workers were digging, which is near the cemetery of the village, and found large blocks of stone with Pharaonic-like inscriptions and symbols, at a depth of about 4 to 15 meters., The fifth phase of the Brazilian archeological mission in Egypt led by Jos Roberto Pellini, a professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) started in early December 2019 and will finish on January 25, and has already made a discover in the Theban tomb 123 (TT123) at the Theban Necropolis in Luxor. MYSTERIOUS 5,000 YEARS OLD SOPHISTICATED OBJECT DISCOVERED IN EGYPT - YouTube Breaking News: Report of many mysterious objects found at the foot step of a pyramid in Saqqara, Egypt, this. ALIEN MUMMY FOUND IN EGYPT - Museum of the Weird Out of Place Artifact: The Mysterious Stone Egg of Lake Winnipesaukee Przybylski's Star, as it is now known, is about twice the diameter and four times the mass of the sun, and its surface is several thousand degrees hotter than the sun's. Those traits make the . Members of the team immediately noticed that the structure of the hunk of minerals, discovered in southwest Egypt in 1996, looked nothing like anything theyd seen before. Experts say the alien object may have formed at a time when the universe was still forming and may be older than the sun and its surrounding planets. It is named after Saint Fana, also known as Bane (c. 354395), Coptic Christian hermit. The data ended when they were captured or killed. But the pointy object was very similar to the odd head decoration in Egyptian art that some scholars had dismissed as a piece of artistic folly. SUMMARY: The next in a series (with a Sneak Peek VIDEO) highlighting themes in the new film The Red Sea Miracle; this time delves into the Direction step of the Exodus journey. When Tutankhamun's tomb was discovered in 1922, it was filled with strange and mysterious objects, including a gold mask that is still considered to be one of the most beautiful objects in the world. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The original rock that fell to Earth must have been at least several metres wide, they say, but as it passed through the atmosphere it disintegrated into small fragments of which the Hypatia stone is one. In June 2020, a German prosecutor Hans Christian Wolters says he has evidence Madeleine is dead but he gives no details. "As such these inclusions are unique within our solar system.". Some of the skulls are believed to be between 5,000 and 36,000 years old. An unusual skeleton Finding the remains of ancient rulers and their subjects is not unusual in Egypt but one skeleton unearthed at Aten has puzzled archaeologists. Using sophisticated electron microscopy to determine the compositions of microscopic parts of the Hypatia stone, Kramers and fellow geologists at the University of Johannesburg identified the parts of the rock that were not added when it impacted Earth. This was videotaped from my home balcony in Egypt on August 2020 Furthermore, if it came from our solar system, it would challenge our entire understanding of how our solar system formed. On January 6, 2022, a couple of boys filmed an object hovering silently over their heads. The stone itself is also broken into smaller sections of about one centimetre (0.4 inches) in size or smaller. Over the last four months, archaeologists have found at least 210 sarcophagi beneath Saqqara, an ancient Egyptian city of the dead. The team found pure metallic aluminum, an occurance that is "extremely rare on Earth and the rest of our solar system, as far as is known in science," says Belyanin. Scientists just confirmed a 30-foot void first detected inside the monument years ago. Researchers led by archaeologist Mamdouh Eldamaty, a former Egyptian minister of antiquities, used ground-penetrating radar (GPR) to scan the area immediately around Tutankhamuns tomb. Owsley, head of physical anthropology at the National Museum of Natural History, said the body was well preserved. Why do you think the Egypt gang found it Ancient Aliens is an American television series narrated by Robert Clotworthy.It explores the ancient astronauts hypothesis, past human-extraterrestrial contact, UFOs, government conspiracies, and related pseudoscientific topics, such as remote viewing and psychic phenomena.The series is portrayed in a non-critical, documentary format, and episodes begin Humans were found in some, but there are also recent finds of donkeys and even boat graves placed in neat rows. Several 'strange objects' have been found near a supermassive black hole that has apparently been eating everything. Archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered more than two dozen ancient sarcophagi. The findings from Amarna seem to negate the ancient styling product theory. Mysterious ancient Egyptian box containing goose egg may lead to Barakat immediately recognized the unique significance of the glossy stone, lined with microscopic diamonds, and he suspected that it did not come from Earth. electoral office of jamaica job vacancies, vivre sa retraite dans son pays d'origine, 2019 - Bckerei & Konditorei Ludwig GmbH -Screendesign und technische Umsetzung: - In 2020, British teenagers and children wielding metal detectors discovered a pair of rare, 1,000-year-old coins and a late 17th- or early 18th-century English broadsword. and the 3rd century A.D. One of the tombs, number AGH026, already made news last year when a large room was found with about 30 bodies buried between the 2nd century B.C. But for now, the Hypatia stone is one of a kind, a unique type of meteorite that has compounds scientists have never found anywhere else in the solar system. I am beginning a documentary of the steange projector type things that shiw up in my sky in the southwest and southeastern skies. RACE DOG SUNAK. Given artistic associations of the objects with childbirth, and the fact that at least one of the specimens was an adult woman, the team suggests the cones had something to do with fertility. Shicheng, or Lion City, is located in the Zhejiang province in eastern China. Kramers added: "Perhaps equally important, it shows that an individual anomalous parcel of dust from outer space could actually be incorporated in the solar nebula that our Solar System was formed from, without being fully mixed in. 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